City of Peoria Historic Preservation Commission met May 24.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
The regularly scheduled meeting for the Historic Preservation Commission Meeting was held on Wednesday, May 24, 2017, at 8:30a.m., City Hall, 419 Fulton Street, Room 400, with Chairperson Robert Powers presiding and with proper notice having been posted.
Roll Call
The following Historic Preservation Commission Commissioners were present: Deborah Dougherty, Timothy Herold, Michael Maloof, Lesley Matuszak, Geoff Smith (Arrived at 8:35a.m.), Thomas Wester, and Chairperson Robert Powers – 7. Absent: None.
Staff Present: Leah Allison, Nick Mitchell, and Madeline Wolf
Commissioner Herold moved to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting held on April 26, 2017; seconded by Commissioner Matuszak.
The motion was approved viva voce vote 7 to 0.
Swearing in of Speakers
Speakers were sworn in by Staff Member Madeline Wolf.
New Business
Request from the City of Peoria Community Development Department Grants Management Division for comments from the Commission regarding a proposed residential development within the North Side Historic District National Historic District, pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 review process.
Grants Coordinator, Nick Mitchell, Community Development Department, read the new business item into the record and provided the summary, review process, and project as outlined in the memo. Mr. Mitchell said the Commission was asked to consider the criteria in 36 CFR 800.5(a) when commenting on whether or not the project would cause an adverse effect on the historic properties in the APE. Mr. Mitchell relayed the current criteria for an adverse effect for the Section 106 process at Title 36 Part 800 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Commissioner Maloof expressed concern for ADA accessibility.
Commissioner Herold expressed concern ADA accessible ramps on the front and the vinyl siding on the front and rear of the structures would cause an adverse effect. Mr. Herold supported the proposed elevated design and front porch.
Commissioner Matuszak supported ADA accessibility on the front or side of the residence.
Commissioner Smith expressed concern for the use of vinyl siding on new construction in the historic district.
Commissioner Maloof questioned the purpose of the elevated design. Commissioner Maloof expressed concern of marketability of the home if the proposed design was split level.
Mr. Mitchell said the elevated design complimented the characteristics of existing homes in the neighborhood.
Commissioner Herold said the definition of reconstruction would be applicable to adverse effect in Section 106 process at Title 36 Part 800 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Commissioner Herold said he would support a design that complied with the local findings of fact worksheet for a Certificate of Appropriateness, specifically No. 11, a. through i.
Commissioner Wester requested clarification the garage would be alley facing. Commissioner Wester agreed with commissioners’ concern related to the size and scale of proposed design and encouraged a two-story home to complement surrounding structures.
Mr. Mitchell confirmed one residential design had an alley and side street facing garages.
Chairperson Powers encouraged the design to be built up rather than down which would be congruent with the neighborhood, specifically in terms of the design elevation and character. Chairperson Powers encouraged adding dormers. Chairperson Powers supported the new developments for the subject area.
Commissioner Smith complemented the floor plans and the new development for the subject area. Commissioner Smith encouraged the development to address ADA accessibility without causing an adverse effect.
Chairperson Powers opened the Public Hearing at 9:00a.m.
Williams Ordaz, representing the Central Illinois Landmark Association, expressed concern with the use of vinyl siding, the size and scale of the proposed designs, and parking. Mr. Ordaz discouraged a double stall garage, rather for the driveway to have space for multiple vehicles as vehicles parking on unpaved surfaces has been an issue in the neighborhood. Mr. Ordaz expressed concern for the misrepresentations of the developments.
Karrie Alms, an interested neighbor, expressed concern with the use of vinyl siding. Ms. Alms encouraged the use of stone, brick, or stucco to complement the surrounding homes. Ms. Alms said the height of the foundation, or design elevation, was appropriate. Ms. Alms expressed concern for the proposed size and scale and the roof pitch. Ms. Alms encouraged increasing the future market value.
Lea Anne Schmidgall, representing Habitat for Humanity, expressed the organization’s commitment to revitalizing neighborhoods in the East Bluff. Ms. Schmidgall referred to previous developments in the subject area. Ms. Schmidgall noted the designs were created by a historic architect and noted the elevations would change and the use of vinyl would not go to the ground on the sides.
With no further interest from the public to provide public testimony, Chairperson Powers closed the Public Hearing at 9:15a.m.
Commissioner Matuszak supported Ms. Schmidgall’s testimony.
In response to Commissioner Herold’s inquiry regarding separating the project into two parts, Mr. Mitchell said the residential development of the four, single-family homes was under one review.
Commissioner Dougherty encouraged the use of brick and stone rather than vinyl to be more consistent with the surrounding area.
Mr. Mitchell expressed appreciation for the Commission participation and public comment.
Election of Officers
Vice Chairperson:
Commissioner Herold moved to reelect Lesley Matuszak as the Vice Chairperson of the Historic Preservation Commission; seconded by Commissioner Maloof.
The reelection for Lesley Matuszak as Vice Chairperson was approved viva voce vote 7 to 0.
Commissioner Herold moved to reelect Robert Powers as the Chairperson of the Historic Preservation Commission; seconded, by Commissioner Matuszak.
The reelection of Robert Powers as Chairperson was approved viva voce vote 7 to 0.
Citizens’ Opportunity to Address the Historic Preservation Commission
There were no citizens who wished to address the Historic Preservation Commission at 9:20a.m.
Commissioner Herold moved to adjourn the Historic Preservation Commission Meeting; seconded by Commissioner Smith.
The motion was approved viva voce vote 7 to 0.
The Historic Preservation Commission Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:20a.m.