
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Canton Union School District 66 Board met June 25.

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Canton Union School District 66 Board met June 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

Board President Leonard Barnard called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the boardroom at the Canton School District Administration Building.

2. Roll Call

Board members present and answering roll call were Leonard Barnard, Lori Coleman, Tom Snowman, and Mark Tarter. Absent were board members Ben Bishop, Matt Kees, and Jane Lewis.

3. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Board President Barnard led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Amendments To The Agenda

Superintendent Sivertsen recommended Rodney Harris for employment as Supervisor of Custodial, Buildings, and Grounds (Agenda Item 10-B.9).

A motion was made by Board Member Lori Coleman, and seconded by Mark Tarter, to amend the agenda to designate Rodney Harris for item 10-B.9. Voting yes by roll call were board members Coleman, Tarter, Barnard, and Snowman. Motion carried.

5. Good News Items

A. Additional Good News Items

Additional Good News Items presented: 1) District 66 Student Morgan Wagner had a Champion Hog at the 2018 National Western Stock Show; and 2) Jewel Team representative Julie Drake came onsite to conduct a review of the District’s telephone system and provide input on changes that could be made that result in savings, estimated at $46,00, for the District.

6. Recognition Of Audience Requests To Address Board Of Education

There were no audience requests to address the Board of Education.

7. Consent Agenda – Consider Approval Of All Items Noted (*) As Included On The Consent Agenda

Board member Coleman moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Coleman, Tarter, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried.

*8. Minutes

A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, May 21, 2018

B. Minutes of the Closed Session, May 21, 2018

The minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on May 21, 2018 and the minutes of the Closed Session on May 21, 2018 were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda (On File)

*9. Financial Activity

A. Consider Payment of Bills and Payroll

The June 2018 bills and payroll were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

B. Treasurer’s Report

The May 2018 Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. Assistant Superintendent Tad DeRenzy reported that balances in the Education Fund, Operations and Maintenance Fund, Transportation Fund, and Working Cash Fund reflect an increase from this time last year. (On File)

*10. Personnel

A. Retirements/Leaves/Resignations

1. Resignation, Nikki Parker, Grade 6 Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective May 25, 2018

2. Resignation, Catherine Calvert, Secretary, Eastview Elementary School, Effective Immediately

3. Medical Leave of Absence, Licensed Staff Member, Effective Beginning August 13, 2018 thru September 3, 2018

4. Resignation, Luke Randall, Grounds Keeper, Effective June 26, 2018

5. Resignation, Huston Mathias, Eighth Grade Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Immediately

The resignation of Nikki Parker, Grade 6 Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective May 25, 2018; Catherine Calvert, Secretary, Eastview Elementary School, Effective Immediately; Luke Randall, Grounds Keeper, Effective June 26, 2018; and Huston Mathias, Eighth Grade Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Immediately, were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

The medical leave of absence for a licensed staff member, effective beginning August 13, 2018 thru September 3, 2018, was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

B. Employment

1. Brooke Ford, Fifth Grade Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending Required Paperwork and Background Check)

2. Molly Stinauer, 7/8 Behavior Classroom Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending Required Paperwork and Background Check)

3. Jessica Anderson, 7/8 Functional Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending Required Paperwork and Background Check)

4. Cassondra Juliusson, Kindergarten Teacher, Eastview Elementary School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending Required Paperwork and Background Check)

5. Lisa Weis, Secretary, Eastview Elementary School, Effective July 30, 2018

6. Theresa Miller, Sixth Grade Math Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending required paperwork, Licensure, and background check)

7. Megan Martin, Seventh Grade Science Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending required paperwork, Licensure, and background check)

8. Lucinda Ward, Seventh Grade Social Studies Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending required paperwork, Licensure, and background check)

9. Rodney Harris, Supervisor of Custodial, Buildings, and Grounds

The employment of staff was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda: 1) Brooke Ford, Fifth Grade Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending Required Paperwork and Background Check); 2) Molly Stinauer, 7/8 Behavior Classroom Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending Required Paperwork and Background Check); 3) Jessica Anderson, 7/8 Functional Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending Required Paperwork and Background Check); 4) Cassondra Juliusson, Kindergarten Teacher, Eastview Elementary School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending Required Paperwork and Background Check); 5) Lisa Weis, Secretary, Eastview Elementary School, Effective July 30, 2018; 6) Theresa Miller, Sixth Grade Math Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending required paperwork, Licensure, and background check); 7) Megan Martin, Seventh Grade Science Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending required paperwork, Licensure, and background check); 8) Lucinda Ward, Seventh Grade Social Studies Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Pending required paperwork, Licensure, and background check); and 9) Rodney Harris, Supervisor of Custodial, Buildings, and Grounds were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

C Transfers

1. Transfers at Ingersoll Middle School:

• Gail Reith to Fifth Grade Resource Teacher

• Jennifer Cahill to Sixth Grade Science Teacher

• Dustyn Hart to Eighth Grade Science Teacher

• Kory Hoops to Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher

• Amanda Valentin to Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher

• Tracy DeLost to Sixth Grade ELA

• Michelle Franzoni, Title Teacher

• Zacharey Crawford to Eighth Grade History

Transfers at Ingersoll Middle School were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda: Gail Reith to Fifth Grade Resource Teacher; Jennifer Cahill to Sixth Grade Science Teacher; Dustyn Hart to Eighth Grade Science Teacher; Kory Hoops to Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher; Amanda Valentin to Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher; Tracy DeLost to Sixth Grade ELA; Michelle Franzoni, Title Teacher; and Zacharey Crawford to Eighth Grade History. (On File)

D. Extracurricular

1. Resignation, Christy Semande, Head Speech Team Coach, Canton High School, Effective the end of the 2017-2018 School Year

2. Employment, Jamie Schoonover and Tracy Reinmann, Credit Recovery Teachers, Canton High School, Effective Summer 2018

3. Resignation, Abbi Smith, Freshman Girls Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective the end of the 2017-2018 Season

4. Employment, Abbi Smith, Girls Sophomore Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective 2018-2019 Season

5. Approval of Volunteer Coaches at Canton High School:

Hunter Rhodes – Football, Basketball

Isabella Kosier – Cross-Country

6. Employment, Trey Harrison, Freshman Football Coach, Canton High School Effective 2018-2019 Season

7. Employment, Dustyn Hart, Girls 8th Grade Basketball Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the 2018-2019 Season

8. Resignation, Jason Haupt, Assistant Boys Soccer Coach, Canton High School, Effective the End of the 2017-2018 Season

9. Approval, Jason Haupt, Volunteer Soccer Coach, Canton High School, Effective the 2018-2019 Season

10. Resignation, Huston Mathias, Scholastic Bowl Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Immediately

Action was taken to approve extracurricular items as presented under the Consent Agenda: 1) Resignation, Christy Semande, Head Speech Team Coach, Canton High School, Effective the end of the 2017-2018 School Year; 2) Employment, Jamie Schoonover and Tracy Reinmann, Credit Recovery Teachers, Canton High School, Effective Summer 2018; 3) Resignation, Abbi Smith, Freshman Girls Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective the end of the 2017-2018 Season; 4) Employment, Abbi Smith, Girls Sophomore Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective 2018-2019 Season; 5) Approval of Volunteer Coaches at Canton High School: Hunter Rhodes – Football, Basketball and Isabella Kosier – Cross-Country; 6) Employment, Trey Harrison, Freshman Football Coach, Canton High School Effective 2018-2019 Season; 7) Employment, Dustyn Hart, Girls 8th Grade Basketball Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the 2018-2019 Season; 8) Resignation, Jason Haupt, Assistant Boys Soccer Coach, Canton High School, Effective the End of the 2017-2018 Season; 9) Approval, Jason Haupt, Volunteer Soccer Coach, Canton High School, Effective the 2018-2019 Season; and 10) Resignation, Huston Mathias, Scholastic Bowl Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Immediately. (On File)

11. Action

*A. Consider Approval of Destruction of Audio Recording of Board Meeting Closed Session Held on November 21, 2016

The Board gave approval for destruction of the audio recordings of the board meeting closed sessions held on November 21, 2016 as presented under the Consent Agenda.

*B. Consider Approval of Prevailing Wage Resolution

The Prevailing Wage Resolution and Rates were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (Attachment)

*C. Consider Approval of Payment of Dues and Continued Membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards

The payment of dues and continued membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*D. Consider Approval to Close the Ingersoll Middle School Accelerated Reader Account and Transfer the Balance of $10,558.61 to the General Activity Account at Ingersoll Middle School

The closure of the Ingersoll Middle School Accelerated Reader Account and the transfer of the balance of $10,558.61 to the General Activity Account at Ingersoll Middle School was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*E. Consider Approval of Title I Schoolwide Plans for Eastview Elementary School, Lincoln Elementary School, Westview Elementary School, Ingersoll Middle School, and Canton High School

The Title I Schoolwide Plans for Eastview Elementary School, Lincosln Elementary School, Westview Elementary School, Ingersoll Middle School, and Canton High School were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

F. Consider Approval of Agreement Between Board of Education of Canton Union School District No. 66 and the Fulton/Hancock/McDonough/Schuyler Regional Office of Education #26 for the Shared Use of McCall School

The Regional Office of Education will be taking over use of the former maintenance office and gym and assuming responsibilities as outlined in the Agreement.

Board member Coleman moved, and Snowman seconded, to approve the Agreement between the Board of Education of Canton Union School District No. 66 and the Fulton/Hancock/McDonough/Schuyler Regional Office of Education #26 for the shared use of McCall School as presented. Voting yes by roll call were board members Coleman, Snowman, Barnard, and Tarter. Motion carried. (On File)

G. Consider Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Personal Property at Auction

Board member Snowman moved to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Personal Property at Auction as presented. Coleman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Snowman, Coleman, Tarter, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

12. Reports

A. District #66 Metrics Report

There were no questions or concerns on the monthly updates presented on the District #66 Metrics Reports. (On File)

13. Discussion Items

There were no Discussion Items on the June 25, 2018 regular board meeting agenda.

14. Information Items

A. Schedule Board Policy Governance Committee Meeting

The Board heard there is a need to schedule a Board Policy Governance Committee meeting for review of the IASB PRESS Plus Issue #98. Board representatives on the committee will determine a date and time.

B. June 2018 Building Reports

June 2018 Building Reports were provided for Ingersoll Middle School and Canton High School. (On File)

C. End of Year Enrollment

End-of-year enrollment (2425) was provided to the Board of Education. (On File)

D. Freedom of Information Request from James Bachman, Executive Director, Illinois Retired Teachers Association, Received May 31, 2018

The Board heard that a Freedom of Information request was received at the District Office on May 31, 2018 from James Bachman, Executive Director of the Illinois Retired Teachers Association. The District’s response was sent by the district in the timeline required by law. (On File)

E. Clay Target Team for Grades 6-12

Superintendent Sivertsen provided an update on the proposal to implement a Clay Target Team in District 66. The shooting range will be located at Jacob’s Field. Student participants will be required to successfully complete a safety certification training. After approval by the Board of Education in July 2018 the proposal will be submitted for sanctioning by IHSA. Information on the new extracurricular activity will be broadcast to the community via newspaper articles and the District #66 website. (On File)

15. Future Agenda Items

A. Yearly Planning Calendar

The Tentative FY 19 Budget will be presented in August 2018 and approved in September 2018.

16. Closed Session

A. Discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the District – [5 IlCS 120/2(c)(1)]

B. Discuss collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)]

Board member Mark Tarter moved to enter closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district – [5 IlCS 120/2(c)(1)] and to discuss collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees – [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)]; Board Member Tom Snowman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Tarter, Snowman, Barnard, and Coleman. Motion carried.

The Board entered closed session at 7:14 PM. The Board returned to open session 7:39 PM.

17. Adjourn

Board member Snowman moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Snowman, Tarter, Barnard, and Coleman. Motion carried.

Board President Leonard Barnard declared the regular meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.




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