City of Highwood Committee of the Whole met Dec. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Roll Call
2. Public Hearing - None
3. Review of Minutes to be Approved
3.1. City Council: November 19, 2019
3.2. Committee of the Whole: November 19, 2019
4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro)
5. Review of Bill Warrant List
5.1. 12/03/2019 AP Warrant List
6. Unfinished Business - None
7. New Business
7.1 Consideration of a Redevelopment Agreement Concerning 438 and 440 Green Bay Road in the City of Highwood Illinois.
7.2 Consideration of an Ordinance Amending 1-8A-4-I: Duties to Provide the City Manager Authority to make Budgeted Purchases Where the Total Cost is $20,000 or Less.
7.3 A Discussion on the Fire Alarm Monitoring Program in the City of Highwood.
8. Executive Session (If Necessary)
9. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session
10. Adjournment