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The board of Brimfield Community Unit School District 309 met June 15.
The board conducts regular meetings at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month at Brimfield High School.
Here is the agenda of the meeting as provided by District 309:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Recognize Visitors - Boosters
IV. Approve Minutes – May 18, 2016
V. School Board Business
A. President’s Report
B. Superintendent/High School Principal’s Report
C. Grade School Principal’s Report
D. Approve Grade School and High School Handbooks for 2016-17
E. Approve Increase in Lunch Prices for 2016-17, as presented
F. Approve Authorization to Solicit Transportation Bids
G. Amend Policy 215.4 and 215.5 Suspension and Expulsion Procedures
H. Approve Co-op Agreement with Elmwood – HS Baseball
I. Approve Proposal from Kwik-Wall
VI. Adoption of Consent Calendar
Action by the Board of Education in Adoption of the Consent Calendar at this point of the Agenda means that all items appearing in the agenda which have asterisks are adopted by one single motion, unless a member of the Board of Education requests that any such item be removed from the consent calendar and voted upon separately. Generally, consent calendar items are matters which the Board and the Superintendent consent are routine in nature and should be acted upon in one motion.
A. Approve Bills for Payment for the Month of June and Bills for Payment after July 1, but before the July Board Meeting
B. Approve Position Statement and Treasurer’s Report for May
C. Approve High School, Grade School & Booster Activity Reports for May
CLOSED SESSION - to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee Open Meetings Act, 5ILCS 120, being Sec.2 (c)
VII. Approve BEA Contract from 2016 - 2019
VIII. Personnel
A. Resignation
Elizabeth Tilly – GS Volleyball
B. Employment
Tara Binder – Bright Futures Assistant
Daniel Underwood – Custodian
Maribeth Dura – HS Girls’ Basketball
Deb Fisher – HS Asst Girls’ Basketball
C. Approve Non-Certified Salaries for 2016 - 2019
IX. Accept Resignation of Board Member
X. Adjourn