City of West Peoria Plan Commission met January 23.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
1. The meeting was called to order by Amy Furgiuele at 5:33 p.m.
2. Members present were Amy Furgiuele, Dan Morse, Mike Powers, Sue Roos, and Susan Schlupp. Absent was Cassie Zell. Also present was Mayor Dillon, City Administrator Krider, City Economic and Community Development Coordinator Peugh, Alderman Dohm, and Clerk Barnes. Alderman Siewert joined the group at 5:36 p.m.
3. There were no Additions to/or Deletions from the agenda.
4. Motion to approve the minutes of the October 24, 2017 meeting was made by Susan Schlupp and seconded by Mike Powers. Motion carried.
5. Comprehensive Plan Review
i. Revised draft review - This is going to be held until March for approval. Need to look over the revisions and catch anything that has been missed. One point: Under Economic Development: Peoria Awning Company is no longer there.
ii. Survey questions - Need to be working on what we want to measure, questions to include if we do it, and when to do it. Should this be done this early spring or hold until this time next year after the 25th anniversary of the City?
6. Community Development Coordinator Peugh reported that the Committee received a Memo about five (5) Properties that are to be rezoned from Residential to Business. There is a sixth (6th) but it is held up in litigation. The next steps: The proposed rezoning goes to the Land Use Committee in February. There will be a Public Hearing on February 27, 2018. We need a quorum here, so please advise as soon as possible if you cannot attend.
7. No Public Comment was offered.
8. Old Business
a. Commercial Façade Program - There are a couple of new applicants for this: Racks on the Rocks and El Paso
b. Temple Hill Road Project Update - This is at a standstill because of the weather, but they have curbs in, need a bit more base and asphalt, then erosion control from over the winter and to reseed.
c. Motion to approve Comprehensive Plan update - Held to March for update of maps and last revisions.
9. No New Business
10. Public Comment: Question: What is the Public Hearing for in February? It is for the discussion about the five (5) properties to be rezoned from Residential to Business. Question: Are those five (5) properties going to be businesses, commercial or industry? Yes, that's what the rezoning is for.
11. Determination of Future Agenda: Public Hearing in February, keep in mind the survey questions and hopefully the maps will be updated by the end of March. Motion carried
12. Motion to adjourn was made by Dan Morse at 5:54 p.m. and seconded by Susan Schlupp. unanimously by voice.
The next meeting of the Planning Commission will be Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 5:30p.m. at City Hall.