Peoria County Board met April 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call To Order
Moment Of Silence
Pledge Of Allegiance
Roll Call By The County Clerk
Attendance was taken with the Roll Call-Pro voting system, and the following members of the Board were present: Adamson, Baietto, Dillon, Elsasser, Fennell, Harding, Mayer, Morris, O'Neill, Rand, Rieker, Robinson, Rosenbohm, Salzer, Watkins and Williams, with Parker and Pastucha absent.
I. Approval Of Minutes
• Approval of March 8, 2018 County Board Meeting Minutes
• Approval of March 8, 2018 County Board Executive Session Meeting Minutes
Baietto moved for approval of the minutes, O’Neill seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous roll call vote of 16 ayes.
II. Proclamations And Presentations
• A proclamation recognizing the Richwoods High School Girl’s Basketball Team for winning the state championship in the 2018 Class 3A Girl’s Basketball IHSA Tournament.
Parker entered the meeting.
• A proclamation recognizing May 6-12, 2018 as “National Correctional Officers Recognition Week”
• A proclamation recognizing May 13-19, 2018 as “National Police Week”
• A proclamation recognizing April 2018 as Child Abuse Prevention Month and promoting the effort of the 11th annual Hands-Around-the-Courtyard event
III. Citizens' Remarks
Denis Cyr, 5th District Peoria City Councilmember, addressed the Board about the Willow Knolls and Allen Road intersection. He thanked the Board for the support of the road project and expressed that the Board and the Council can work as a team to do great things.
Morris noted that PPUATS passed a resolution allowing the federal dollars that would have been used for the intersection to be given to another project in 2021. Rieker thanked Mr. Cyr and he challenged the Board to work together with other local governing bodies.
IV. Consent Agenda
C1. The Treasurer report consisting of the Bank and CD's Portfolio for the month of February 2018 and Revenue & Expenditure Reports for the month of January 2018.
C2. The Auditor's report of expenditures from Accounts Payable system is accessible at
C3. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval to reauthorize the Home in the Heights Neighborhood Revitalization Program funding in the amount of $300,000.00 from the County State Capital Improvement (Keystone) Fund.
C4. A resolution from your Budget Subcommittee recommending approval of an appropriation in the 2018 budget of 2017 encumbrance rollovers and rollover appropriations in the amount of $1,383,383.00.
C5. A resolution from your Budget Subcommittee recommending approval of an appropriation into the FY 2018 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program budget for unspent FY 2017 grant funds.
C6. A resolution from your Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of an appropriation into the FY 2018 Solid Waste Fund in the amount of $36,500.00 to cover unanticipated expenses for Sustainability Grants.
C7. A resolution from your Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of the purchase of two (2) replacement vehicles for the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office.
C8. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of the transfer of fiduciary control of Public Transportation Grants from Peoria County to the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District.
C9. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of quotations for County Highway Maintenance materials to be purchased during 2018 on an as needed basis.
C10. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of a Cooperative Research Agreement between the County of Peoria and Bradley University, for the purpose of maintaining the Pavement Management Program.
C11. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of Peoria County Highway Department participation in a railroad safety improvement project on Kingston Mines Road.
C12. Chairman Appointments.
Mayer moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Robinson seconded. Fennell asked to pull Item C4; Adamson asked to pull Item C3. The Consent Agenda, except for Items C3 and C4, was approved by a roll call vote of 16 ayes and 1 nay, with Harding voting nay.
C3. A resolution recommending approval to reauthorize the Home in the Heights Neighborhood Revitalization Program.
Mayer moved to approve Item C3 and Fennell seconded.
Adamson asked about the program’s process, how the funds could be used, and who could use the funds. Mr. Sorrel highlighted the uses, the goal of the program to help Peoria Heights in various ways, and how the program could be extended to other communities.
Chairman Rand conveyed that the vote came from Executive Committee unanimously and Elsasser suggested that if the program is extended to other communities, that all will be treated fairly. Chairman Rand brought up that the nature of the Heights is that it is landlocked and the program helps in areas to strengthen the EAV.
Parker asked about who is responsible for the program and its promotion. Mr. Sorrel identified that the Heights is responsible. Fennell emphasized that the program incentivizes expanding homes.
Adamson inquired about the financing structure for the participants, if the program has been discussed with banking institutions, and if it has been done elsewhere. Mr. Sorrel mentioned that the program has worked as modeled, other parties helped develop it, and it has been modeled from multiple programs. Dillon reported that Peoria Heights had a kick-off for the program that included banks and realtors to promote the program.
Item C3 was approved by a roll call vote of 16 ayes and 1 nay, with Harding voting nay.
C4. A resolution recommending approval of a 2018 budget appropriation for 2017 encumbrance rollovers and rollover appropriations.
Fennell moved to approve Item C4 and Mayer seconded. Fennell explained that the exhibits the committee passed had a PO that needed separated out and new exhibits have been prepared.
Fennell moved to amend exhibits A & B in the resolution and Mayer seconded. The motion to amend the resolution passed by a roll call vote of 16 ayes and 1 nay, with Harding voting nay.
Item C4 as amended was approved by a roll call vote of 16 ayes and 1 nay, with Harding voting nay.
V. Zoning Ordinance And Resolutions
1. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval to authorize the restoration, relocation and reassembling of the Peoria County Civil War Memorial at Springdale Cemetery.
Mayer moved to approve the resolution and Baietto seconded. Mayer described the monument and a restoration project headed by a group, including Bruce Brown and Bob Hoffer, to place it at Springdale Cemetery.
Mr. Hoffer presented the history and importance of the monument, what has happened to the monument since its deconstruction at the courthouse, and the plans to restore and reconstruct it. He thanked the Board for the support and noted that it is the oldest Civil War monument in Illinois.
Baietto thanked Mr. Hoffer and expressed the importance of the monument.
The resolution passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 17 ayes.
2. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of the bid submitted by Darwin Wolf, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in the amount of $63,400.00, for the sculpture of a U.S. Military Soldier for the Peoria County Veterans Memorial Project.
Baietto moved to approve the resolution and Salzer seconded. Salzer noted that the memorial is nearing completion, introduced and thanked the committee members, described the meaning of the memorial, and requested support for the memorial.
Baietto thanked Salzer and expressed that it will memorialize any conflict into the future. Elsasser described that all should be thankful for those that served. Chairman Rand thanked all for their help on the memorial.
The resolution passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 17 ayes.
3. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending approval of the ratification of the Labor Agreement between the County of Peoria, the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Corrections Unit). (Pending Union Ratification and Committee Approval)
O’Neill moved to approve the resolution and Watkins seconded. O’Neill and Chairman Rand thanked those that were involved in the contract. The resolution passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 17 ayes.
4. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of a bid to remodel office space to be occupied by the Peoria County Election Commission. (Pending Committee Approval)
Salzer moved to approve the resolution and Mayer seconded. Election Commission Executive Director Tom Bride described that the current building was not designed for voting and the new location will provide better parking and ease to voters. The resolution passed by a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 2 nays, with Elsasser and Harding voting nay.
5. Executive Session – Pending Litigation
Chairman Rand announced he would take Miscellaneous and Announcements before the Board went into Executive Session. For those items, see below.
O’Neill moved to go into executive session to discuss pending litigation and Mayer seconded. The motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 17 ayes.
VI. Miscellaneous And Announcements
Adamson reported that his article in the Journal Star was written for the public to hold the Board accountable for Heddington Oaks and he believed other entities are better able to provide the service.
Baietto identified that privatizing Heddington Oaks would reduce the Medicare and Medicaid patients.
VII. Adjournment
There being no further business before the Board, the Chairman announced the meeting was adjourned.