The Fulton County Health Committee met Jan. 4 to address staffing needs.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:
January 4, 2017 Health Committee Meeting Minutes
Fulton County Board – Health Committee Meeting Agenda
Committee: Health Committee Meeting Agenda
Meeting Place: The Clayberg Fulton County Nursing Center, 625 E. Monroe St., Cuba, IL
Time: 4:00 pm
Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2017
1. Call to Order (meeting called to order by Mr. Hensley)
2. Roll Call (Mr. Hensley present, Mr. Hamm present, Ms. Joachim present, Ms. Blodgett (excused); Ms. Hoke (excused); Mr. Bucher is also present; Mr. Perez and Ms. Keime also present, in addition to, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Singleton of Phillips and Associates Inc.)
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda (Mr. Hamm and Mr. Bucher have to leave early today; moving old business Medicare and Medicaid auditor information to 7b; adding item as to kitchen stove; motion by Ms. Joachim; seconded by Mr. Hamm)
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence (Christmas facility events discussed; City of Cuba events discussed; fire hydrant to east of building; going to cap the line around to the end of the building; cap the end of the street; water dripping to come back to do; adding new line; clogged up the meter; estimated bills for the facility for a while; Rod Lynch’s group to come out to fix meter issue; Mr. Phillips gave updated picture for facility; new pictures shows new awning to entrance; Friday morning this coming we will have two new pictures for facility; waiting on bids additional information; will also setting a new date for windows as of September 30, 2017; waiting on information from IDPH)
5. Public Remarks:
Members of the Public who wish to address the Board must provide the Chairperson with prior written notice of their intent to speak. The written notice shall identify the name and address of the speaker, as well as a short statement indicating the speaker’s topic. Each citizen is limited to five (5) minutes. Citizen’s remarks shall not exceed 30 minutes per meeting:
Karena Cozad, Citizen
– (issues stated since fired; during August meeting, Debbie had issues with being on her phone; due to complaints, Marcos reinstated 3rd shift; Karrie stated that facility needed cameras; responsibilities could be redistributed; cameras were not needed; issues with initial training; she could still need to be employed; unfair scheduling issues; other 2nd shift staff took vacation and there were issues with how she was scheduled; does not know how she could be fired; can communicate issues to AG office; can be communicated)
Kathy Ford, Citizen
– (Questions as to who is the OMA officer for the full board; FOIA was sent to AG’s office; complaints as to the OMA; Ms. Joachim was questioned as to the understanding as to the OMA; requests for review have been submitted to the AG’s office; PAC counselors have been utilized to review possible violations of OMA; requests for review have been opened up; Kathy has three; Karrie has five; questions as to meeting expectations of OMA; room space; public has to be given opportunity to speak; Lyn Catton has to be able to speak; people abide by the five minute rule; committee and full board have to abide by OMA and FOIA; questions as to Board contact for OMA and FOIA requests for review; Ms. Ford discussed procedures for requests for review; Mr. Hensley responded to Ms. Ford’s questioning; possible fees for filing for requests for review; questions as to a December 8th filing for request for review for Karrie’s requests for review; issues with the committee and how it follows through on requests for review;
6. Review of Minutes from Meeting (Mr. Bucher gave initial motion to approve; Mr. Hamm seconded)
7. Claims/Review of Accounts’ Payable Items (A/P items were reviewed; Ms. Joachim gave initial motion to pay; Mr. Hamm to second; now Medicaid/Medicare cost review by Larry from Dunlap for Medicare audit; Larry Templin to do Medicare audit; Mr. Hamm to motion; Ms. Joachim to second; to contact Larry)
8. Transfer of Funds (none)
9. Immediate Emergency Appropriations (none)
10. Resolutions for Board Meeting (none)
11. Chairman’s Report
1. Chairman’s Review and Report of Leopardo Study (meeting to get rescheduled as everyone is able to attend; four items recommended to the Clayberg; lighting upgrade to LED lights; Mr. Phillips to get asked about this; he apparently has some at his personal home; replacing high efficiency A/C unit; thermostat control by internet; these are only recommendations; Mr. Bucher said that the group will offer additional information; Mr. Phillips has another man to possibly do the review)
2. Facility Camera System (two weeks ago there was as an issue; Mr. Phillips was contacted about a vendor; staff did well with situation; Mr. Phillips gave quote)
3. Facility Construction Bond Account 81 (possibility suggested for Treasurer to move bond amount to 2015/2016 FY year)
12. Old Business
1. Discussion/Action: Financial Update
1. Admissions/Census (review of previous months information)
2. Aging (review of previous months current aging)
3. Staffing (something needs to be done for employee that is retiring)
4. Medicare Payments Received (payments continuing to be received; 65,000 still yet to be deposited)
5. Medicare & Medicaid Cost Reports
1. Assignment of Auditors to Complete Reports (moved to the “Claims” area)
13. New Business
1. Discussion/Action: Regulatory Update
1. Facility’s IDPH Annual Survey Window Reminder (Committee information of start date of facility window for Annual Public Health Survey)
2. Discussion/Action: Therapy Gymnasium Addition
1. Facility Administrator Proposal of Potential Equipment Needs (Mr. Perez discussed potential equipment purchases)
14. Adjournment (Mr. Hamm motioned; Ms. Joachim seconded at 4:31pm)