City of Chillicothe Public Works Committee met November 7.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The Public Works Committee met on November 7, 2018, at 4:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Present: Chairman Gould, Alderman Hughes, Alderman Sharp, Alderman Jenkins, Mayor White, City Engineer Coulter, Superintendent Sutherland, Office Manager Passage
Chairman Gould called the meeting to order.
Public Comment
No public Comment
High Usage Waiver
One high usage waiver request was received. Crestwood properties at 211 N. Third Street.
They have requested that the committee consider two month as they have two months of high usage. Superintendent Sutherland stated that it did not go back through the system. Should the committee consider waiving the two months the amount would be $82.57. Mr. Sniff of Crestwood properties addressed the committee. He explained that he had three months of high usage. The first month He found a toilet to be leaking, however he believes that just masked the real issue of the leak behind a wall. After discussion, the consensus of the committee was to grant the waiver of $82.57.
Budget Review
A review of the budget was held. The budget reflects six month into the fiscal year
Street Markings –Special Events
Office Manager Passage presented a draft of an ordinance prepared by attorney Seghetti.
The ordinance prohibits markings on the street unless they are temporary markings and in conjunction with a special event and approved by council.
The consensus of the committee was to present the ordinance for approval at the November 12 council meeting.
Repair City Hall Front Door
Office Manager Passage advised the committee that the front door glass has been broken.
The cause is believed to be by the door hitting the planter. The cost to repair the door by Crawford Brinkman is $943.44. They will repair the glass, replace the closer, set top and bottom pivots and install a floor mounted door stop to avoid this happening again. The consensus of the committee was to present the invoice to council for approval.
Heater – City Hall
Office Manager Passage advised the committee that the heater/air conditioner in the hallway at City hall No longer is working. Jerry Myers has looked at it and recommends that it be replaced. The cost to Replace the heater/air conditioner is $1,177.00 from Grainger. Jerry Myers will install. The consensus of the committee was to seek approval at the November 12 council meeting.
Heaters – Pump House
Superintendent Sutherland advised the committee that the heater in the Walnut Pump house and the Wilmot Pump House have quit working. The cost to replace each heater is $576.00. The total cost for two heaters from Grainer is $1,152.00. Jerry Myers will install. A discussion was held regarding the installation. This would be a water/sewer fund expense. The consensus of the committee was to present to council for approval.
City Engineer explained that there is area in town where the water system cannot be shut down to make repairs without shutting down several blocks, which would cause a high volume of citizens to be without water. A discussion ensued regarding the area and the amount of valves is said area. Superintendent Sutherland stated that the cost to have a valve inserted is $4,900 to $5,400.00 per valve. The difference in the cost is the size of the valve. He stated that in the area discussed there are three four inch valves and one six inch valve that will need to be inserted or repaired. The total cost to have Hoerr Construction install four incert a valves will be $20,100.00, which includes the materials. Superintendent Sutherland stated the cost to purchase a valve is approximately $1,000.00 to $1,200.00. A discussion ensued regarding the need to do all four valves and how it would impact the budget. After discussion, the consensus of the committee was to recommend to the council to have Hoerr construction install two incert a valves at a cost of $10,300.00, which consists of one four inch valve and one six inch valve. In the spring the committee will review the need for additional valves and the impact on the budget.
Valve Exercise Machine
Superintendent Sutherland stated that he would like to purchase a valve exercise machine. The cost of the machine is $4,330.85, from USA Blue Book. The machines will help in turning valves. He advised the committee that he is preparing a schedule to routinely move the valves and the machine would be more efficient and effective. A valve exercise program is required by the EPA. The consensus of the committee was to seek approval for the purchase of the machine at the next council meeting.
Project Update
Engineer Coulter advised the committee he has received the following invoice.
Advanced Asphalt – Milling - $5,197.09 – Payable from Road & Bridge
Advanced Asphalt – Patching - $19, 102.87 – Payable from Road & Bridge
Advanced Asphalt - Overlay – $86,415.19 - Payable from Road & Bridge $10,000 and $76,415.19 from MFT.
The Consensus of the committee was to present to council for payment.
Old Business
Sharrow – Ordinance Office Manager Passage advised the committee that Attorney Seghetti no ordinance is need and you can have the sharrows/bicycle markings on the street no enforcement. Should you want to make an area bicycle only then you might want to consider no parking. Mayor White recommended that no ordinance be created at this time and to revisit this should the city receive the grant for the bicycle paths. The consensus of the committee was to wait.
Sidewalk Program Applications
Office Manager announced there are no applications and the sidewalk program is closed at this time as per the guidelines of the program. We approved 13 applications and the city’s share was $12,078.08.
Council Agenda Items: Ordinance – Street Markings – Special Event
Repair City Hall Front Door
Heater – City Hall
Heater – Pump Houses Payment Advanced Asphalt – Milling
Payment Advanced Asphalt – Patching
Payment Advanced Asphalt – Overlay
Priority One Project – Water Mains/Valves
Purchase Valve Exercise Machine
Chairman Action: Nothing
There being no further business the meeting adjourned 5:30 p.m