Fulton County Finance and Insurance Committee met February 13.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:30pm
2. Roll Call
Doug Manock (present/xxxxxx)
Garry Hensley (present/xxxxxx)
Jason Myetich (present/xxxxxx)
Eric Pigg (present/xxxxxx)
Warren Potter (present/xxxxxx)
Other Board Members: Bob Bucher – Fulton Co. Board Chairman, Member Clark
Staff: John D Young – Executive Asst. FCB, Audra Miles – Administrative Comptroller
Elected & Appointed Officials: Staci Mayall – Co. Treasurer, Jim Nelson – Co. Clerk,
Guest: John Froehling – Fulton Democrat
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Transit was added
Member Hensley moved to accept the agenda as amended with a second from Member Potter. No Discussion was made. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting ayes.
4. Approval of Previous Minutes – February 7, 2018
Member Hensley moved to accept the minutes as presented with a second from Member Myetich. No Discussion was made. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting ayes.
5. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
6. Public Comments – None
7. Consent Agenda Items
a. Claims
Member Myetich moved to approve the Claims with a second from Member Potter. No Discussion was made. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting ayes.
b. Reports
8. Transfer of Funds – None
a. General Funds Transfers
b. Other Funds Transfers
9. Immediate Emergency /Appropriation(s) – None
a. General Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
b. Other Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
10. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Self-Funded Energy Program, JCI – Bruce Combs
Combs said that the verbiage changes requested by Jochums had been made and the timeline had been updated. Combs explained the next step in this process was a detailed engineering audit; the cost of which would be $21,400.00. If there were savings to be made on the project and the county went forward with the project, the engineering audit costs would be absorbed into the overall contract. If there were savings to be made on the project but the county choose not to go forward with the project, the county would have to pay for the audit. In the case were no savings to be made on the project the county would not have to pay for the engineering audit. Combs went on to explain that in final stage, contractors would be walked through the facilities so final numbers could be put together and updated utility data would be needed. Combs reminded everyone that the savings are guaranteed, it JCI’s work does not meet the savings goal as they lay out, JCI is responsible for paying the difference out of their pockets. Member Hensley said that he’d noticed the water conservations measures for the Clayberg were the largest part of that portion of the project, could A/C and lighting be added, Combs said the water usage stood out but other items could be reviewed. Mayall asked the board members to consider where the $21,400.00 would be coming from if the county does not proceed with the program if one can be completed.
Member Hensley made the motion to move to the full board the recommendations next step in the self-funded energy savings process, the detailed engineering audit with a second from Member Myetich. No further discussion was made. The motion carried by voice vote all ayes.
b. Discussion/Action: Targeted Buy-Outs
Nelson explained that only one person would participate in the buy-out; but that person could be replaced with an employee who would be at the bottom of the scale and there would be cost savings over time but this change.
Member Potter made the motion to move to the full board the recommendations to set targeted buyouts for general fund employees, with a cash payment of $10,000.00 and a deadline to participate of March 31, 2018 with a second from Member Hensley. No further discussion was made. The motion carried by voice vote all ayes.
a. Discussion/Action: ICA – $450.00 Donation to a Fulton Co. Charity
Young explained that he would be contacting the three not-for-profits for the information required by the ICA, once the information was collected, ICA would be relayed the information. The three non-for-profits are the Humane Society of Fulton Co., Fulton/Mason Crisis Center and C.O.P.E. Young added it was assumed the money be split three ways.
Member Potter made the motion to approve the three not-for-profit receiving an equal share of the donation from ICA with a second from Member Hensley. No further discussion was made. The motion carried by voice vote all ayes.
11. New Business
a. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Fees – Redemption –Creation of Line Item # 039-405.163-094
Nelson explained that postage was not being replaced when take notices are being mailed out; the resolution would create a line items for funds to replenish the postal machine.
Member Myetich made the motion to approve the resolution as presented with a second from Member Hensley. No further discussion was made. The motion carried by voice vote all ayes
b. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Postage – Take Notices – Creation of Line Items # 001-545.101-003
Member Myetich made the motion to approve the resolution as presented with a second from Member Hensley. No further discussion was made. The motion carried by voice vote all ayes.
c. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Contribution to Canton Area Heritage Center Creation of Line Item # 001-595.111-017
Member Potter made the motion to approve the resolution as presented with a second from Member Myetich. No further discussion was made. The motion carried by voice vote all ayes.
12. Transit
Miles reported that the 1st Qt. payment had been received short $4,000.00 which would be added to the 2nd Qt. payment. The delay in the 4th Qt. payment was explained as due to staffing shortages, retirements and GATA and not an error on the part of Fulton County. Further, the FCRT audit should be able to be utilized in the error with the 4th Qt. payment being made. The 1st Qt. and 2nd Qt. Federal payments should be shipped out in a few days.
13. Treasurer’s Report – None
14. Executive Session – None
15. MISC.
16. Adjournment
Time: 5:50 pm
Member Myetich made the motion to adjourn with a second from Member Pigg at 5:50 p.m. The motion carried by voice vote.