Woodford County Public Safety Committee met June 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call – Barry Logan, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker all present. Blake Parsons arrived at
4:07 and Justin Faulk arrived at 4:10.
3. Approval of Minutes
a. Approval of May 13, 2019 minutes Motion to approve May 13, 2019 minutes made by Barker, seconded by Tolan. Motion passed.
4. Public Input
Tolan thanked the Sheriff's Department for making his son's birthday extra special. His son was allowed to ride in a patrol car with Deputy Mike Ealey. Because of that experience, he is now interested in joining the Explorer Program.
5. Approval of Claims
Motion to approve June 2019 claims made by Tolan, seconded by Barker. It was asked if the claim for Alan Schrock should have paid out of the clock tower fund and not the Courthouse fund. It was stated that the all funds for the clock tower were utilized first and that fund has no balance. There was a claim for RA Oldeen for roof inspection. They were the original installers of the roof, so if they are coming to inspect their work, why are they charging us for it. There was a leak, they came to inspect, but the leak was coming from an air handler, not the roofing job, so they charged for the inspection. Motion passed.
6. Coroner
a. Tabletop Exercise Things are moving forward with the July 25th exercise. It was asked if the Civil Air Patrol was also taking part. Mr. McCanless will contact them to see if they are interested in participating. Mr. McCanless also spent 3 days last week in Southern Illinois helping with the flooding. He had six (6) counties under him and also dealt with logistics. The committee thanked him for helping with this.
8. Sheriff
a. Approve bid for purchase of StarCom21 Dispatch Radios, Sheriff Smith provided the committee with the proposed bids. This is for the dispatch equipment that allows dispatch to communicate with the cars. The difference in the prices are that the top company bid more of a consolette. They currently have one consolette, but they have issues with it. The other bids bid more of a mobile radio that interfaces with the cars and is better equipment. Also, the higher bid is up north and had to factor in travel time. Motion to approve the bid from Ragan Communications for $48,301.04 made by Tolan, seconded by Barker. Motion passed.
9. Animal Control
10. Probation
a. Probation service fee increase. This will be moved to next month.
11. Health Department
12. New Business
a. Discussion and approval of Resolution 2018-19 #051 new line items for Health
Department, Annex 4, building. This resolution was created so that we can track the utilities and funds being spent on the S. Main Street facility. We left $100,000 in the line item fund for repairs and remodeling We are just moving some of that money into specific line items to track gas/electric, water/sewer, mowing/snow removal, repairs, and construction. We are not increasing any appropriation, just adjusting the fund amounts. Discussion on the dollar amount that should be left in the line item for repairs. Discussion on what happens if we go over these line items. If that should happen the Treasurer would fix the line item with adjustments as we do at the end of every budget year. Motion to approve Resolution 2018-19 #051 made by Faulk, seconded by Parsons. Motion passed.
13. Unfinished Business
14. Other
15. Executive Session - Roll Call Vote
a. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(2) - contract proposal Motion to go into executive session made by Faulk, seconded by Tolan. Roll call vote – Logan - yes; Parsons - yes; Barker - yes; Faulk - yes; Tolan - yes. Motion passed.
Motion to come out of executive session made by Parsons, seconded by Barker. Roll call vote - Logan- yes; Barker - yes; Parsons - yes; Faulk-yes; Tolan-yes. Motion passed.
16. Any action coming out of Executive Session
17. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Tolan, seconded by Barker. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 4:55 PM.