City of East Peoria City Council met Nov. 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
1. Call to Order:
2. Roll Call:
3. Invocation:
4. Pledge to the Flag:
5. Public Hearing:
5.I. “Public Hearing on the Proposed Special Service Area 2019a for Access Road 6 Improvement Project.”
Public Hearing Notice and Agenda 11.19.2019 At 6P On Special Service Area 2019a or Access Road 6 Improvement Project.pdf
6. Approval of Minutes:
6.I. Motion to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting for a Working Session held on November 5, 2019; the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on November 5, 2019; and the minutes of the Executive Session/Closed Meeting held on November 5, 2019.
2019.11.05 minutes.pdf
2019.11.05 Working Session Minutes at 5P.pdf
7.I. Proclamation by Mayor Kahl proclaiming November 30, 2019 as “Small Business Saturday”
2019 Small Business Saturday Proclamation.pdf
7.II. Review 2019 Tax Levy and Levy Amount.
8. Public Comment: Council Business from the Audience On Agenda Items:
9. Consent Agenda Items By Omnibus Vote:
(All matters listed under Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. There will not be separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired by Members of the City Council, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed immediately after approval of the Consent Agenda. Citizens desiring discussion on any item listed under the Consent Agenda should contact a City Council Member and request that the item be removed for discussion.)
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
9.I. Item No. 1 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-084 – Resolution to Approve Payment of the Schedule of Bills Listed on Schedule No. 13 in the amount of $3,958,143.92.
Resolution No. 1920-084.PDF
9.II. Item No. 2 – Adoption of Ordinance No. 4464 on its Second Reading – (An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Classification of Certain Real Property located at 400-422 E. Washington Street in the City of East Peoria, Tazewell County, Illinois). (Changing Zoning Classification from “B-1, Business District, Offices” to “B-2, Business District, General Retail”)
Ordinance No. 4464 - Second Reading.pdf
9.III. Item No. 3 – Adoption of Ordinance No. 4465 on its Second Reading – (An Ordinance Amending Location and Buffer Requirements for Medical Cannabis Businesses Under the City of East Peoria Zoning Code.)
Ordinance No. 4465 - Second Reading.pdf
9.IV. Item No. 4 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-070 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving Cleaning Services Contract for City Buildings with Personal Touch Service Solutions Inc.
Resolution No. 1920-070 - Second Reading.pdf
Item No. 5 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-078 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving and authorizing the acceptance of a low bid for the Public Safety Fuel Dispenser Replacement Project from Illinois Oil Marketing Equipment Inc. in the amount of $35,402.22.
Resolution No. 1920-078 - Second Reading.pdf
9.VI. Item No. 6 – Adoption of Ordinance No. 4463 on its Second Reading – (An Ordinance Amending Liquor Control Regulations in Title 3, Chapter 3 of the City Code to Prohibit Video Gaming Cafes.)
Ordinance No. 4463 - Second Reading.pdf
9.VII. Item No. 7 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-073 on its Second Reading - Resolution authorizing the adoption of the Tri-County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan for the City of East Peoria.
Resolution No. 1920-073 - Second Reading.pdf
9.VIII. Item No. 8 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-074 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving an Agreement between the City of East Peoria and Courtesy Bench Group, LLC from November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2024.
Resolution No. 1920-074 - Second Reading.pdf
9.IX. Item No. 9 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-075 on its Second Reading – Resolution accepting and approving Water and Wastewater SCADA Hardware Upgrade Project Proposal from HEART Technologies Inc. in the amount of $45,350.
Resolution No. 1920-075 - Second Reading.pdf
9.X. Item No. 10 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-076 on its Second Reading – Resolution Authorizing an Increase in the Number of Patrolmen on the East Peoria Police Department.
Resolution No. 1920-076 - Second Reading.pdf
9.XI. Item No. 11 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-077 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving an Agreement between the City of East Peoria Police Department and the East Peoria Grade School District 86 to provide School Resource Officer Services.
Resolution No. 1920-077 - Second Reading.pdf
10. Items Removed from Consent Agenda:
11. Commissioner Hill:
11.I. Adoption of Ordinance No. 4461 on its Second Reading – (An Ordinance Providing for the Sale of Excess City Property at 125 Maria Street.)
Ordinance No. 4461 - Second Reading.pdf
11.II. Approval of Resolution No. 1920-083 – Resolution approving the Annual Contribution to the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council.
To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Resolution No. 1920-083.pdf
11.III. Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-082 – Resolution approving Amendment to Electricity High-Demand Response Program Agreement with Voltus Inc.
Resolution No. 1920-082.pdf
11.IV. Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-085 – Resolution Authorizing the Selling Process for City-Owned Surplus Real Estate located at 116 Loren Street and 402 Monson Street located in the City of East Peoria, Tazewell County, Illinois.
Resolution No. 1920-085.pdf
12. Commissioner Decker:
12.I. Approval of Resolution No. 1920-086 – Resolution Approving Contract with Stark Excavating Inc. for Storm Sewer Extension as Part of the Altorfer Lane Improvements.
To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Resolution No. 1920-086.pdf
13. Commissioner Sutherland:
13.I. Adoption of Ordinance No. 4468 - (An Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 5, Section 1.11 of the East Peoria City Code to Adopt a Policy off Forgiveness for Internal Water Leaks.)
Ordinance No. 4468.pdf
14. Commissioner Mingus:
14.I. Approval of Resolution No. 1920-065 – Resolution approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of East Peoria and the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local #1498, for a period beginning May 1, 2019 and terminating on April 30, 2024.
To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
(This resolution was first presented at a council meeting on October 1, 2019 for a first reading. When it was presented on October 15, 2019 for a second reading, the resolution was deferred. Resolution is now being reintroduced for First Reading due to changes in the contract being approved by the Resolution.)
Resolution No. 1920-065 (Reintroduced on its First Reading).pdf
14.II. Adoption of Resolution No. 1920-081 – Resolution approving the annual notice of the Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2020.
Resolution No. 1920-081.pdf
15. Mayor Kahl:
16. Public Comment: Council Business from the Audience on Non-agenda Items:
17. Comments from Council:
17.I. Commissioner Decker:
17.II. Commissioner Hill:
17.III. Commissioner Sutherland:
17.IV. Commissioner Mingus:
17.V. Mayor Kahl:
18. Motion for Executive Session/Closed Meeting:
19. Motion to Adjourn:
20. /S/ Morgan R. Cadwalader
City Clerk, Morgan R. Cadwalader
Dated and Posted: November 15, 2019