
Peoria Standard

Monday, March 3, 2025

Chillicothe City Council approves payment for spray patching

Webp meeting 06

The Chillicothe City Council met June 13.

The city council meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month in City Hall, 908 N. Second St.

Here are the minutes of the June 13 meeting as provided by Chillicote:

The City Council of the City of Chillicothe, Peoria County, Illinois, met in Regular Session June 13, 2016. Mayor Douglas P. Crew called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance, to the Flag of the United States of America, was recited.

Chairman Crew directed Clerk Hurd to call Roll.

Present: Mayor Douglas P. Crew

City Treasurer B.L. Bredeman

City Clerk Margaret Hurd

Aldermen: Ronald Beaumont, Judith Cantwell, Danny Colwell, Patricia Connor, Dennis Gould, Michael Hughes, Gary Sharp, James Thornton

Also Present: City Attorney Michael Seghetti, Fire Chief Michael Denzer, Economic Development Director, Rachael Parker, Police Chief Scott Mettille, Superintendent of Public Works, Shawn Sutherland, City Engineer, Ken Coulter, Office Manager Denise Passage

Absent: None

Chairman Crew declared a Quorum present.

The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on May 23, 2016 were presented. Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Cantwell that the Council dispense with the reading of the Minutes of the May 23, 2016 Regular Council Meeting and approve the Minutes as presented.

Motion carried via voce vote.

Clerk Hurd presented Communications as follows:

1. City Engineer Report dated June 13, 2016

2. Clerk reported she received Hotel/Motel tax from Super 8 in the amount of $3,416.64

3. Clerk reported the Motor Fuel Tax allotment for May was $13,780.56

4. Clerk presented the budget comparison report dated June 8, 2015 as submitted by bookkeeper, Gina Carr.

5. Clerk presented Treasurer’s report dated June 13, 2016

Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Gould, that the communications, as presented by the Clerk, be placed on file. Motion carried via voce vote.

There were no communications from the Aldermen.

Mayor Crew reported that he attended a PUATTS meeting regarding the coordination for Tiger Grant funding.

Mayor Crew reported that a meeting on May 2 was hosted by the Illinois Department of Transportation on transportation funding. He was not able to attend the meeting.

Mayor Crew reported the passing of downtown business owner Jay Close and extended condolences to his family and acknowledged his contributions to the City.

Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Gould that the communications, as presented by the Mayor be placed on file.

Alderman Hughes reported that he had talked with downtown merchants and stated that they were not happy with the city. He suggested that they attend the council meeting to voice their concerns.

Alderman Hughes reported that he had several compliments on the condition of the cemetery grounds and the maintenance of the weeds in the downtown district. He acknowledged Superintendent of Public Works, Shawn Sutherland for his work.

Alderman Connor acknowledged Sandi Levell’s work on landscaping the median and thanked her for that.

Heard was downtown business owner Judith Gajdik questioned when the mosquito spraying in the city would be done. Chairman Crew asked Office Manager Passaged to give her a copy of the schedule.

Heard was downtown business owner Greg Owens. Mr. Owens stated that there is a need to improve the downtown business district. Mr. Owens stated he felt that the long time business owners were being left out of some of the help that the city could provide them. He questioned how and who to talk to about how TIF Funds are used. He stated he would like to form a group to bring ideas to the city. Chairman

Crew stated that he could speak to ED Director Parker, finance committee or himself.

Heard was downtown business owner Sandi Levell. Ms. Levell stated that the downtown sidewalks are in need of repair. She stated that she knew there had been people that had fallen due to the uneven condition of the sidewalks. She also stated she would also like to see benches placed along the downtown district.

She stated that the downtown area needs to look better.

Heard was business owner Joe Harper. Mr. Harper stated that he would like to see some kind of signage on 4th Street directing people to the downtown district.

Heard was business owner Judith Gajdik. Ms. Gajdik stated that she agrees with Mr. Harper and  encouraged business owners to attend the City Council committee meetings.

Chairman Crew stated he was welcome to hear ideas and encouraged the business owners to work through the Chamber office.

Motion Alderman Thornton, second Alderman Gould that the bills as presented be paid and the payrolls and transfers be approved.

Roll Call Vote was: Ayes: Beaumont, Cantwell, Colwell, Connor, Gould, Hughes, Sharp, Thornton

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Cantwell that the Council approve the hiring of Ivy Turner at an hourly wage of $8.25 an hours, for a part time/co-op office position.

Roll Call Vote was: Ayes: Beaumont, Cantwell, Colwell, Connor, Gould, Hughes, Sharp, Thornton

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderman Gould, second Alderman Beaumont that the Council accept the proposal from Midstate Asphalt Repair Inc. For the Spray Patching program in an amount not to exceed $12,000.00. Payable from the Motor Fuel Tax Account. The Contractor on this project must pay the "prevailing rate of wages" as determined by the City pursuant to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/1 et seq.) and comply with all other provisions of such Act.

Roll Call Vote was: Ayes: Beaumont, Cantwell, Colwell, Connor, Gould, Hughes, Sharp, Thornton

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderman Gould, second Alderman Colwell that the Council approve an expenditure of $3,394.89, payable to Illinois Civil Contractors Inc., for the final payment of the Truitt Drainage Project. Payable from the Road & Bridge Fund.

Roll Call Vote was: Ayes: Beaumont, Cantwell, Colwell, Connor, Gould, Hughes, Sharp, Thornton

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderman Gould, second Alderman Beaumont that the Council approve the priority one water fund project hydrant flushing as a project and approve an expenditure of $2,632.00, payable to Complete Maintenance Systems Inc. for the inspection and flushing of fire hydrants. Payable from the Water/Sewer Fund.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Beaumont, Cantwell, Colwell, Connor, Gould, Hughes, Sharp, Thornton

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Gould that the council refer the zoning code amendment regarding certificate of Occupancy to the Plan Commission.

Motion carried via voce vote.

Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Sharp that the Council approve the notice for special event held on public Property, as submitted by Amanda Oedewaldt, Claude Elen Days, for the use of City Property, on June 30 – July 4, 2016, for the annual Claude Elen Day event, subject to receiving proof of insurance.

Motion carried via voce vote.

Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Sharp that the Council approve the notice for special event held on public Property, as submitted by Amanda Oedewaldt, Historical Society, for the use of various Streets, on Saturday, July 2, 2016, from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., for the Zorro Super Hero Parade, in conjunction with Claude Elen Days.

Motion carried via voce vote.

Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Sharp that the Council approve the request, submitted by Craig Fetzer, American Legion Post #9 Commander, to have live entertainment in the American Legion’s outdoor pavilion on Saturday, June 18, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Motion carried via voce vote.

Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Sharp that the Council approve the request, submitted by Craig Fetzer, American Legion Post #9 Commander, to have live entertainment in the American Legion’s outdoor pavilion on Saturday, June 25, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Motion carried via voce vote.

Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Sharp Council approve the request, submitted by Craig Fetzer, American Legion Post #9 Commander, to have live entertainment and extend the noise ordinance, in the American Legion’s outdoor pavilion on Friday and Saturday, July 1 & 2, 2016, from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (midnight).

Motion carried via voice vote.

Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Sharp that the Council approve the priority one project, software upgrade (cemetery) as a project in the amount of $5,000.00, and approve an expenditure of $3,100.00 payable to Pontem Software for the upgrade to the cemetery software. Payable from

General Fund.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Beaumont, Cantwell, Colwell, Connor, Gould, Hughes, Sharp, Thornton

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Alderman Hughes withdrew agenda item: Discussion – Banners and Benches

Motion Alderman Thornton, second Alderman Colwell that the Council direct the City Attorney to draft the necessary documents for Dianna Piper and Tom Staley, owners of Di & Tom’s Downtown Food and Spirits to assume the debt tied to property located at 1046 N 2nd Street formerly known as the Smokehouse. Rate and terms will remain the same as prior note.

Loan Amount: $75,000.00

Term: 5 years

Rate: 2%

Note will remain secured with a 1st mortgage on property located at 1046 N 2nd Street and personal guarantees from all owners.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Beaumont, Cantwell, Colwell, Connor, Gould, Hughes, Sharp, Thornton

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderman Thornton, second Alderman Colwell that the Council approve authorizing the City Engineer to advertise for bids for the demolition of City owned properties located at 105 Walnut St. and 911 1st St. and also to advertise for proposal for the purchase of salvage rights for said property.

Roll Call Vote was: Ayes: Beaumont, Cantwell, Colwell, Connor, Gould, Hughes, Sharp, Thornton

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Council returned to open session at 7:47pm

Chairman Crew announced that there being no further business the Council meeting adjourned at 7:48pm.