City of Chillicothe City Council met September 24.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Chillicothe, Peoria County, Illinois, met in Regular Session September 24, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Donald Z. White called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance, to the Flag of the United States of America, was recited.
Chairman White directed Clerk Hurd to take roll.
Present: Mayor Donald Z. White
City Clerk Margaret Hurd
City Treasurer B.L. Bredeman
Aldermen: Dean Braun, Danny Colwell,
Patricia Connor, Dennis Gould
Michael Hughes, Jeffrey Jenkins,
Gary Sharp, James Thornton
Also Present: City Attorney Michael Seghetti
City Engineer Ken Coulter
Office Manager Denise Passage
Assistant Fire Chief Greg Hurd
Superintendent of Public Works, Shawn Sutherland
Absent: Fire Chief Jim Benisch
Police Chief Scott Mettille
Economic Deve
Chairman White declared a Quorum present.
The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on September 10, 2018, were presented. Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Braun that the Council dispense with the reading of the Minutes of the September 10, 2018 Regular Council Meeting and approve the Minutes as presented.
Motion carried via voce vote
Clerk Hurd presented the following committee minutes:
Public works – September 5, 2018
Zoning Board of Appeals – September 19, 2018
Clerk Hurd presented an Application to Rezone for 721 Third Street as submitted by DGOG Chillicothe il07252018LLC. She informed the Council a hearing will be held October 2, 2018.
Clerk Hurd read a Formal Complaint, received September 17, 2018 from Dana Bannister in regards to the September 4, 2018 Public Safety Committee meeting.
Clerk Hurd read a Formal Request for Copy of Documents, received September 19, 2018 from Dana Bannister.
Clerk Hurd read a Formal Complaint and Request to Dismiss Ordinance Violation Ticket, received September 19, 2018 from Dana Bannister.
Clerk Hurd read a Letter of Resignation from Karen Moewe, Fired Department Office Manager. Chairman White informed the Council that he has been in contact with the City Fire Chief and the District Fire Chief in regards to the duties/responsibilities of the Office Manager, He explained to the Council that 75% of her duties involve the District Department and 25% involve the City Department therefore he has asked Kevin Peterson, President of the District Board, to take the lead on finding a replacement.
Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Gould that the communications as presented by Clerk Hurd be placed on file. Motion carried via voce vote.
Alderman Gould reported that the Public Works Committee discussed allowing a fence around a dumpster to be replaced; however it is in a right of way of an alley. Alderman Sharp, Alderman Jenkins and Mayor White were present at the meeting and were in favor of allowing the fence to be replaced. This would require an agreement between the City and the property owner therefore he will be working with the City Attorney on the matter.
Alderman Gould reported there were no bids received for the property on Birren Street therefore the Public Works Committee will review alternate options.
Chairman White informed the council that the Fire District Board approved the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City at their last meeting.
Chairman White informed the Fire District that the Peters case has been delayed until February due to the passing of Attorney O’Day.
Chairman White informed the Council that Kaci Geier, Peoria Area Convention Bureau has resigned her position with the Convention Bureau. He told the Council that the City Ordinance requires a member of the PACB is to be appointed to the City’s Marketing and Tourism Committee therefore he will need to appoint a replacement for Ms. Geier.
Chairman reminded the Council that the FLM hearing is scheduled for 9am, Tuesday September 25, 2018 at the Peoria County Court House.
Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Gould that the communications presented by the Aldermen and Mayor be placed on file. Motion carried via voce vote.
There were no reports from council committees.
Motion Alderman Thornton, second Alderman Gould that the bills as presented be paid and the payrolls and transfers be approved.
Roll Call Vote was:
Ayes: Braun, Colwell, Connor, Gould
Hughes, Jenkins, Sharp, Thornton
Nays: None
Chairman declared motion carried.
Motion Alderman Gould, second Alderman Hughes that the Council approve Ordinance No. 18-09-22, an Ordinance adding section 78-55 (Small wireless facilities) to chapter 78 (streets, sidewalks and other public places) of the city code. City Attorney Seghetti gave an explanation of the ordinance.
Roll Call Vote was:
Ayes: Braun, Colwell, Connor, Gould
Hughes, Jenkins, Sharp, Thornton
Nays: None
Chairman declared Ordinance No. 18-09-22 passed and signed the same.
Motion Alderman Gould, second Alderman Sharp that the Council approve an expenditure of $20,000.00 payable to Advanced Asphalt for additional street patching. Payable from the Road & Bridge Fund – priority One Project – Street Overlay/Curb Improvements. City Engineer Coulter explained the various locations to be patching.
Roll Call Vote was:
Ayes: Braun, Colwell, Connor, Gould
Hughes, Jenkins, Sharp, Thornton
Nays: None
Chairman declared motion carried.
Motion Alderman Gould, second Alderman Colwell that the Council approve the following application for the Sidewalk Program:
Julie Webber 1013 Beech $ 860.00
Payable from the Road & Bridge Fund.
Program Amount $11,781.92
Approved - 860.00
Remaining Balance $10,921.92
Roll Call Vote was:
Ayes: Braun, Colwell, Connor, Gould
Hughes, Jenkins, Sharp, Thornton
Nays: None
Chairman declared motion carried.
Motion Alderman Gould, second Alderman Jenkins that the Council approve an expenditure of $16,891.60, payable to Complete Asphalt Service Company for the 2018 Crack sealing program. Payable from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund.
Roll Call Vote was:
Ayes: Braun, Colwell, Connor, Gould
Hughes, Jenkins, Sharp, Thornton
Nays: None
Chairman declared motion carried.
Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Hughes that the Council approve Ordinance No. 18-09-23, an Ordinance approving an Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Chillicothe and Odewaldt, LLC. Payable from TIF Central.
Roll Call Vote was:
Ayes: Braun, Colwell, Connor, Gould
Hughes, Jenkins, Sharp, Thornton
Nays: None
Chairman declared Ordinance No. 18-09-23 passed and signed the same.
Motion Alderman Colwell, second Alderman Sharp that the Council authorize the Economic Development Director, Rachael Parker, to advertise for bids for the demolition of 616 N. Fourth Street. Motion carried via voce vote.
Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Sharp that the Council approve Ordinance No. 18-09-24, an ordinance amending the Zoning Map to rezone the property 1110-1128 Sturgeon Lane to R-4 Mobile Home, Trailer Court District. City Attorney Seghetti and Office Manager Passage gave an explanation of the change in the Ordinance. Discussion was held.
Roll Call Vote was:
Ayes: Braun, Colwell, Connor, Gould
Hughes, Jenkins, Sharp, Thornton
Nays: None
Chairman declared Ordinance No. 18-09-24 passed and signed the same.
Motion Alderman Hughes, second Alderman Colwell that the Council approve the Notice for Special Event Held on Public Property, as submitted by Tiffany Moore, Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce, for the closing of Second Street from Chestnut Street to Walnut Street, for the annual Merchant’s Trick or Treat Event, held on Friday, October 26, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Motion carried via voice vote.
Alderman Thornton announced that the Finance Committee met regarding the 2018 Tax Levy and the Tax Levy amount will be $764,213.17 and that a Truth and Taxation Hearing will be held in October and the Ordinance will be presented at the October 8, 2018 for a first reading.
Motion Alderman Thornton, second Alderman Colwell that the Council approve a transfer of $20,535.00 from the General Fund to Police Pension for the additional amount that is needed for the 2017-2018 tax levy year.
Roll Call Vote was:
Ayes: Braun, Colwell, Connor, Gould
Hughes, Jenkins, Sharp, Thornton
Nays: None
Chairman declared motion carried.
Chairman White announced that there being no further business the Council meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.