Village of Spring Bay met June 14.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
The members of the Board were present as indicated above.
Bill Cotton has passed away. Per the attorney’s instructions the currently sitting Board
members are to vote between the two other candidates that ran in the April election. Those
candidates are Kim Schilling and Bradley Lange. The vote by paper ballot was 4 votes for Kim
Schilling, 0 votes for Bradley Lange.
Kim Schilling was sworn in as Village Trustee.
Chris Hansen motioned to approve the May minutes as present. Ron Livengood seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
Public: Marcia Reginald thanked Ralph and any of the other Board members that assisted in
helping to stop the dog problem.
Tony Reginald mentioned that the boat at the park is in need of repair. There are some
bolts/screws that are sticking out. Ralph Atherton will address the issue.
Financial Report: Chris Hansen reviewed the balances in the accounts. Ron Livengood
motioned to approve the financial report. Ralph seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Bills: Kim Schilling motioned to pay the bills as presented with three additions:
Draggist Mowing - $820, Acme Pest Control - $68, and Ralph Atherton for street work; $349.40.
Chris Hansen seconded the motion. Motion carried with Ralph Atherton abstaining.
The Board asked Betty to follow up with Mrs. Cotton to see if the check in Bill’s name is
acceptable. If Mrs. Cotton prefers Betty is authorized to re-issue the check to Mrs. Cotton.
Gravel Pit:
Ordinances: There were three ordinances presented for review. They will be on the agenda
for passage in July. 2017-1, The Prevailing Wage Ordinance, 2017-2, the Ordinance
Appropriating Funds for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year, and 2017-3, the Solicitors Regulations
Building and Equipment:The tractor has been serviced. We received a bill from Adams
Septic but do not yet know of the results.
Streets & Alleys:
Police: Norm reviewed his activity for the month. Norm needed to purchase a new mic cord
at cost of $62. He also needs to purchase ammunition. Chris Hansen motioned to approve the
purchase of two boxes of ammunition at an approximate cost of $37 per box. Ron Livengood
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Animal Control:
Zoning: Norm has talked with Mr. Lemkeman. Mr. Lemkeman has said that the house at 105
Missouri will be gone by the end of the month. According to Mr. Lemkeman the septic at 106 is
Parks: The bottom road is opened up but a considerable amount of shoreline was lost. Ralph
Atherton called the DNR and asked about grants for small children play equipment and a
Frisbee golf course. There are no grants available.
Bug Spraying: Everything is ready for spraying as soon as the weather is acceptable. Chris
Hansen motioned to purchase a barrel of bug spray at an approximate cost of $1,900. Scott
Selburg seconded the motion. Motion carried.
New Business:
Unfinished Business: Ralph Atherton would like to purchase new poles for the flags. We can
purchase 14 flags and poles for approximately $600. Kim Schilling motioned to approve the
purchase of 14 flags and poles at a cost not to exceed $750. Chris Hansen seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
Scott Selburg motioned to adjourn the meeting. Ron Livengood seconded the motion. Motion