The Peoria County Board for the Care and Treatment of Persons with a Developmental Disability met July 13.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by Peoria County:
Members Present: Greg Chance
Todd Baker
Alyssa Herman
Joyce Harant
Bob Baietto
Others Present: Kristin Grubb, Peoria City/County Health Department
Brian Gulley, Peoria City/County Health Department
Steve Giebelhausen, Peoria County State’s Attorney’s Office
Shannon Moberg
Patti Gratton, Community Workshop & Training Center
Jim Runyon, Easter Seals
Doris Hayes, EP!C
Meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm by Mr. Chance, who stated a quorum of Care & Treatment Board members was present.
A motion was made by Ms. Herman to approve the meeting minutes of May 24, 2016.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Baker. Motion carried (3, 0).
In the next item of business, Mr. Chance stated that the Care & Treatment Board Bylaws as well as the State Statute related to the Care & Treatment Board were included in the agenda packet. Per State Statute and the Bylaws, the Board is to elect officers annually.
This item was delayed until Mr. Baker arrived.
In the next item of business, a motion was made by Ms. Harant to approve the fiscal report. Motion was seconded by Ms. Herman. Mr. Gulley reviewed the report, stating that CPPRT is trending downward; per the Board’s request he will look into if this is unique to this year. Mr. Chance asked that Mr. Gulley also check on if there is anything in the State of Illinois budget that impacts the distribution of CPPRT money. Mr. Gulley stated that there is one full year left on the lease at the property on Knoxville. He added that quarterly reports are needed from Camp Big Sky and CWTC.
Mr. Baker entered the meeting at 4:08 pm.
Motion carried (4, 0).
The Board then returned to election of officers. A motion was made by Mr. Baker to nominate Mr. Chance as President. Motion was seconded by Ms. Herman. Motion carried (3, 0).
A motion was made by Mr. Baker to nominate Ms. Harant as Secretary. Motion was seconded by Ms. Herman. Motion carried (3, 0).
In the next item of business, a motion was made by Ms. Herman to approve the proposed budget for FY2017. Motion was seconded by Mr. Baker. Mr. Chance stated that he met with Ms. Huber to develop the proposed budget; in order to end up with a positive balance at the end of FY2017, there is a decrease in the allocation of grant money by about $50,000.00. The proposed budget also includes repayment of the loan to the Board of Health as well as rent and utility obligations through July of 2017. There was discussion regarding the fund balance. Ms. Herman distributed cash flow statements for the past three years. There was discussion regarding requesting an extension from the Board of Health for repayment of the loan. The motion to approve the proposed FY2017 budget as presented was approved (4, 0). Mr. Chance asked Mr. Gulley to contact the Director of Finance for Peoria County and inform him that the President of the Care & Treatment Board prefers to be involved in the process of review of the budget. In response to a question regarding when the lease ends, Mr. Giebelhausen stated that notice will be given not to renew the lease and that this will be done before the end of this year. Mr. Chance stated that this issue will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
In the next item of business, there was discussion regarding changing the grant time frame for 2017. The agency representatives in attendance stated that they prefer to receive the grant funds as a one-time payment; however, they can adjust to how the Board disperses the funds. Typically the agencies have received the funds on a quarterly basis. There was discussion regarding changing the grant cycle to July-June, which would leave a six month gap for funding the agencies; however, the Board could consider a six month extension with a new grant cycle starting July 1st. The Board reached consensus to give Mr. Chance authority to engage Board of Health leadership regarding extending the repayment of the loan and for the Board of Health to consider that at its next meeting. A motion was made by Ms. Harant to defer action regarding amending the 2017 grant time frame. Motion was seconded by Mr. Baker. Motion carried (4, 0).
Mr. Baietto expressed his displeasure at decreasing the amount of funding for agencies in the proposed FY2017 budget.
Mr. Runyon asked if the Board is willing to request of the County Board reliance on the tax levy alone. Mr. Chance stated that the Board has discussed this and will discuss it further in the future.
Regarding the next meeting date, Mr. Chance stated that the Board will be surveyed for dates to meet in mid-late September.
Ms. Hayes stated that Mr. Guidi took a leave of absence due to health reasons, but will be back in August.
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:54 pm.