Village Of Princeville Village Board met Feb. 21.
Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:
The Princeville Village Board met on the above date and time at the Village Hall.
President Stahl called the meeting to order with the following Trustees answering
present: Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy, and Geiger. Trustees Koller and Haley
were absent. A quorum was present for the meeting. Notice of the meeting and
the agenda were sent and received in a timely manner. Also present were
Superintendent of Public Works Gardner and MCO Dan Sullivan.
Added to the Agenda: Consider & vote on the purchase of flags for the
Veterans Memorial at Stevens Square.
Police Report: Deputy Patterson reported that there have been charges of
trespassing, battery, theft, deceptive practices and a DUI since the last board
Sonja Statler, Princeville High School After Prom Committee for a donation:
Motion by Trustee Sutherland and seconded by Trustee Geiger to donate
$600.00 to the After Prom Party at PHS. President Stahl, roll call vote. Trustee
Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy and Geiger voting aye. Trustees Koller and Haley
absent. No nays. Motion carried. Over 100 students have been attending this
Report from the Municipal Code Officer: MCO Sullivan stated that he is
working with Deputy Patterson on a problem in the Village. He is also working on
some continuing problems, but hasn’t had anything new to report.
PCA Report: Julie Delbridge reported that during Heritage Days on Friday night
a “Battle of the Bands” will possibly take place after the Talent Show. There will
be more advertizing for it; targeting neighboring towns. Two of the PCA officers
are attending Lions Club meetings. The Heritage Museum appreciates having
the Village mow at the museum. President Stahl stated that Julie will be working
with Trustee Troutman on the Enterprise Zone once it is set up.
Consider & vote to proceed with replacing the water main on S. Cottage
Grove Avenue: A TIF 1 project for this summer will be to replace the water main
on S. Cottage Grove Avenue. The line will start at South Street and continue
south to the lane before the viaduct. The line will be 6 inches and be on the west
side of the street along the sidewalk. The engineer’s estimate for the project is
$317,992.60 and the work would begin in late May or early June. Motion made
by Trustee Troutman and seconded by Trustee Sutherland to proceed with the
water main replacement on S. Cottage Grove Avenue at the engineers estimated
cost of $317,993.60. President Stahl roll call vote. Trustees Sutherland,
Troutman, Gilroy and Geiger voting aye. Trustees Koller and Haley absent . No
nays. Motion carried.
Consider & vote on an Ordinance Vacating an Alley Located in the
Blanchard Heights Addition of the Village of Princeville: An alleyway runs
between West South Street and West Blanchard Street. It has not been used or
maintained by the Village. There is interest in some building lots in that area and
the alleyway would interfere with development. After discussion a motion made
by Trustee Sutherland and seconded by Trustee Gilroy to approve an ordinance
vacating an alley located in the Blanchard Heights addition of the Village of
Princeville. President Stahl, roll call vote Trustee Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy
and Geiger voting aye. Trustees Koller and Haley absent. No nays. Motion
Consider & vote on a Resolution Amending Sewer Service Rates for the
Village’s Sanitary Sewer System: Motion made by Trustee Troutman and
seconded by Trustee Geiger to approve the new sewer rates (with corrections)
listed as follows:
Section 1: The user fee for the village’s sanitary sewer system is increased to
$13.00 per month. The monthly sewer rate will change to $2.75 per each 1,000
gallons of water usage during that month.
Section 2: These new rates shall be effective March 1, 2017.
Section 3: The village shall provide immediate notice of this rate increase to all
President Stahl, roll call vote. Trustee Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy and Geiger
voting aye. Trustees Koller and Haley absent. No nays. Motion carried.
Consider & vote on an Ordinance Amending Fees Under the Village’s
Zoning Code: Motion made by Trustee Gilroy and seconded by Trustee Geiger
to approve the Ordinance Amending Fees Under the Village’s Zoning Code as
printed (with corrections). President Stahl, roll call vote. Trustee Sutherland,
Troutman, Gilroy and Geiger voting aye. Trustees Koller and Haley absent. No
nays. Motion carried. Amended zoning fees are as listed:
SECTION 1. Section 160 of Title 17, Chapter 8 of the Code of the Village of
Princeville Municipal Code (“Zoning Use Permit—Fees—Listed”) is hereby amended to
read as follows (additions are indicated by underline; deletions by strikeout):
17.08.160 Zoning use permit – Fees – Listed.
The following fees shall be charged for the processing of applications and the
issuance of zoning use permits, and shall be collected by the Zoning Officer, who
shall be accountable to the Village for such fees:
A. New construction of a main or principal structure of one thousand square
feet of floor area or less, one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00)twenty-five dollars
B. New construction of a building of more than one thousand (1,000) square
feet of floor area, fifteen cents ($0.15) per square foot of floor area: per one hundred
(100) square feet of floor area or additional fraction thereof, three dollars ($3.00);
C. New construction of any accessory structure, ten cents ($0.10) per
square foot of floor area, with a minimum fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) for an
accessory structure of three hundred square feet of floor area or lessfifteen dollars
D. Alter, remodel, or extend a major or principal structure, fifteen cents
($0.15) per square foot of floor area of alteration, remodel, or extension, with a
minimum fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00)for the first three hundred (300)
square feet of floor area or less, fifteen dollars ($15.00);
E. Alter, remodel, or extend any accessory structure, ten cents ($0.10) per
square foot of floor area of alteration, remodel, or extension, with a minimum fee of
thirty dollars ($30.00)a main or principal structure per one hundred (100) square feet
of floor area or fraction thereof over three hundred (300) square feet, three dollars
F. Alter, remodel, or extend an accessory use, (thirty dollars ($30.00)fifteen
dollars $15.00);
G. Establish a use of land where no structure is involved, fifty dollars
H. Move a structure from one lot to another, thirty dollars ($30.00)fifteen
dollars $15.00);
I. Change in use, thirty dollars ($30.00)fifteen dollars ($15.00);
J. To demolish any structure or part thereof, thirty dollars ($30.00)fifteen
dollars ($15.00);
K. Applications or petitions for variance, special uses, or amendments, two
hundred fifty dollars ($250.00)two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225.00);
L. To place or keep a portable storage container for a period exceeding
thirty (30) days, fifteen dollars ($15.00).
SECTION 2. This Ordinance is hereby ordered to be published in pamphlet
form by the Village Clerk and said Clerk is ordered to keep at least three (3) copies
hereof available for public inspection in the future and in accordance with the Illinois
Municipal Code.
SECTION 3. This Ordinance is in addition to all other ordinances on the subject
and shall be construed therewith except as to that part in direct conflict with another
ordinance, and in the event of such conflict, the provisions hereof shall govern.
Building Permits: Sprinkles, 211 E. Main Street – 8’ x 12’ deck
Committee Reports: There were no committee reports. The Pool Committee
will meet on March 8 at 6 pm to discuss life guard applications, swim suits and
the 2017 pool season.
Report from the Superintendent of Public Works: Russ will have surgery on
February 23 and will not be able to work for a few weeks. Derek Gray, the new
part-time employee started working February 20. Chad has been working on a
list of budget items for the next fiscal year. A meeting will be set to meet with
auditor Tom Peffer to prepare the 2017-18 fiscal budget.
Any other business that needs to be brought before the board: Ron
Delbridge needs to have two trees trimmed in his yard. The cost is $425.00.
One tree is on the Village right-of-way. He would like the Village to split the cost.
Chad will work with him.
Trustee Gilroy has met with a group that is interested in building a senior living
facility in Princeville. No investors are needed. It will have 32 units. Three and
one-half acres are needed for the facility. After discussion, the board felt the
unfinished property at the Aten Acres addition could be a possible spot. Trustee
Gilroy will get in touch with the company to see if it would meet their criteria.
The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity has approved the
Peoria Rural Enterprise Zone (PREZ) in which the Village of Princeville is
included. Recently President Stahl received information about the program
which included a map, benefits and incentives, a copy of the intergovernmental
agreement and an information form and application. Mark Rothert will be
attending a board meeting to explain the program. It will be good for the
community adding job creation and investment into our area; plus helping new
businesses through tax abatement.
Trustee Troutman stated that Akron-Princeville Fire Department will be having
their 60th Fireman’s Ball on April 1 at Arrowhead Country Club. This might be the
last year for the ball. The department might switch to a family-friendly event.
Consider & vote on the purchase of flags for the Veteran’s Memorial at
Stevens Square: Motion made by Trustee Sutherland and seconded by
Trustee Geiger to purchase flags for the Veteran’s Memorial at the cost of
$420.00. President Stahl, roll call vote. Trustees Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy
and Geiger voting aye. Trustees Koller & Haley absent. No nays. Motion
carried. The VFW will be purchasing and displaying the flags for the Village.
Motion made by Trustee Troutman and seconded by Trustee Gilroy to recess
the regular session meeting at 8:05 pm. President Stahl voice vote. All ayes.
Trustees Koller and Haley absent. No nays. Motion carried.
Closed [Executive] Session for consideration of the “selection of a person
to fill the vacancy of the Village Clerk position” (Exception 2(c)(3)). Motion
made by Trustee Troutman and seconded by Trustee Sutherland to go into
Executive Session at 8:09 pm to interview two candidates for Village Clerk
finishing the term through April 30, 2017 and continuing with a two year term until
April 30, 2019. President Stahl, voice vote. All ayes. Trustees Koller and Haley
absent. No nays. Motion carried. The two candidates are Jenny Huss and
Spencer Wilson. Roll call and answering present: President Stahl, Trustees
Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy and Geiger. Trustees Koller and Haley absent.
Also present was Superintendant Gardner.
Motion to return to regular session: Motion made by Trustee Sutherland and
seconded by Trustee Troutman to move back into regular session at 8:44 pm.
President Stahl voice vote. All ayes. Trustees Koller and Haley absent. No
nays. Motion carried. President Stahl, Trustees Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy
and Geiger answering present. Trustees Koller and Haley absent.
Any other action that needs to be taken regarding Executive Session:
Motion made by Trustee Sutherland and seconded by Trustee Geiger to
approve Spencer Wilson as the Village Clerk, finishing the term through April 30
2017 and continuing through April 30, 2019. President Stahl, roll call vote.
Trustee Sutherland, Troutman and Geiger voting aye. Trustees Koller and Haley
absent. Trustee Gilroy voting nay. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Trustee Troutman made a motion to adjourn at 8:55 pm, second
by Trustee Gilroy. President Stahl, voice vote. All ayes. Trustees Koller and
Haley absent. No nays. Motion carried.