
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Canton Union School District 66 Board met December 17

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Canton Union School District 66 Board met Dec. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


President Leonard Barnard called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the boardroom at the Administration Building.


Board members present and answering roll call were Leonard Barnard, Ben Bishop, Lori Coleman, Matt Kees, Mark Tarter, and Tom Snowman. Participating in the meeting by telephone conference call was board member Jane Lewis.


President Barnard led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were no amendments to the December 17, 2018 regular board meeting agenda.


A. Recognition of CHS Class of 2019 Illinois State Scholars

Seventeen members of the Canton High School Class of 2019 were present and recognized by the Board of Education as 2019-2020 Illinois State Scholars. Students recognized as Illinois State Scholars were Elizabeth Spahn, Samantha Tindall, Marilyn Gibson, Isabella Brady, Madison Strantz, Sophia Oaks, Zachary Sappington, Piper Denny, Sierra Wirebaugh, Cade Bugos, Brianna McCollum, Anna Plumer, Alexandra Chamberlin, Phillip Murphy, Nathan Bobell, Collin Suddeth, and Caleb Miller. The students were commended for their hard work and dedication that brought them this prestigious recognition.

B. Additional Good News Items

Additional Good News Items presented: 1) Twenty-three CHS students were awarded a Dual Credit Scholarship from Spoon River College; and 2) the Lincoln Elementary Christmas Tea was enjoyed by those in attendance.

6. RECOGNITION OF AUDIENCE REQUESTS TO ADDRESS BOARD OF EDUCATION There were no audience requests to address the Board of Education.


Board member Bishop moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Coleman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Coleman, Kees, Snowman, Tarter, and Barnard. Motion carried.


A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting, November 19, 2018

B. Minutes of the Public Hearing Seeking Waiver of School Code, November 19, 2018

C. Minutes of the Closed Session, November 19, 2018

D. Minutes of the Closed Session, November 10, 2018

The minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on November 19, 2018; minutes of the public hearing seeking waiver of the school code, November 19, 2018; minutes of the closed session on November 19, 2018; and the minutes of the closed session on November 10, 2018 were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda (On File)


A. Consider Payment of Bills and Payroll

The December bills and payroll were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. Assistant Superintendent Tad DeRenzy reported that compared to last year fund balances in the Education, Operations and Maintenance, Transportation, and Working Cash Funds reflected an increase. (On File)

B. Treasurer’s Report

The November 2018 Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)


A. Retirements/Leaves/Resignations

1. Medical Leave of Absence, Support Staff Member, Effective Tentatively December 10, 2018 to January 7, 2019

2. Medical Leave of Absence, Licensed Staff Member, Effective for Approximately Six Weeks

3. Retirement, Diana Pirtle, Paraprofessional, Canton High School, Effective December 21, 2018

Approved as presented under the Consent Agenda were the following items: 1) Medical Leave of Absence, Support Staff Member, Effective Tentatively December 10, 2018 to January 7, 2019; 2) Medical Leave of Absence, Licensed Staff Member, Effective for Approximately Six Weeks; and 3) Retirement, Diana Pirtle, Paraprofessional, Canton High School, Effective December 21, 2018. (On File)

B. Employment

1. Bailey Fisch, Special Education Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, Effective January 7, 2019 (Pending Required Paperwork, Background Check, and December 2018 Graduation)

The employment of Bailey Fisch as Special Education Teacher at Lincoln Elementary School, effective January 7, 2019, pending required paperwork, background check, and December 2018 graduation) was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

C Transfers

There were no transfers presented on the December 17, 2018 regular board meeting agenda.

D. Extracurricular

1. Employment, Ashley Krulac and Jodi Neptun, Cum Laude Advisors, Canton High School, Effective Immediately (Board Enclosure)

The employment of Ashley Krulac and Jodi Neptun as Cum Laude Advisors at Canton High School, effective immediately, was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)


*A. Consider Approval of Destruction of Audio Recording of Closed Session May 15, 2017

The Board gave approval for destruction of the audio recordings of the board meeting closed session held May 15, 2017 as presented under the Consent Agenda.

*B. Consider Approval to Authorize Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent to Begin FY 20 Budget

The Board gave authorization for the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent to begin the FY 20 Budget as presented under the Consent Agenda.

*C. Consider Approval of Implementation of Winter Guard at Canton High School for the 2018-2019 Circuit

The Board approved the implementation of Winter Guard at Canton High School for the 2018-2019 Circuit as presented under the Consent Agenda.

*D. Consider Approval of Revised Board Policies – 2nd Reading: 5:30, Hiring Process and Criteria

5:35, Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act 5:80, Court Duty

5:150, Personnel Records

5:185, Family and Medical Leave

5:200, Terms & Conditions of Employment and Dismissal 5:210, Resignations

5:250, Leaves of Absence

5:270, Employment At-Will, Compensation, and Assignment 5:290, Employment Termination and Suspensions

5:300, Schedules and Employment Year

5:310, Compensatory Time-Off

5:320, Evaluation

5:330, Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves 8:30, Visitors to and Conduct on School Property 

Revisions to board policies were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*E. Consider Approval of Amended 2018-2019 Official Public School Calendar

The Amended 2018-2019 Official Public School Calendar was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (Attachment)

F. Consider Approval of Canton High School Girls Basketball Overnight Trip to Bloomington 2018

Board member Kees moved to approve the Canton High School Girls Basketball Team’s overnight trip to Bloomington, Illinois on December 26, 2018 for participation in the Holiday tournament Games. Board member Coleman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Kees, Coleman, Bishop, Snowman, Tarter, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

G. Consider Approval of Bid from Union Roofing Co. Inc. in the amount of $1,042,000 for Re-Roof Work in 2019 at District #66 Buildings (Administration Building, Alice Ingersoll Gymnasium, Lincoln Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School, Westview Elementary School, and Ingersoll Middle School)

Board member Tarter moved to approve the bid in the amount of $1,042,000 for re-roof work in 2019 at the District #66 Administration Building, Alice Ingersoll Gymnasium, Lincoln Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School, Westview Elementary School, and Ingersoll Middle School as presented. Board member Coleman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Tarter, Coleman, Bishop, Kees, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

H. Consider Approval of 2018 Amended Intergovernmental Property Tax Abatement Agreement Between the City of Canton, County of Fulton, Spoon River College, Banner Township, Buckheart Township, Canton Township, Orion Township, Village of Banner, and the Canton Union School District #66

Board member Bishop moved to approve the 2018 Amended Intergovernmental Property Tax Abatement Agreement as presented. Board member Snowman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Snowman, Coleman, Kees, Tarter, and Barnard. (On File)

I. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Application for a Waiver of School Code Mandates Regarding Three Times Per Week Physical Education

Board member Kees moved to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Application for a Waiver of School Code Mandates Regarding Three Times Per Week Physical Education as presented. Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Kees, Tarter, Bishop, Coleman, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried. (Attachment)


A. Remediation Program Proposal 2018 – G. Stephenson, K. Freiley, D. Reavis, B. Miller, Dustyn Hart

Ingersoll Middle School eighth grade teachers Grant Stephenson, Kim Freiley, Deb Reavis, Brett Miller, and Dustyn Hart reported on the Remediation Program Proposal 2018. The purpose of the program is to assist retained and at-risk eighth grade students in experiencing a successful educational experience through motivation, focusing on classwork in an area of interest to them at the high school level. Requirements and goals for the program and spring 2019 implementation for four students were discussed.

B. District #66 Metrics Report

There were no questions or concerns regarding the monthly District Metrics report provided to the Board. (On File)


A. Discuss Property Tax Relief Grant

Assistant Superintendent Tad DeRenzy provided specifics on the Property Tax Relief Grant, an option available to eligible school districts. The eligibility requirements and the benefits and disadvantages of applying for the Grant were discussed. It was Board consensus to not pursue the Grant at this time.

B. Discuss New and Revised Board Policies (PRESS #99) – 1st Reading: 2:80, Board Member Oath and Conduct

2:120, Board Member Development

4:15, Identity Protection

4:45, Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt Recovery

4:130, Free and Reduced-Price Food Services

4:130-E, Exhibit-Free and Reduced-Price Food Services; Meal Charge Notifications 4:170, Safety

5:30, Hiring Process and Criteria

5:60, Expenses

5:100, Staff Development Program 5:220, Substitute Teachers

6:20, School Year Calendar and Day 6:60, Curriculum Content

6:310, High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re- Entering Students

7:70, Attendance and Truancy

7:100, Health, Eye and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students 7:190, Student Behavior

7:250, Student Support Services

7:260, Exemption from Physical Education

7:270, Administering Medicines to Students

7:290, Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention

7:305, Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

First reading was given to proposed revisions to Board policies as recommended by IASB Policy Services in PRESS Plus #99 and as recommended by the Board Policy Governance Committee. There were no questions or concerns regarding the proposed revisions. Second reading and action to approve will be taken at the January 2019 regular board meeting. (On File)

C. Discuss Canton High School Late Start Proposal

Canton High School administrators Principal Mike Lindy and Assistant Principal Jay Valencia presented a proposal for late start (9:05 AM) for CHS students two times a month for the purpose of providing staff time, during the contractual day, for participation in their Professional Learning Community (PLC) for collaboration on improving teaching skills and academic performance of students. Information on the proposal’s goals, measurable outcomes, transportation, student supervision, and scheduling were discussed. Consensus of the Board was to proceed with implementation Fall 2019. (On File)

D. Discuss CTE for the 21st Century

A proposal for expansion of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program at the high school to further the opportunities for students taking a post secondary track other than a four-year college was provided to the Board. Goals for the program, potential course opportunities, obstacles, and conclusions were discussed. Desired qualifications of a teacher to fill the initial position, business partnerships, and funding were also discussed as pathways for growth of the program. First steps will be the formation of a CTE Committee, including district administrators, high school administrators and staff, board members, and community/business representatives. (On File)

E. Discuss Possible Agreement with Cuba School District #3 for Elementary Music Teacher

The Board discussed the proposal of an agreement with Cuba School District #3 for the purpose of sharing a music teacher. The individual hired would be an employee of the Canton School District; Cuba would be billed for a percentage (53.3%) of the cost. It was the consensus of the Board to proceed with the proposal. (On File)


A. December 2018 Building Reports

The December 2018 building reports were provided to board members. (On File)

B. Distribution Percentages from County School Facilities Tax

Distribution percentages from the County School Facilities Tax were provided to the Board. The Canton distribution percentage is calculated at 46.0378%, a slight decline from the previous year. (On File)

C. Freedom of Information Request from SmartProcure, Received December 4, 2018

A request for information, made under the Freedom of Information Act, from SmartProcure was received at the District Office and responded to in the timeline required by law. (On File)

D. CUSD #66 Continuous Improvement Plan Update

Curriculum Director Jason Parsons and Student Learning Director Julie Tarvin provided an update on the Continuous Quality Improvement Plan for District #66. The timeline and an explanation of the SMART Goal Training Module and PDSA online training for staff were provided. (On File)

E. School Report Card Update

Curriculum Director Jason Parsons provided an update on the data from the District School Report Cards. The Core Academic Indicators, School Designations and three-year comparisons of test scores compared to other county schools, demographically similar schools, and conference schools were presented. (On File)


A. Yearly Planning Calendar

No items presented. 


A. Discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district – [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)]

B. Discuss Educational Matters Pertaining to the Placement of Individual Students in Special Education Programs and Other Matters Relating to Individual Students 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10)

Board member Matt Kees moved to enter closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body to determine its validity pursuant to Illinois School Code 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and to discuss educational matters pertaining to the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10). Board member Bishop seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Kees, Bishop, Coleman, Snowman, Tarter, and Barnard. Motion carried.

The Board entered closed session at 8:46 PM. The Board returned to open session 10:32 PM. 17. ACTION

A. Consider Approval of 2018-2019 Evaluation of Rolf Sivertsen, Superintendent

Board member Tarter moved to approve the 2018-2019 Evaluation of Superintendent Rolf Sivertsen. Board member Snowman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Tarter, Snowman, Bishop, Coleman, Kees, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)


Board member Tarter moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Bishop seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Tarter, Bishop, Coleman, Kees, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried.

President Barnard declared the regular meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM.




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