Village of Somonauk Board of Trustees met Jan. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Village President Grandgeorge called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Attending: Trustees: Conley, McMillen, Eade, Severson and Whiteaker, Absent: Nemcek-Button.
Trustee Eade moved to approve the minutes for the December 11, 2019. Severson seconded the motion and the following voted: Conley-yes, McMillen –yes, Eade –yes, Whiteaker- -yes, Severson-yes and Nemcek-Button -absent.
Motion Passed
Bills were presented it was a very small bill list nothing out of the normal total was $42,028.60. Grandgeorge mentioned the cell reimbursement on the bill list. And wondered if instead of giving the staff that reimbursement we could give them the amount somewhere else and get rid of that monthly bill as everybody has a cell phone. It was explained that it was a saving to the Village, with giving the staff a reimbursement on their phone it allowed the Village not to purchase the staff their own Village phone. It was pointed out that all staff uses their phone on day to day village business. Chief king pointed out that he has all emails and phone calls come through his phone. Morphey stated that she also has a good majority of the call going through her cell and Eipers has all contractors in his phone. In the long run it is a terrific saving to the Village.
Trustee Conley moved to approve the bills to January 8, 2020 in the amount of $42,028.60.
Trustee Whiteaker seconded the motion and the following voted: Conley-yes, McMillen –yes, Eade – yes, Whiteaker -yes, Severson-yes and Nemcek-Button - absent.
Motion Passed
Grandgeorge asked if the board had any communications. Having none he moved to Reports of Officers:
Report of Officers:
Chief King presented his report to the board. He reported they were coming along with their remodeling. The floor had been installed. It is moving slow now due to George Cortez absence with this back surgery. His next Dr. appointment will be in February. The new squad has been ordered but have heard nothing. The Department has been working with Village Hall on Village stickers.
Grandgeorge asked if why Public works is hot helping at the PD. King stated that Wasson has been helping with the video equipment and printers etc. King feels that they are able to handle everything just moving slow.
Water & Sewer
Eipers was absent sue to his daughter’s birthday. His report was in the books. Grandgeorge asked if anybody had any questions to direct them to Becky or himself.
Street & Alleys
Wasson was on vacation but his report was also in the books. If there were any questions, please direct questions to Becky or Aaron.
Committee Reports:
Water & Sewer:
Eade reported he had received a request from Ben for nothing to report from Public Works for sewer plant energy cost reduction. The recommendations were from Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) This had started from the Regional Planning Commission in DeKalb County.
The recommendations were:
Description Cost Energy Savings / Year
1. Install VFD Drives on
aeration rotors. Parts only,
we will install. $3200 $3500
2. Upgrade interior lighting
and install occupancy sensors
in main building. Parts only for
lights, switches, and wire. We
will install. $1150 $200
3. Install radiant tube heaters
in garage area. Parts only for
heaters, venting, and gas pipe.
We will install $3000 $270
4. Replace existing natural draft
furnace with high efficiency furnace
and ac, and install programmable
thermostat. Quote from Cunz Heating
and Cooling. $5030 $800
Total $12380 $4770 Payoff in 2.5 yea
All work will be done in house with the exception of the new furnace and air conditioning (which is in need of replacement)
Eade moved to except the Smart Energy Design Assistance report for the Village of Somonauk. With the approval of the expenditures of $12,380.00 for the listings 1-4 above listed in the minutes. Conley seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Conley-yes, McMillen –yes, Eade –yes, Whiteaker -yes, Severson-yes and Nemcek-Button - absent.
Motion Passed
Grandgeorge asked where the money would be taken out of because this came after the budges came out. Morphey stated that Eipers and not mentioned it but feels it would probably come out of Capital Expenses.
Morphey had nothing for Finance. All reports had been completed for the year.
Laws & Ordinance:
Nothing to report for Laws & Ordinance.
Employee Relations:
Conley presented a request from the Police department for a Literature Organizer for the remodeling at the PD for the sum of $294.59. Conley suggested adding $50.00 for shipping.
Conley moved to approve the purchase of a Literature Organizer not to accede $344.59. Severson second the motion the following Trustees voted: Conley-yes, McMillen –yes, Eade –yes, Whiteaker - yes, Severson-yes and Nemcek-Button - absent.
Motion Passed
Streets & Alleys
McMillen: Nothing to report
Building and Grounds:
Nothing to report
Grandgeorge asked for a motion to adjourn.
Conley moved to adjourn. At 6:54 pm. Whiteaker seconded the motion and the following trustees voted: Conley-yes, McMillen- yes, Whiteaker- yes, Brian Severson-yes, Eade-yes and Nemcek-Button-absent.
Motion Passed,%202020%20board%20meeting.pdf