City of Peoria Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations met July 9.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
I. Roll Call
II. Approval of minutes
III. Welcome and wellness check of committee members
IV. Unfinished business
a. Collaborate a 12-month planner of activities for the committee
b. PCAV (continuation)
c. Visit from the Department of Justice
d. Hiring process suggestions
V. New business
a. Format of meetings moving forward – time allotted for discussion, request for agenda items, etc.
b. Complaint policy procedure
i. Review complaints as a committee or sub-committee
ii. What does our procedure look like? We need to outline and solidify our framework to ensure we are prepared and consistent to field complaints.
c. Mock complaint exercise for August meeting
VI. General police update (pending or current citizen complaints, notable stats the committee should be briefed on)
VII. Citizens’ opportunity to address the committee
VIII. Items for the good of the cause
IX. Adjournment