City of Canton Fire and Police Commission will meet on July 10.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
Public Participation
A. Call to Order
B. Consent Agenda
Approval of the June 12, 2018 Regular Meeting and June 26, 2018 Special Meeting minutes
Approval of the June budget
C. Communications
Training certificates
D. Old Business
a. Probationary Employees
Cody Johnson 11-20-17
Chase Jones 07-02-18
b. Bills
c. Testing Cycles
1. Fire Initial – September 2018
2. Police Sergeant – September 2018
3. Police Lieutenant –March 2019
4. Police Initial List –September 2019
5. Fire Lieutenant – December 2019
6. Fire Assistant Chief – July 2020
E. New Business
F. Adjournment
Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Personnel