City of Charleston Board of Zoning and Appeals met Aug. 6.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
A. Deferred application from previously advertised BZA-Z agendas. For information call 724-3781.
Request variance from Sec. 54-213, k to allow a sidewalk café on a sidewalk that does not meet the minimum sidewalk width requirement of 15 feet and minimum clear pedestrian path width requirement of 10 feet. Sidewalk width varies from 7-feet to 11 feet and clear pedestrian path varies from 4.5 feet to 7.5 feet.
Zoned MU-2/WH.
Owner-Lamar Bonaparte/Applicant-Michael Sanders
B. New Applications:
1. 15 BOYER CT. (EAST CENTRAL) (463-12-02-068)
Request special exception under Sec. 54-110 to allow a 2-story addition (kitchen expansion/bedrooms) that extends a non-conforming 15.9-ft. rear setback (25-ft. required).
Zoned DR-1F.
Owner/Applicant-782-A Rutledge Avenue, LLC
2. 3471 ACORN DROP LN. (ST. JOHNS WOODS) (279-00-00-583)
Request variance from Sec. 54-301 to allow a detached accessory building (garage) with a 33.2-ft. front setback (60-ft. required).
Zoned SR-1.
Owners-Harold & Diana Millman/Applicant-New Leaf Building, LLC
3. 2330 SUNNYSIDE AVE. (WAGENER TERRACE) (464-13-00-184)
Request special exception under Sec. 54-501 to allow construction of a single-family residence on a lot of insufficient size (Lot area 7,000sf; 9,000sf required).
Request variance from Sec. 54-301 to allow construction of a single-family residence with a 6-ft. west side setback, a 7-ft. east side setback, a 13-ft. total side setback (9-ft. 9-ft. and 18-ft. required).
Zoned SR-1.
Owner/Applicant-David Simmons
4. 1170 FOLLY RD. (425-13-00-026)
Request use variance from Sec. 54-203 to allow a day care center with days of operation Monday-Friday and hours of operation 10am-6pm in a RO (Residential Office) zone district.
Owner-Jane D. Thompson Trust/Applicant-Gala Guerrero
For more information, contact the Zoning and Codes Division Office at 724-3781.