
Peoria Standard

Monday, March 3, 2025

Brimfield Village Board accepts bid for road maintenance


The Brimfield Village Board met May 9.

The board serves as the legislative arm of the community.

Here are the minutes of the meeting as provided by Brimfield: 

President Fishel called the special meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. will roll call attendance: A. Porter-yes, Meinders-yes, Gilles-yes, Arbogast-yes, Dye-yes and B. Porter-yes. The Clerk was also present.

The 2016 Non-MFT Street Maintenance bids were presented for review. Three bids were received: IRC $45,324.35; Pavement Maintenance Services Inc. $45,881.20; and R.A. Cullinan/UCM $48,321.93.

Meinders made the motion to accept the bid from R.A. Cullinan/UCM in the amount of $48,321.93; Gilles seconded. Roll call vote: A. Porter-yes, Meinders-yes, Gilles-yes, Arbogast yes, Dye-yes, B. Porter-yes. Motion carried 6 to 0.

This being the only agenda item, President Fishel asked for a motion to adjourn. Arbogast made  the motion seconded by Dye, motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.