
Peoria Standard

Monday, November 4, 2024

Village Of Princeville Village Board met Feb. 6.

Village Of Princeville Village Board met Feb. 6.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

The Princeville Village Board met on the above date and time at the Village Hall.

President Stahl called the meeting to order with the following Trustees answering

present: Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy, Haley and Geiger. Trustee Koller was

absent. A quorum was present for the meeting. Notice of the meeting and the

agenda were sent and received in a timely manner. Superintendant of Public

Works Gardner was also present.

Approved minutes as published: Trustee Sutherland made a motion to

approve minutes as published with a correction, with a second by Trustee Gilroy.

President Stahl, voice vote, all ayes, no nays. Trustees Koller absent. Motion


Treasurer’s Report: Financials distributed to the board by Treasurer Hofer.

Trustee Sutherland made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report with a

second by Trustee Haley. President Stahl, voice vote. All ayes, no nays.

Trustee Koller absent. Motion carried.

Paying of January Bills and additional bills: Trustee Troutman made a

motion to approve the January bills and additional bills in the amount of

$26,506.61. Second by Trustee Haley. President Stahl, roll call vote. Trustees

Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy, Haley and Geiger voting aye. Trustee Koller

absent. No nays. Motion carried.

MCO Report: Dan Sullivan was not present.

Jose Lopez, applying for a liquor license: Jose Lopez was not present.

Jenny Huss, donation for PTO Turkey Noodle Dinner: Motion made by

Trustee Gilroy and seconded by Trustee Geiger to donate a family season pool

pass to the PTO Turkey Noodle Dinner for their basket raffle. President Stahl,

roll call vote. Trustees Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy, Haley and Geiger voting

aye. Trustee Koller absent. No nays. Motion carried. Julie Delbridge will make

a pass for them.

Police report: Deputy Patterson reported criminal damage to several

mailboxes, a false vehicular burglary and a home invasion and battery that has

happened since the last board meeting. Municipal tickets were ordered

incorrectly. Deputy Patterson will be using Peoria County tickets.

Consider & vote on adjusting proposed zoning use fees: After discussion it

was decided to table this. Motion made by Trustee Sutherland and seconded by

Trustee Haley to table the changes in zoning use fees until the next meeting.

President Stahl, voice vote. All ayes. Trustee Koller absent. No nays. Motion


Consider & vote on adjusting sewer rates: After discussion it was decided to

table this. Motion made by Trustee Troutman and seconded by Trustee Geiger

to table the adjusting sewer rates until the next meeting. President Stahl, voice

vote. All ayes. Trustee Koller absent. No nays. Motion carried.

Approve minutes from personnel meeting on February 2, 2017: Motion

made by Trustee Troutman and seconded by Trustee Sutherland to approve the

minutes from the personnel committee meeting on February 2, 2017. President

Stahl, voice vote. All ayes. Trustee Koller absent. No nays. Motion carried.

Committee Reports: There weren’t enough committee members present to

have the pool committee meeting on January 29. The pool committee will meet

on March 8.

Building Permits: There were no building permits.

Report from the Superintendent of Public Works: Russ will be off work for

surgery for about 2-3 weeks in February. Chad is creating a list of budget items.

Mowing will be outsourced again, with the water tower area and Aten Acres

subdivision addition being done by village employees this year. There was a

leak at the RO; a bearing was replaced. Chad is looking into the cost of an auto

reader for the water readings that can be done from a truck. The meter readings

would be easier to acquire with possible use of TIF 1 funds to pay for it.

Any other business to be brought before the Board: The Village of

Princeville has been approved by the Illinois Department of Commerce for an

enterprise zone. New businesses in the designated area will get tax breaks and

other advantages if approved. The Enterprise Zone will last for fifteen years.

Also the law firm of Miller, Hall and Trigg will be having a Municipal Law Seminar

on May 13.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discuss possible hiring of a part-time employee for

the Public Works Department. Motion made by Trustee Sutherland and

seconded by Trustee Troutman to adjourn Regular Session at 8:17 pm.

Executive session starting at 8:23 pm with President Stahl, Trustee Sutherland,

Troutman, Gilroy, Haley and Geiger answering present. Trustee Koller absent.

Adjourn Executive Session and go back to Regular session: Motion made

by Trustee Gilroy and seconded by Trustee Geiger to adjourn from Executive

Session at 8:40 pm. Regular session starting at 8:42 pm with President Stahl,

Trustee Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy, Haley and Geiger answering present.

Trustee Koller absent.

Any Action needed to be taken regarding Executive Session: Motion made

by Trustee Troutman and seconded by Trustee Haley to offer part-time

employment to Derek Gray at a rate of $14.00 per hour with no benefits.

President Stahl, roll call vote. Trustee Sutherland, Troutman, Gilroy, Haley,

Geiger and President Stahl voting aye. Trustee Koller absent. No nays. Motion

carried. Thirty-four applicants had applied for the job. Vacating an alley in the

Village will be on the next agenda. Jenny Huss and Spencer Wilson are both

interested in becoming the Village Clerk.

Adjournment: Trustee Gilroy made a motion to adjourn at 8:46 pm, second by

Trustee Geiger. President Stahl, voice vote. All ayes. No nays. Motion carried.