The Princeville Village Board met Sept. 20 to obtain a quote for electricity to power park security cameras.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:
Village of Princeville
Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting
September 20, 2016 7:30 pm
The Princeville Village Board met on the above date and time at the Village Hall.
President Stahl was absent and the meeting was called to order by Acting
President, Trustee Sutherland, with the following Trustees answering present:
Koller, Gilroy, Haley and Geiger. A quorum was present for the meeting. Notice
of the meeting and the agenda were sent and received in a timely manner.
Others present were Treasurer Hofer, and Clerk Mercer.
Police Report: The officer reported the following since the last board meeting:
Vehicle burglary on Cottage Grove, a suspect has been arrested.
Mail box damage on Santa Fe Ave.
Two ambulance calls.
Report of Vomiting on the back steps and in an air conditioner behind Ellen’s
PCA Report: Working on Hot Dogs at the Fire House for Halloween. The PCA
served 450 hot dogs last year. Princeville State Bank will serve Chili. The PCA
has increased the amount of their scholarship funds from $350.00 to $400.00.
Two scholarships are given annually. They have also donated $500.00 to the
Mason’s to use for their building. Homecoming parade is scheduled for 4:00 pm
on September 30th
Ellen Donsbach to talk to the Board: Ellen has filed a police report with the
issues of patrons of either the Princeville Tap or the VFW for drinking and using
the deck behind her restaurant as a restroom. She has voiced her concerns
with the bars owners/ managers and one blames the other and neither one is
taking responsibility. Drinking alcohol outside of the bars is against the Village
Ordinance. The board asked Officer Groeper to patrol the area more frequently.
It was the consensus of the board that Ellen will have to install cameras, to get
the problem solved.
Pay request for 2016 Street maintenance from IRC, Incorporated: Trustee
Gilroy made a motion to pay IRC, Incorporated $54,310.16 for the 2016 street
maintenance, with a second by Trustee Geiger. Acting President Sutherland, roll
call vote. Trustees Koller, Gilroy, Haley and Geiger voting aye. Motion carried.
Pay request for N. Town Avenue resurfacing: None received
Employees of Fast Stop: Two employees of the Fast Stop came to the board
meeting to discuss the board’s decision on the gaming liquor license. They were
not listed nor had been added to the Agenda. Trustee Koller made a motion to
table the discussion, with a second by Haley. It was the consensus of the board
that they should voice their concerns to the License Committee. The committee
will meet September 26, 2016.
Committee Reports: Trustee Gilroy is getting quote from Illinois Valley Electric
for power to run the cameras at Cutter Grove Park. She stated that the project
has been running under budget and that she would like for the board to consider
placing porcelain tiles on the restroom walls and floors. She also volunteered her
time to install the tiles.
Building Permits:
Tracy and Carolyn Bibb Demolish 10 X 12 Shed
Tracy and Carolyn Bibb Construct 12 x 16 Shed
Debra Heinz Wood Deck on Walnut Avenue
Any Other business to be brought before board: Butch Gardner was on hand
and thanked Trustee Gilroy for the card sent to the Lion’s Club thanking them for
their assistance of refrigeration equipment used during the playground
construction. He said the Lion’s really appreciated getting a “Thank you.”
Adjournment: Trustee Koller made a motion to adjourn, second by Trustee
Haley. Acting President Sutherland, voice vote. All ayes. No nays. Motion
carried. Acting President Sutherland adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Ann Mercer
Village Clerk