Peoria County Infrastructure Committee met April 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee;
Members Present: Phillip Salzer - Chairman; Gregory Adamson, James Dillon, Barry Robinson
Members Absent: Rachael Parker
Others Present: Scott Sorrel - County Administrator; Shauna Musselman - Assistant County Administrators; Larry Evans - State's Attorney's Office; Angela Loftus - County Administration; Amy Benecke McLaren, Jeff Gilles - County Highway; Dan O'Conner - Facilities; Steve Sonnemaker, Mike Deluhery - County Clerk; Mark Little - Chief Information Officer; Doug Gaa - Sheriff's Office; Angel Marinich - MV/CountyLink
Call to Order
Chairman Salzer called the meeting to order at 4:44 p.m.
Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the minutes of March 27, 2017 was made by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mr. Adamson. The motion carried.
•Greater Peoria Sanitary District No report. No questions or comments from committee.
•Facilities Master Plan
Mr. O'Connell advised that the owner of the Brandywine facility has made significant progress on mold abatement. He stated there is a difference of opinion between the owner and county staff on the percentage of asbestos material in the black mastic glue in the floor tile; however, staff continues to work with the owner on that matter. He commented the owner has placed additional exterior lighting on the exterior of the building, performed an exterior and interior clean-up of the premises and will be installing rooftop HVAC units. He stated that Dewberry Architects has been instructed to proceed with the design of the 6.000 square feet to be utilized by the Election Commission.
•Rural Peoria County Transportation System
Ms. Marinich advised that purchase orders for software and radios have been issued by CityLink.
•Construction Engineering Services Agreement with Hermann & Associates, LLC
A motion to approve was made by Mr. Dillon and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Mr. Gilles advised that safety improvements at the intersection of Lancaster and Pfeiffer Roads were initiated due to a request from Oak Grove School District, who will be transferring schoolchildren a campus located at the intersection. He stated that due to personnel reduction in the Highway Department, staff recommends entering into an agreement for construction engineering services with Hermann & Associates at a cost not to exceed $31,585.00. The motion carried.
•Lancaster Road and Pfeiffer Road Intersection Improvements Bid Letting
A motion to approve was made by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mr. Dillon. Mr. Gilles advised construction of safety improvements at the Lancaster and Pfeiffer Road intersection was bid, and staff recommends approval of the low bid of $105,947.78 of P.A. Atherton Construction. The motion carried.
•Construction Engineering Services Agreement with Hutchison Engineering Inc.
A motion to approve was made by Mr. Adamson and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Mr. Gilles advised that a culvert on Mapleton Road is in need of replacement. He stated that due to personnel reduction in the Highway Department, staff recommends entering into an agreement for construction engineering services with Hutchison Engineering Inc. at a cost not to exceed $18,750.00. The funding will be appropriated from the County Bridge Fund. The motion carried.
•Mapleton Road Culvert Bid Letting
A motion to approve was made by Mr. Adamson and seconded by Mr. Dillon. Mr. Gilles that replacement of a concrete box culver on Mapleton Road was bid, and staff recommends the lowest responsible bid of Otto Baum in the amount of $89,816.34. The motion carried.
•Prevailing Wage
A motion to defer was made by Mr. Dillon and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Mr. Dillon explained that the State Department of Labor has not ascertained actual prevailing wage since 2015, and the numbers are inaccurate and out of date. He stated that a court hearing will be held on May 15, 2017 to determine status. The motion to defer carried.
•Participation of Peoria Jaycees in the Adopt-a-Highway Program on Radnor Road
A motion to approve was made by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mr. Dillon. The motion carried.
•Participation of Limestone Air Force JROTC in the Adopt-a-Highway Program on Dirksen Parkway
A motion to approve was made by Mr. Adamson and seconded by Mr. Robinson. The motion carried.
•County Clerk Office Renovations
A motion to approve was made by Mr. Dillon and seconded by Mr. Adamson. Mr. O'Connell advised that as a result of the merger of the County Clerk and Recorder of Deeds functions, a project was approved to perform renovation in the County Clerk's Office. The project had funding allocated within the Capital Budget in the amount of $340,000.00 which included expenditures for Architectural & Engineering fees, Construction fees and contingencies, furnishings, equipment, IT services and supervision.
Mr. O'Connell advised that Hein Construction submitted the low bid for Base Bid work in the amount of $260,000.00. He stated that the Bid also included Alternate #1, which would increase the size of the break room/training room by 60 sq. ft. The Alternate bid from the low bidder, Hein Construction, totaled $9,900.00. He added that County Clerk staff did not wish to pursue Alternate #2, which reduced the Base Bid work from three phases to one phase. He noted that Alternate #2 would require the County Clerk's Office to relocate to other areas within the courthouse or elsewhere.
Mr. O'Connell advised that the three phase work would include masonry wall demolition, which would necessitate 7-10 days of late night work. He stated that the work would entail both Facilities staff and Security to work overtime as well, and would result in $8,000.00 to $10,000.00 in additional cost. He advised that due to the extra costs involved, it is the recommendation of staff to reject Alternates #1 and #2 and accept the three phase Base Bid proposal of Hein Construction.
Mr. Little advised that the County is committed to Dewberry for Architectural and Engineering (A & E) Fees of $39,575.00, and with Dewberry being paid $19,987.00 in 2016, the $35,000.00 in A & E Fees included in the proposal is reduced to $20,000.00. Mr. Salzer commented that as a portion of the A & E Fee was paid in 2016, he recommended revisiting the possibility of Alternate #1.
Mr. Dillon moved to amend the resolution to include Alternate #1 in the recommendation going to the full County Board, and Mr. Robinson seconded the motion. The motion to amend carried.
A motion to approve the resolution as amended was made by Mr. Dillon and seconded by Mr. Robinson. The motion as amended carried.
•Honorary Street Name - Airport Road
Ms. McLaren advised that the Highway Department received a request brought forward from County Board Member Tom O'Neill for an honorary street name on Airport Road for former Legislator Don Saltsman. She stated that Rep. Saltsman assisted in obtaining funding for Airport Road improvements. A motion to approve the request was made by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mr. Adamson. The motion carried.
•Detention Basin on Right-of-Way
Ms. McLaren advised that a developer planning to construct a subdivision on Kickapoo Creek Road is requesting an access onto the road. She stated that due to the steep topography and design elements of the subdivision a detention basin is necessary on a right-of-way for water coming from a hillside. She advised that she is holding the developer's Access Permit until an agreement can be reached. She said that if the developer was granted permission to install a detention basin on County right-of-way, a formalized agreement would be drawn up stating that the developer must maintain the detention basin in perpetuity. She commented that she was bringing the request before the committee for discussion before pursuing an agreement with the developer.
Mr. Salzer asked if the developer were to sell the subdivision at some time in the future, would maintenance automatically pass on to successive owners. Mr. Evans advised that the State's Attorney's Office has a number of concerns with the request, this being one of those concerns. He also stated it has not been determined why it is necessary to place the pond in the right-of-way, and noted that there are liability issues related to a body of water being placed in close proximity to a right-of-way. Mr. Dillon asked if the developer has explored alternative engineering options, and Ms. McLaren stated that she has not discussed other options with the developer.
Mr. Dillon stated that it is important that the State's Attorney's Office and the County Engineer affirm that any contract would be beneficial to the County without hindering development of the site.
Ms. McLaren was directed to further discuss questions raised by committee members with the developer, and report back to the committee.
•Courthouse Entrances
Captain Gaa noted that the invitation to bid for an exit structure for the Jefferson Street location was cancelled, and asked if there was continued interest in a structure. He stated that a structure that would prohibit re-entering the building after an individual has exited would eliminate the need for Security staff to monitor the area on a daily basis.
Mr. Dillon advised that the bid was withdrawn at his request, as questions regarding ADA compliance have not been fully vetted. He commented that the current arrangement is not ideal for a large volume of individuals entering the courthouse, and an appropriate and safe solution for entrances and exits requires further review. He stated that he has asked both the Committee Chairman and the County Administrator to engage Dewberry Architects to prepare a design which would ensure compliance while removing the need for continuous monitoring by the Sheriff's Office.
Captain Gaa stated for the record that it is the intent of the Sheriff's Office for the courthouse entrances and exits to be designed appropriately and within compliance. He said that it was the understanding of the Sheriff's Office that compliance issues were being researched prior to the bidding process. He stressed that the continued monitoring of the two doors comes at an increased expense daily, and reminded the committee that the reasoning for allowing egress at only one door was related to personnel related budget cuts.
Mr. Dillon noted that the closing of one entrance was a decision made by the Sheriff's Office without a lot of notice, and had not been included in the budget process for facilities needs. He reiterated the need to take sufficient time to design the Jefferson Street and Main Street entrance and exit doors properly. He stressed that if Dewberry can provide direction within the next several weeks, the Committee Chairman could call a special meeting in order to expedite the process. Captain Gaa emphasized that it is not the intent of the Sheriff's Office to rush the committee to make a decision; however, the delay becomes an issue of appropriate staffing and public safety within the courthouse.
Mr. O'Connell noted that funding in the amount of $125,000.00 was budgeted two years ago to refurbish the Main Street entrance; however, that funding was shifted due to the 2015 courtroom flooding. He stated that extra design work could significantly increase the total amount of the project.
Mr. Sorrel advised that he is awaiting an engagement contract from Dewberry. He stated that ADA compliance is one level of review in the scope of work for the Dewberry design professional. The second level of review is identifying a best practice solution for Main Street and Jefferson Street. He added that a tertiary scope of work in the contract would include decisions regarding the two Ground Floor exits. He stated that after the project is bid and competitively procured, it will be necessary to determine a means of funding. He commented that unspent reserves in the Capital Project Fund could potentially be allocated by a budget amendment by the County Board.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Salzer at 6:37 p.m.