Woodford County Road and Bridge Committee met Sept. 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call meeting to order
The meeting was called to order at 8:04 AM.
2. Roll Call.
Richard Hill (chairman), Donald Tolan, Barry Logan, Dan Steffen all present. Josh Davis was excused. Also present was Conrad Moore, Woodford County Engineer.
3. Review meeting minutes of regular meeting on August 12, 2019.
Motion to approve August 12, 2019 minutes made by Tolan, seconded by Steffen. Motion passed.
4. Review and consider minutes of past Executive Sessions.
5. Public comment.
6. Old Business:
(a) Consider Intergovernmental Agreement with Village of Roanoke for Jurisdictional Transfer of North Main Street from Front Street to L 116. This is still with DOT. No new developments at this time.
(b) Discuss and act on Computer Equipment Purchase froin County Highway Fund Line 001-610 6080-002.
Last month it was approved to buy new computers for the Highway Department from the general fund. The Highway department has their own levy, therefore the computers need to be purchased out of highway funds and not general funds. Motion to amend the purchase of computers to be purchased out of the highway funds made by Logan, seconded by Steffen. Motion passed.
7. Consider claims for the September 17, 2019, Board meeting.
Mr. Steffen will abstain from all claims regarding DKS Trucking or Steffen Trucking. Motion to approve claims made by Tolan, seconded by Logan. Discussion on the claim to John Deere Financial. This was to put a conversion kit on the John Deere to get it up to speed. A question arose about the amount of paint that was invoiced - if the quantity was enough. All the paint has been delivered, not all been invoiced yet, so the quantity that the claim sheet shows is not all that was ordered. It was questioned why some of the paint quantity is paid out of MFT funds and some out of County funds. It was explained that we do work for the townships, so it is separated out. It was asked who Hampton, Lenzini & Renwick were. They are an engineering company out of Springfield that is working on the bridge south of Secor. The Hoosier Company claim was for the attenuator arrow board that went down. The 500 pounds of water way was used on the ditches that were re-graded this year. Motion passed.
8. New Business:
(a) Discuss and act on a petition for County Aid for a culvert in Metamora Township, Section 20 08156-BA-BR.
Motion to approve the petition for County Aid for a culvert in Metamora Township made by Steffen, seconded by Logan, A culvert 1 mile north of Parsons and 1 mile west of County Highway 1 is going bad.
This will be a day labor job and split 50/50 between the county and Metamora Township. This is approximately 10 x 5 box culvert, to be replaced with corrugated metal pipe. Motion passed.
(b) Consider PPUATS Road Assessment.
Woodford County is a member of PPUATS. PPUATS has received a contract through IDOT to assess roads to get a rating to help prioritize roadway projects. As a member we have the opportunity to have our roads assessed. We would have to match 20% of our share of this project. The first choice is to assess the county roads in the vicinity of the PPUATS planning boundary. The County's share for that portion would be approximately $2,000. Mr. Moore would like to expand the roadways to be assessed outside of the PPUATS planning area to include where the wind farms will be going in. The county share for those would be approximately $2,500. Discussion on how having the road assessed would help with seeing which roads need work, and beneficial if there is a dispute with the wind farms tearing up the road. Mr. Conrad can do the first tier without approval, but would need committee approval for anything over that. It was suggest we apply for all roads, and see what we get. Motion to apply for all road to be assessed by Logan, seconded by Steffen. Motion passed.
(c) Discuss Paint Striper.
The current paint striper has been in service for over 30 years, 23 of those with the County. The control box has been having more issues each year. We can get another box, but there are a lot of things not working correctly or going bad on the current striper. The striper is so old, that parts are becoming obsolete. They are looking at purchasing a used one this year. Discussion on purchasing a new versus a used. Discussion on why we stopped doing the striping for other counties. It was a man power and liability issue. We currently do between 1/3 and /2 of the townships in the county. The committee is in favor of buying a used one this year, Mr. Moore is to research what is available and report back to the committee next month. Discussion on difference between a message board and an arrow board. Another discussion on Mack vs. Chevy. The Mack truck is built by Mack and a good solid truck. Plus, there is a Mack dealer in Morton, so getting parts would be local. A decision needs to be made soon as the end of October the requisition for paint is due and they need to know if barrels or totes need to be purchased. The committee will also help by looking for a used truck to bring back to the committee next month for their review. Discussion on buying a chassis with a long enough frame this budget year and adding what we need on it next year. Mr. Moore stated that the new paint stripers do have the price split out.
9. Other:
(a) Project Updates.
The Worth Township bridge is under construction. They have poured the abutment caps and the bridge deck beams should be set this week.
Tazewood Road and Banta Road are both opened as of the middle of August.
County Highway 13 is open and the Panola Township timber pile repair is complete. It was stated that there is water standing at the Roanoke box and questioned if the tile is broken. The highway department will be looking at that, to see if there is a low spot out there.
(b) Noxious Weeds.
Ms. Breyman received two noxious weeds complaints this past month. Letters were send to both entities. One field will probably not be addressed by the owner. Ms. Breyman does not know who to call to spray the field should the owner not take care of it himself. There were suggestions on who to call. The committee is aware of the field in question and stated that at this point, more needs to be more done than just spraying the field. The field needs to be mowed, disked and then sprayed. Discussion on who could mow the field. The condition of this field does not allow us any time frame past the 30 day notification.
All neighbors on each side of the field have been complaining. The field also has a lot of water hemp, which is not on the state noxious weed list. Discussion on if the county can have additional weeds listed in their policy beyond what the state lists. Discussion about bidding it out – the condition of the field does not allow us time to bid out. Mr. Tolan will reach out to the neighbors and a few individuals to see if they are willing to mow and disk the property. Motion to allow Mr. Tolan to reach out to the surrounding neighbors, and individuals, and hire someone, if needed, to inow, disk, and spray, not to exceed $10,000 made by Logan, seconded by Steffen. Motion passed.
(c) Access Ordinance.
Mr. Davis wanted to discuss the wording of the access ordinance, but he is not present today. Discussion on driveway access for businesses. The smaller entrances cause road damage with the big trucks coming in and out. Discussion on the Doty driveway. The order of operation on this particular property was out of line. This will be on next month's agenda for discussion.
10. Executive Session.
11. Action coming out of Executive Session,
12. Motion to Adjourn.
Motion to adjourn made by Tolan, seconded by Steffen. Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 9:03 AM.