Village of San Jose Police Committee met April 8.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Police Committee of the Village of San Jose called to order by Chairman Blackstock at 5:30pm., on Monday, April 8, 2019. Meeting was held at Village Hall, 309 S 2nd Street San Jose, Illinois. Roll call taken: Chairman Blackstock; Trustee Allen; Trustee Tillquist. Also, in attendance: Clerk Custodio, Chief Marlo and 5 citizens. Meeting agenda was posted more than forty-eight in advance on the village website, outside and inside bulletin boards at Village Hall.
Discussion regarding adopting an ordinance re: open consumption in the Village of San Jose. Chairman Blackstock will contact the village attorney and discuss legalities of an open consumption ordinance.
Chief Marlo spoke on the Mason County – wide Emergency team and if the village wanted to join this team. Team will consist of full-time officers, Officer Willoby will be San Jose’s member.
Committee recommendations for the April 15, 2019 Board meeting:
Chairman Blackstock recommends a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss ordinance on open consumption.
Chairman Blackstock recommends to the board that the village join the Mason County – wide Emergency Team.
Trustee Allen made motion to adjourn at 7:00pm, 2nd Trustee Tillquist.