Woodford County Finance & Economic Development Committee met June 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call – Roll Call - Chuck Nagel (chairman), Russ Cotton, Bryant Kempf present Josh Davis excused. Richard Hill (vch.) absent.
3. Approval of Minutes
a. Approval of May 14, 2019 Regular Meeting Motion to approve May 14, 2019 regular meeting minutes made Kempf, seconded by Cotton. Motion passed.
4. Public Input Cheryl Wolfe stated that when people listen to the recordings of the committee meetings, it is sometimes hard to hear what is being said. She reminded the committee to speak up louder.
5. Approval of Claims
There are no June claims.
6. Treasurers Report There are positive fund balances in all accounts. There will be a tax distribution on July 2nd of funds. There are still four loans in the Revolving Loan Program. Ms. Andrews sent letters to all four requesting they inform her of their intentions. Two businesses have responded and they will take the 30% reduction and refinance. She has not heard from the other two. This is the end of the second quarter, we are half way through the financial year. It was asked about the #070 fund that usually has a negative balance at this point due to insurance premiums. The negative balance did not happen this year as the billing has changed for the insurance premiums. Discussion on the budget and showing past trends of spending.
7. Budget A reminder that budgets are due to the Treasurer by June 30th. There is an anomaly with the Health Department and their budget may need to be modified. The departments have been divided up and half will present in July, with the other half in August,
8. New Business
9. Unfinished Business
a. Review and discuss RLF Grants submitted
The process will be as follows:
All proposals will be sent to David Wortman and David Goben for their review
They will provide us a list of projects that qualify
An RFP will be issued for an engineer
An engineer will be hired and provide us with a solid cost to complete projects
Mr. Jim Cummings will prepare the application
A public hearing will be held
The application will coine back with the actual amount of grant inoney available
The committee will award projects
It was questioned how we budget for these projects. The Treasurer will have to create a line item, and budget money to fund projects. Ms. Andrews will speak with Sally Hanley regarding this process. The municipalities will not be billed for the funded projects. All bills will go through the county treasurer,
b. Review and Approval of changes to Tri-County MOU
Since the payment process has changed for funding Tri-County, the MOU had to be rewritten. Motion to forward the Tri-County MOU to the full board made by Cotton, seconded by Kempf. Motion passed.
c. Discussion on organic industrial hemp
Woodford County is the largest industrial hemp producer in the state of Illinois. There is a great opportunity here for economic growth. Not only for the farmers, but for trucking, manufactures, etc. Industrial hemp is used in the manufacturing of a lot of goods. There will be a meeting on August 1st in the board room to discuss industrial hemp and ways to increase economic growth with industrial liemp.
10. Other
The County Clerk stated that the company that did their fee schedule recently sent her an email regarding industrial hemp and what the county needs to do. She will share that information in the board communications,
11. Executive Session
12. Any Action Coming Out of Executive Session
13. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Cotton, seconded by Kempf. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:25.