Village of Sugar Grove Board of Trustees met Nov. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Michels opened the meeting at 6:00 PM and asked that Trustee Koch lead the Pledge. The roll was then called.
Physically Present: President Michels, Trustee Lendi, Trustee Herron, Trustee Konen, Trustee Koch, Trustee Montalto
Quorum Established.
Approved Remote Attendance: Trustee Walter Also Present:
Administrator Eichelberger, Attorney Wilson, Clerk Galbreath, Community Development Director Magdziarz, Public Works Deputy Director Merkel, Finance Director Anastasia, Management Analysts Murphy.
Annexation Agreement Amendments – Hannaford Farm Lot 59 and Hannaford Farm Lot 60
President Michels opened the Public Hearings for the Annexation Agreement Amendments for Hannaford Lots 59 and 60 at 6:01 and called for any public comments. Hearing none President Michels then closed the public hearings at 6:03.
President Michels read the agenda items and the called for comments on those items on the agenda. He asked that comments regarding Cannabis and the Prairie Street Event Space be held until the items were discussed. Hearing no further comments President Michels closed this portion of the agenda.
a. Approval: Minutes of the October 1, 2019 Meeting
b. Approval: Minutes of the October 15, 2019 Meeting
c. Approval: Vouchers
d. Ordinance: Approving Annexation Agreement Amendments – HF Lot #59
e. Ordinance: Approving Annexation Agreement Amendments – HF Lot #60
f. Ordinance: Authorizing an Annexation Agreement – Harter Road Property
g. Ordinance: Annexing Property – Harter Road Property
h. Resolution: Amending a TIF Professional Services Agreement
Trustee Montalto moved to Approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.
AYE: | Konen | NAY: | None | ABSENT: | None |
Herron | |||||
Lendi | |||||
Koch | |||||
Walter | |||||
Montalto |
Resolution Approving Grant of Water Main Easement - BDM
Trustee Montalto moved Adopt a Resolution Approving Grant of Water Main Easement – BDM. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels then called for roll call.
AYE: | Konen | NAY: | None | ABSENT: | None | |
Herron | ||||||
Lendi | ||||||
Koch | ||||||
Montalto | ||||||
Walter |
Ordinance Prohibiting Cannabis Establishments
Trustee Montalto moved to Adopt Ordinance Prohibiting Cannabis Establishments. Trustee Konen seconded the motion. The Board discussed cannabis sales and production with the Village corporate limits. President Michels then called for roll call.
AYE: | Koch | NAY: | Konen | None | ABSENT: | None |
Montalto | Herron | |||||
Walter | Lendi | |||||
Michels |
Resolution Authorizing a PSA for Engineering Services for Well #10 Repair
Trustee Montalto moved Adopt a Resolution Authorizing a PSA for Engineering Services for Well #10 Repair. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels then called for roll call.
AYE: | Konen | NAY: | None | ABSENT: | None | |
Herron | ||||||
Lendi | ||||||
Koch | ||||||
Montalto | ||||||
Walter |
Motion Carried
Resolution Providing for a Feasibility Study for a Proposed Amendment to the Existing Sugar Grove TIF #2 Plan and Project Area
Trustee Montalto moved Adopt a Resolution Providing for a Feasibility Study for a Proposed Amendment to the Existing Sugar Grove TIF #2 Plan and Project Area. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels then called for roll call.
AYE: | Konen | NAY: | None | ABSENT: | None | |
Herron | ||||||
Lendi | ||||||
Koch | ||||||
Montalto | ||||||
Walter |
Presentation Proposed Amended Sugar Grove TIF II Feasibility Study by Moran Economic Development and a Presentation Amended Sugar Grove TIF II Plan by Moran Economic Development
Mr. Moran, President of Moran Economic Development explained the minor amendments to TIF II that was established in 2015. 30 parcels are included. It also would make TIF I and TIF II contiguous. A feasibility study was performed and presented. The goals of TIF II have not changed. He then explained the next steps and that it will take approximately 4 – 6 months to complete all the steps that are needed for the passage of a TIF district amendment. The Board briefly discussed the amendment and agreed that it should move forward.
Approval to Place Amended TIF Plan & Feasibility Study on file for a minimum of 10 days and to Approve Sending the TIF Plan & Feasibility Study to All Affected Taxing Districts Trustee Montalto moved Approve Placing the Amended TIF Plan & Feasibility Study on file for a minimum of 10 days and to Approve Sending the TIF Plan & Feasibility Study to All Affected Taxing Districts. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels then called for roll call.
AYE: | Konen | NAY: | None | ABSENT: | None | |
Herron | ||||||
Lendi | ||||||
Koch | ||||||
Montalto | ||||||
Walter |
Approval Announcement: 2019 Proposed Property Tax Levy
Trustee Montalto moved that the Board Approve of Announcement: 2019 Proposed Property Tax Levy. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. The Board discussed the Tax Levy and the impact it has on residents. President Michels then called for roll call.
AYE: | Herron | NAY: | Konen | None | ABSENT: | Walter |
Lendi | ||||||
Koch | ||||||
Montalto |
Meeting Minutes
The Village Clerk state that over the several months, concerns over how meeting minutes are presented have been raised. As a result, the Village Clerk is requesting clarification from the Board.
The Clerk explained that by definition, minutes are a summarized record of the proceedings at a meeting. While there is no explicit definition of how the minutes should be written in the Village of Sugar Grove Code, the Code does state that Robert’s Rules of Order (RRO) “shall govern the board in all cases to which they are applicable.” According to RRO, “(t)he essentials of the record are as follows:”
a) the kind of meeting;
b) name of the assembly;
c) date of meeting and place;
d) who attended the meeting;
e) whether the minutes of the previous meeting were approved;
f) all the main motions (except such as were withdrawn); and
g) the hours of meeting and adjournment.
It is important that the minutes accurately reflect the decisions of the Village Board as they are the historical record of the action taken. It is suggested that Village Code 1-8-14 be amended as follows:
1. The Village Clerk shall keep minutes of all open and closed sessions of the Village Board. Closed session minutes shall remain confidential until the Village Board determines otherwise, according to law.
2. Minutes shall include:
1.1 The date, time and place of meeting;
1.2 The members of the Village Board recorded as either present or absent;
1.3 A short summary of discussion on all matters proposed, deliberated, or decided;
1.4 A record of any votes taken; and
1.5 The name of any Board member making and seconding a motion except for a motion
to adjourn a meeting. A motion made, but not seconded, and a withdrawn motion shall not be recorded in the minutes of the meeting
It is further suggested that:
1. Audio record all Village Board meetings and make the recordings available through the Village website. Recordings will be kept on the website for not less than 3 months (space depending) and will be kept at the Village Hall for a period of 18 months consistent with the state requirement for Closed Session recordings.
2. To address issues of concerns regarding the public sifting through a long recording, the audio recordings could include a time reference for each agenda item so the public may click through the audio recording to find the specific topic of interest.
Accurately recording Board action is important. By implementing any or all of the recommendations both goals would be addressed.
The Board discussed the presentation of the minutes and agreed that adding the audio would be in the publics best interest. The Board decided to give the suggestions a try and to reevaluate and discuss at a later date.
Chief Rollins stated that Ace Hardware had made a very generous donation to the Police and Fire Department of a grill.
President Michels asked that the public contact Public Works if they notice in non-working street lights. He also inquired when Camp Dean Road would be completed. It was answered in the spring of 2020.
Trustee Koch informed the Board that the Chamber Luncheon on November 14 would be a Veterans lunch.
President Michels stated that he will be having coffee with the Mayor at Holiday in the Grove and invited the Board to sit with him on the Booth.
No Report
Audience member A commented on rumors he had heard about Crown Development. And presented information he had researched on statutes and planning. He also questioned the changes on the utility bill.
Audience member B commented on crown and business in general.
Audience member C stated that the Village needs more businesses and asked what is happening to bring in business and asked the Board to think outside the box.
At this time, it was briefly explained what is being done.
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Herron and seconded by Trustee Koch. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.