West Peoria Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6.
Here is the agenda as provided by West Peoria:
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Additions to / or deletions from the agenda
4. Approval of minutes from regular meeting - November 1, 2016
5. Review of financial report
6. Public comment
7. Old business
a. Programs and projects review
i. Residential programs
1. Reimbursement program - TIF and city grant
b. Enterprise zone
c. Annexations
d. Goals
8. Public comment
9. New business - review and recommendations to council
a. Approval of 1 purchase order totaling $1,000.00 for 2016 City redevelopment grant (line item 01-11-503)
b. Approval of purchase order for invoice #5886, in the amount of $3,108.45, to River City supply for asphalt (line item 01-41-614)
10. Adjournment