
Peoria Standard

Monday, January 6, 2025

Woodford County Board met November 19

Meeting 06

Woodford County Board met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Board met and was called to order by Chairman John Krug.

Chairman Krug began the meeting by leading all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call by the Clerk. Present: Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Justin Faulk, Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf, John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen and Donald Tolan. Absent: Joshua Davis, excused; Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Andy Rokey, excused. Also present was County Clerk Dawn Kupfer.

Board announced in session by the Chairman.

Clerk Kupfer presented and read the Certificate of Giving Notice for this meeting.

Mr. Steffen moved the Certificate be approved as read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Tolan and was unanimously carried.

Clerk Kupfer submitted the minutes of the October 15, 2019 regular session County Board meeting for additions, corrections and approval.

Mr. Logan moved to approve the minutes of the October 15, 2019 regular session County Board meeting, which motion was seconded by Mr. Spence. Chairman Krug called for any additions or corrections to the regular session minutes, hearing none the motion unanimously carried.

Mr. Tolan moved to approve and keep confidential the October 15, 2019 executive session minutes part one, which was seconded by Mr. Logan and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Logan moved to approve and keep confidential the October 15, 2019 executive session minutes part two, which was seconded by Mr. Spence and was unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug called for public input, hearing none the Board moved on to the Consent Agenda.

The Consent Agenda was presented and clarified for the reporting of these minutes.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the consent agenda, which was seconded by Mrs. Barker. Chairman Krug called for any items to be removed from the consent agenda, hearing none; motion carried.


a. Reappointment of Tim Schoon to the Tri-County River Valley Development Authority (TRVDA) for a 3 year term expiring the 3rd Monday in January 2021.

b. Appointment of Lee Linwood of We Care, to the Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP) Committee for a 3 year term expiring August 21, 2022.

c. Reappointment of John Krug to the Health Care Committee for a 3 year term expiring the 1st Monday in December 2022.

d. Reappointment of Doug Mullen to the Health Care Committee for a 3 year term expiring the 1st Monday in December 2022.

Petitions, Resolutions and/or Motions:

a. Approval of Ordinance 2018/19-028 A-2019-31-A granting a County wide Text amendment adding Section 32 Cannabis Business Establishments to the Woodford County Zoning Ordinance.

b. Approval of Ordinance 2018/19-029 2019-33-S Worth Township granting a Special Use to Nicholas Martin for a mortuary/crematory business on.82 acres owned by David Chinuge in the Agricultural District (AG), commonly described as 1453 Hickory Point Road, Metamora, Illinois 61548.

c. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-084 appointing the Woodford County Sheriff to assume Emergency Management Agency responsibilities for Woodford County which will include the supervision and oversight of the Woodford County EMA Department and staff.

d. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-085 Woodford County Highway Department authorizing County aid for Olio Road District for a project consisting of repairing an existing culvert located on 1900 E Road in said road district designated as Section 20-11148-00-DR with an estimated cost of $250,000.00.

e. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-088 authorizing Woodford County to apply for the Community Development Block Grants for Rehabilitation of Public Buildings.

f. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-089 authorizing Woodford County to apply for the Community Development Block Grants for Public Facilities categorized as “Sidewalks”.

g. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-090 for the Woodford County Sheriff’s to enter into a long term land lease agreement with Wes Gingrich to allow a placement of a radio tower on land owned by Gingrich for a period of 19 years with an additional 5 year extension.

h. Approval of Resolution 11-19-001 authorizing the Execution of a Deed of Conveyance to Todd Andrew Perry on parcel 03-01-105-010.

i. Approval of Resolution 11-19-002 authorizing the Execution of a Deed of Conveyance to James Dattilo and Toni Dattilo on parcel 08-20-314-007.

j. Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Minonk and the County of Woodford for the use of tower space for the Public Safety Communications Equipment.

Chairman Krug called for the approval of the 2019-2020 Woodford County Budget and the funds beginning on page 1.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the 2019-2020 Woodford County Budget and funds, which was seconded by Mrs. Barker. Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Justin Faulk, Richard Hill, John Krug, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Emily Barker and Russell Cotton. County Board Members voting Nay: Bryant Kempf, Barry Logan and Donald Tolan. County Board Members absent: Randy Roethler, unexcused; Andy Rokey, excused; and Joshua Davis. Motion passed.

Chairman Krug called for the approval of 2019-2020 Tax Levy beginning on page 79. Further stating on each of the levies there will be a motion and a voice vote and when the Board moves to approve the levy as a total the Members will have a roll call vote.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the General Corporate Levy in the amount of $916,365; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Extension Education Levy in the amount of $161,404; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Illinois Municipal Retirement (IMRF) Levy in the amount of $630,000; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Social Security Levy in the amount of $423,000; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Health Levy in the amount of $142,443; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Mentally Deficient Persons Levy in the amount of $258,812; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Tort Judgment and Liability Levy in the amount of $571,500; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the County Highway Levy in the amount of $930,760; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the County Bridge Levy in the amount of $459,600; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Matching Levy in the amount of $454,000; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the total of all levies in the amount of $4,947,884; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton. Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote on the levy as presented. County Board Members voting Aye: Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf, John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton and Justin Faulk. County Board Members voting Nay: none. County Board Members absent: Randy Roethler, unexcused; Andy Rokey, excused; and Joshua Davis, excused.

Chairman Krug called for the Appropriation Resolution.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Appropriation Resolution in the amount of $24,013,986; which was seconded by Mr. Cotton. Chairman Krug stated if any of the Members had any questions about the appropriations the Treasurer could answer those during her Treasurer Report. Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote of the Appropriation Resolution. County Board Members voting Aye: Bryant Kempf, John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Justin Faulk and Richard Hill. Mr. Nagel interrupted allowing Treasurer Andrew’s to speak. Treasurer Andrew’s stated she had a different amount from what Mr. Nagel was moving on.

Mr. Nagel moved to amend his motion to read $24,449,148. Mr. Logan called for a motion to resend the previous motion. Mr. Nagel moved to resend his motion, which was seconded by Mr. Logan. Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote on the Resolution as amended. County Board Members voting Aye: John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Justin Faulk, Richard Hill and Bryant Kempf. Motion carried.

Chairman Krug moved on to the New Business portion of the Meeting; the first item under New Business was Item (a) the discussion of a Salary Survey. Chairman Krug stated last month there had been a lot of discussion and there were a lot of thoughts shared on how to best compare the salaries. The Chairman went on to say most of the Members stated they needed to see more data. UCCI will have their new survey out the first of March, and it is the Chairman’s goal to use that information along with the salary survey in order to get a more in-depth look of the job descriptions and salary ranges.

Mrs. Barker inquired if the survey was just for the three salaries which are listed on the first page of the survey.

Chairman Krug stated the Emergency Management Director is no longer a part of the salaries to be surveyed, the Sheriff’s Department would be gathering information. The County Board is gathering information on the remaining three salaries, as well as information on the salaries of the elected officials.

Mr. Parsons inquired as to why the County is looking at these salaries specifically, further stating he felt this should be done county wide or not at all. Mr. Parsons went on to say he had provided plenty of comparable for one of the positions in question, to which no one wanted to look at; further stating by focusing on these particular departments he felt it was more of a stall.

Chairman Krug stated these are the departments in which the County Board has control. These are the departments who have asked for a $10,000 raise. He went on to say everyone who needed more information, this is how he felt they should go about collecting the information in order for the Board to make good educated decisions next budget year.

Mr. Nagel stated just to address Mr. Parsons question as far as singling out any employees. He went on to say most of the employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements and the other part of the nonunion employees are covered by the elected officials department. Which by statute, the elected official divides the money up however they choose; these are the only 3 employees other than the Highway Engineer whom do not fall under a collective bargaining agreement or their salaries are not determined by an elected official so it may appear that these employees are singled out.

Mr. Cotton stated the County can compare all 102 counties, but does not believe it will be much help. Further stating internally the County Board has a problem; there are highway maintenance employees making within $400.00 of the County’s Zoning department head. Mr. Cotton went on to say he did not see how comparing these counties would be of any help.

Mr. Parsons inquired on how it would be handled if the data comes back to show a sever deficit in how some of the positions are being paid. Further stating the Board has already approved the budget which could not be increased.

Chairman Krug stated when the information is available in March the Board will know well in advance of the next budget cycle which way those particular salaries will need to go. At that time the Finance Committee will then be able to place the appropriate numbers into next year’s budget document instead of those individual employees needing to gather information.

Chairman Krug called for a next item under New Business Item (b), Salary, Benefit and Compensation Report as required by 5 ILCS 120/7.3; no discussion took place nor no action required.

Chairman Krug moved on to Unfinished Business, stating there had been discussion with State’s Attorney Minger on County Board absences. The outcome was the County Board could do nothing with suspending or removing anyone because of their absence. State’s Attorney Minger stated we would only be able to do something if they were under Home Rule Unit of Government, which Woodford is not.

Mr. Parsons inquired if this would also roll over into committee meeting absences. Mr. Parsons went on to say it had been his personal experience there had been some short comings on the committee level. Further stating there is some areas of concern where quorums are not being met. Mr. Parson stated there are some meetings which have been cancelled and giving plenty of notice that is alright. The problem is when Members do not give notice of their absence to the committee chair which causes delays in business, cost in mileage and it is unprofessional.

Mr. Tolan inquired if there were any potential of having an alternate committee member.

Mr. Parsons moved to suspend the Board Rules to allow temporary additional speaking terms by Members, which was seconded by Mr. Kempf and unanimously carried.

State’s Attorney Minger stated for clarification that when a person is elected to the County Board they cannot be removed for excessive absence, but on a committee level Robert’s Rules does allow for certain things.

The Board Rules state a committee member with 3 unexcused absences may be replaced with the request of the committee chairperson. The Chairman of the Board could then remove the Member and replace them with someone else.

Mr. Logan agrees with Mr. Parsons stating if this is what you signed up for then the Members should show up. Mr. Logan went on to inquire if the County Offices Committee would look into whether the County Board could have a Resolution to change the Board Rules in order to provide an alternate committee member for each committee. Mr. Logan stated it would take a 2/3 majority vote to change the Board Rules, but this would allow for an additional Member to cover absences.

Mr. Parsons stated he too has called in, and sometimes situations cannot be helped; but a little bit of notice and common curtesy is all he asked.

Chairman Krug then called for the vote to approve the claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board. Mr. Hill moved to approve the Claims Paid in Vacation, which was seconded by Mr. Kempf. Chairman Krug asked if there were any claims to be added. Mr. Logan stated he had 4 claims from the Sheriff’s Department to add. The first claim is to Legacy Lawn and Landscape in the amount of $300.00; the second is to Ray O’Herron in the amount of $218.57; the third claim to add is to Ray O’Herron in the amount of $54.00; and the last claim to add is to Dr. Michael Meier in the amount of $871.00. Motion is seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug called for any other additional claims. Mr. Cotton moved to add claims the first claim is for Devnet in the amount of $15,595.00; the second is publication costs for Assessment in the amount of $15,082.24 to the Woodford County Journal; the third is for publication costs for Assessments in the amount of $6,875.98 to the Currier; the fourth is for publications for Assessment in the amount of $2,939.60 to the El Paso Journal; the fifth claim is for Public Hearings in the amount of $280.00; the sixth is for Public Hearings in the amount of $192.00; and the final claim to add is for the State of Illinois Department of Employment Security in the amount of $5,184.00. Mr. Nagel seconded the motion which unanimously carried. Chairman Krug called for a vote on claims as added which carried as amended.

Mr. Parsons presented and read Resolution 2018/19-082 approving the payment of the Claims, which was seconded by Mrs. Barker.

Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Justin Faulk, Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf and John Krug. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Joshua Davis, excused; Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Andy Rokey, excused. Motion carried.

The Report of the County Treasurer on receipts and disbursement of the General Fund, current fund balances and interfund transfers for the period ending October 31, 2019 was presented. A final handout regarding the Revolving Loan account, as of October 31, 2019 was available. Treasurer Andrews stated from this report moving forward the remaining 2 loan payments being made will be deposited into the County General Fund and she will continue to give the Board a monthly update. Treasurer Andrews mentioned the preliminary meeting with the auditors will be on November 20, 2019 and Clifton Larson will be onsite beginning December 9, 2019.

Mr. Hill moved to place all of the Treasurer’s reports on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Kempf and was unanimously carried.

The report for the Office of the County Board dated November 19, 2019 was presented. Mr. Steffen moved to place the Report on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Tolan and was unanimously carried.

The following communication will be placed on file for the regular meeting of the November 19, 2019 County Board meeting:

 Postcard from the Federal Aviation Administration with a notification of an aeronautical study which had been conducted in Benson, Illinois.

 Minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee meeting held October 7, 2019.

 Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held October 7, 2019.

 Minutes of the County Offices Committee meeting held on October 8, 2019 and Special meeting held on October 15, 2019.

 Minutes of the Finance & Economic Development Committee held October 8, 2019.

 Minutes of the Woodford County Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held September 24, 2019.

 Minutes of the Woodford County Health Care Committee meeting held October 9, 2019.

Mr. Logan moved to place all correspondence on file, which motion was seconded by Mrs. Barker and was unanimously carried.

The respective Chairmen gave the reports of each Standing Committee.

Chairwomen Andrews reported for the Health Care Committee (Health Insurance Committee). Chairwomen Andrews reported they met last Wednesday and pushed through two appointments that were approved at tonight’s County Board Meeting. Chairwomen Andrews stated she has two representatives from FOP that are not being reappointed further stating they hope to have two new names forwarded from FOP within the next month or two. Chairwomen Andrews explained she has to have 7 out of 12 members present to have a quorum, with 2 seats open she would appreciate knowing if someone can’t make it since members from Snedeker’s office come from Havana.

Mr. Hill, Chairman of the Road & Bridge Committee, reported the State Bid for salt pricing went up 57% from last year and labor increased 5%. Mr. Hill announced they are looking for seasonal salt plow drivers and the need to raise the rate of pay for that position, how after doing a price comparison around the County the current wage was too low. Mr. Hill reported on an issue they had with an access ordinance as it relates to Jill Doty and her temporary drive making it permanent. After speaking with the States’ Attorney it was decided they will have to rescind going in that direction and send it back for further evaluation.

Mr. Cotton, Chairman of the County Offices Committee, stated due to his absence for their meeting Mr. Spence filled in for him. Mr. Spence reported they approved a few appointments and discussed claims. They discussed a Mandatory Workplace Transparency Act which basically updates the Personnel Policy. Mr. Spence stated that all Employees are required to complete a Sexual Harassment training course on an annual basis. Mr. Spence announced their Committee Meeting time will change from 4:00pm to 4:30pm next year allowing more time for members to make the meeting. Mr. Spence reported on the Know Be4 Security Training program and how it is designed to help the employees in the County to be aware and know if their computer or email is threatened by scams or other similar things.

Mr. Nagel, Chairman of the Finance and Economic Development Committee, reported on the Greater Peoria EDC and how every 3 years they go through their strategic plan updating their CEDS. Mr. Nagel reported on the Big Table event that was held a few months ago where they tried to get as many Regional Stake Holders together to give input and discuss strengths, weaknesses and initiatives. Mr. Nagel stated they didn’t get as much representation from the Rural Areas as they wanted and how Tory from EDC has put together a couple events for what he calls, Rural Matters. Mr. Nagel encouraged everyone to put on their calendar December 19th, from 4:00pm – 7:00pm, at Metamora Fields there will be a Rural Matters event, where you can stop in give input, leave or stay as long as they want.

Chairman Krug reported on one more item under the Economic Development Committee. Chairman Krug announced the plan on having an Organic Farming Meeting the week of January 21st, 2020. Chairman Krug reported they are working with people at Becks Seeds who might host and assist the Committee to finalize a date for that meeting.

Mr. Logan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, reported they went over the Calendar for next year and it was decided to start their meetings at 4:30pm rather than 4:00pm. Hoping that it will be better for the people who attend two meetings in a row. Mr. Logan stated most of their time was talking about the Tower Agreement that was voted on at tonight’s meeting. The Tower is located northwest of Parsons Manufacturing and is part of the StarCom Project to update all the communications for the Sheriff’s Department. Mr. Logan reported the project is coming along very well and hopefully in the near future it will be ready for use.

Mr. Parsons, Chairman of the Conservation Planning and Zoning Committee, reported there meeting was canceled due to a lack of a quorum. There was a member who was forced to leave 10 minutes prior to the start of their meeting but it wouldn’t have mattered because they were still short members.

Chairman Krug took a moment to publically thank Devnet for their involvement and timing in getting all the notices out on every piece of property for this Quadrennial Assessment Year, which happens every 4 years. Chairman Krug announced UCCI will start paying mileage for a vehicle to come from each Counties Seat to attend that meeting. Mr. Krug stated instead of paying a representative to go to Springfield and back you will probably only pay the balance for the trip to Eureka and back. UCCI will reimburse that to the County.

Mr. Parsons, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals, reported they had one individual come in for a Special Use to operate a Mortuary/Crematory Business in Worth Township. Mr. Parsons stated there were a lot of people there to ask questions about emissions from cremating radiated bodies. Mr. Parsons reported it was a very interesting discussion and they ultimately were approved. Mr. Parsons stated he was super grateful when they went to discuss the Marijuana Business Prohibition in the County. How the ZBA and the County unanimously voted and supported that. Mr. Parsons thanked the members that were there to attend and observe and specifically thanking Mrs. Barker for her Presentation at certain Committee Meetings and at ZBA.

Chairman Krug called for upcoming Zoning Board of Appeals topics. Mr. Parsons stated there would be an upcoming map amendment changing a residential to Agriculture. Note there will not be a December Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.

Chairman Krug called for Public Announcements, hearing none.

Chairman Krug stated there was no need to go into Executive Session.

Mr. Steffen moved to adjourn until 6:30 P.M. the third Tuesday in December, A.D. 2019 same being the 17th day of said month, which motion was seconded by Mr. Tolan and was unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug announced the Board adjourned at approximately 7:40 PM.




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