The city of West Peoria Land Use Committee met Aug. 17 to review financial reports.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:
1. Call to order
Chair Dohm called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
2. Roll call
Members present were Chair Dohm, Alderpersons Barnes and Thomas. Also present were code enforcement officers Wallace and Davis.
3. Additions to/ or deletions to aogenda
No additions or deletions to the agenda were offered.
4. Approval of minutes - July 19, 2016
Alderperson Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 19, 2016 meeting. Alderperson Barnes seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Review of Monthly financial report.
Alderperson Barnes made a motion to receive and file the financial reports dated June 30, 2016.
Alderperson Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6. Public comment
No public comment was offered.
7. Legal action/ Nuisance properties
Code enforcement officer Wallace reported that the Nebraska property has an issue with a utility that still requires a cap off. Property that burned on Bergan will also be demolished and utility cutoffs are pending. The city has been in contact with WPFD regarding the Bergan property status. A hous on the corner of Barker and LeRoy has been reported with a hazmat sign and Chair Dohn asked code enforcement to follow-up. Alderperson Thomas reported lout noises emanating from the sewer system. The committee discussed the possibility of the source of the noises. Chair Dohm recommended that contacting the Sanitary district.
8 Reports.
a. Zoning reports
b. City administrator's report
Code enforcement Wallace discussed current challenges with one certain, a second probable properties with excessive vegetation on Gentry and Edna court. Legal action is being sought to correct the problems. The committee further discussed the extended timeframe with which action can be taken due to the need for legal intervention.
9. Old business
a. Addressing - Southport road addresses
b. Community litter pickup initiative
c. West Peoria News/ community word submission
d. City tree program
e. Waverly/ Rohmann property
Code enforcement officer Wallace will follow up with office assistant Peugh regarding litter pickup initiative. City tree program was discussed but next steps are currently unclear. Alderperson Thomas outlined a potential tree ordinance that she'd like to see enacted and some specifics of a volunteer arborist who would potentially be on call in the event an ad hoc committee could be assigned to resolve disputes over tree ownership. Chair Dohm reported that street department manager Strube would prefer no new tree planting on city right of ways due to the current blight situation and issues causes with maintenance of right of ways. Alderperson Barnes and Chair Dohm debated the specifics of a tree ordinance with Alderperson Thomas for further clarification of the suggestion. Alderperson Thomas clarified that an ordinance should be written to designate special trees so that property owners cannot take these special trees down without prior approval of an arborist and an ad hoc committee that serves the City of West Peoria. Alderperson Barnes and Chair Dohm expressed their opinion that this type of ordinance would no pass city council. Chair Dohm then further outlined the City tree program researched from a resident's recommendation previously to the committee.
10. New business
No new business was discussed.
11. Public comment
No public comment was offered
12. Adjournment
Alderperson Barnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Alderperson Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously by voice.