Peoria County Land Use Committee met August 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present: Paul Rosenbohm - Vice-Chairman, Brian Elsasser, Brad Harding, Thomas O'neill, Rachael Parker, Kate Pastucha, Sharon Williams
Members Absent: James Dillon, Barry Robinson
Others Present: Scott Sorrel - County Administration; Kathi Urban, Andrew Braun - Planning & Zoning; Mark Little - IT
Call to Order:
Mr. Rosenbohm called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.
Subdivision Waiver:
W03-17, Petition of Jodi Terry:
Ms. Williams made a motion to approve the subdivision waiver and was seconded by Ms. Parker.
Ms. Urban advised that the petitioner, Edmond J. Landes Living Trust, is seeking approval of a waiver from the requirement that a minor subdivision have a public water supply. The petitioner requests to divide 2.00 acres from a 47.54 acre parcel. The request is permitted under zoning; however, the subdivision ordinance requires a public water supply. She stated that the petitioner submitted a well driller's report which indicated that the estimated well yield exceeds the County's minimum standard requirements. She advised that the Health Department had no objection to the request and staff recommends approval.
A vote was taken and the motion passed; (7-0) (Mr. Dillon and Mr. Robinson were absent.)
Adjournment: Mr. Rosenbohm adjourned the meeting at 5:47 p.m.