Brimfield Community Unit School District 309 Board of Education Finance Committee met Monday, Dec. 5.
December 5, 2016
The Brimfield Board of Education held a parent requested hearing on Monday, December 5,
2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Library. Heinz called the meeting to order with the
following members present: Bauer, Graham, Moon, Johnson, Harmon.
The hearing was requested by Mr. John Baysingar, following an incident at Illini Bluffs Jr High,
where Mr. Baysingar was ejected from a boys’ basketball game. Mr. Baysingar received a 30
day suspension from all district events through December 14, 2016.
Mr. Baysingar addressed the Board stating he was disappointed in the way the notification of the
suspension was handled. He felt that he should have been contacted to explain his account of the
events that took place. Mrs. Blane did state she called him to inform him of the action being
taken by the Administration. She also approached him at a ball game, but he did not feel that
was the appropriate time. Mr. Baysingar also was upset that Mr. Sunderland addressed his son in
class on the issue, and indicated that he should contact the IESA and apologize.
Mrs. Blane read a letter she presented to the Board (on file in the Unit office) that was
information provided by Illini Bluffs Principal, Karen Peterson and their AD of the incident. Mr.
Bauer clarified a statement in the letter that was made by him, that Mr. Baysingar could attend
games until a decision was made at the hearing. Bauer stated, that Mr. Baysingar could appeal
the decision of the Administration stating that no harm could come from it.
After a short deliberation by the Board, the decision to uphold the parent suspension was made.
Johnson moved and Bauer seconded to uphold the parent suspension for all district home events
until December 14, 2016. Motion carried
Mr. Bauer did indicate to Mr. Baysingar that the hearing did provide information to the Board of
some content in the policy that needs to be reviewed and possibly revised. He also stated that the
Administration will address Mr. Sunderland on his conversation with his son.
At 6:47 p.m. Harmon moved and Johnson seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried
Dan Heinz, President
John Moon, Secretary