
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Swansea Park Committees Met November 2

Webp meeting240

Village of Swansea Park Committees met Nov. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the committees:

The meeting was held on line due to COVID-19 public health needs Meeting ID: 875 0960 7415 and password: 772664 at https://us04web.zoom.us/1/87509607415 or Zoom App on a mobile device.

Attendees: Board President Leopold, Trustees Lanter, McDonald (joined the meeting at 6:05 pm), McGuire, Neumeyer (joined the meeting at 6:32 pm), Parker & Wells, Treasurer John Walter, Building and Zoning (B&Z) Director Dallas Alley, Police Department (PD) Chief Steven Johnson, Fire Department (FD) Chief Chris Tell, Administrator Ben Schloesser, Director of Public Works Rick Tucker, Clerk Lauren O'Neill. The public was invited to attend.

Motions: Trustees are presented with the individual that made the motion, followed by the person seconding the motion. Votes: Unless noted otherwise, votes are obtained by voice vote (roll call vote involves each voter stating their name and vote) and all votes are aye. Content of meeting is presented within the marks "***".

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE- Held from 7:10 to 7:20 

Co-Chairpersons: Trustees McDonald Neumeyer 

Members: Trustees Lanter, McGuire, Parker, Wells 

1. Executive Session: “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity." 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). – It was noted that an executive session meeting was not required and the meeting was not held in executive session. 

2. New Hire of Code Inspector – The tentative offer contingent on Board approval presented to the candidate after the first round of interviews was turned down. The second round of interviews resulted in the recommendation to hire Eric Heinzl. His qualifications were reviewed and it was noted that he currently also serves as a paid on call FD responder. The position will involve a rate of $19 per hour, with a raise to $19.50 per hour following the successful property management certification and a raise of $3 per hour after the completion of the residential/commercial electrical certifications. It was reviewed that these were the same salary escalators previously presented and that it was expected that this candidate would accept the offer should it be presented. Motion to forward the item to the Board - McDonald, Lanter. 

3. Non Agenda Item - Public Works staffing was reviewed, noting a key employee that is out of the office on medical leave, a potential retirement in the June 2020 timeframe, and the need to on board an operator position as soon as possible with the position requiring training and certifications to address plumbing, electrical, and chemical sewer plant operations. It was noted that the item was not on the agenda and therefore a vote on the item could not occur. There were no objections to posting for the job. It was noted there might be a potential future meeting with the item being noted on the agenda and information regarding the topic reviewed in advance by the personnel committee chairs. It was noted that presently Rick Tucker is working more weekends to provide for the needed management of the sewer plant. 

4. Motion to Adjourn – Lanter, McGuire

FINANCE COMMITTEE- Held from 6:00 to 6:27 

Chairperson: Trustee Lanter 

Members: Trustees McDonald, McGuire, Neumeyer, Parker, Wells

1. Audit Presentation - Kevin Tepen, the auditor for the Village of Swansea reviewed key income, expense, and funds balances of the audit report. He focused on the following pages: page 15 (income statement, TIF, Capital Projects, Special Business District, and other major governmental funds and some significant funds transfers were noted), page 17 (investments and debt), page 18 (Sewer Fund), page 19 (Sewer revenues to expenses, with interest/investment earnings being recognized), and page 72 (Pension Funds). The auditor concluded that the Village of had a solid year with healthy fund balances. The auditor noted that there were no recommendations this year and that Swansea's Finance Manager had done a good job. He also noted that he'd not been on-site as he typically had been for past audit work due to the COVID containment efforts and that this year's review involved offsite reviews of various Swansea documents. It was noted that the Village bought a fire truck for cash and this was a big part of the 900K transfer noted in the report. The income tax receipts were received later than typical, because the filing deadline was moved from April to July. The PD pension was noted as being about 60 percent funded with the FD pension about 82 percent funded. Trustee comment noted that Swansea was making a little headway increasing the percentage of funding for the PD/FD pensions. It was reviewed that currently the PD/FD pensions are mandated to be 90 percent funded by 2040 and that currently no known community is at this level and that there is current state of Illinois efforts to move the percentage funding percentage requirements down and/or extend the year from 2040 to a later date. Swansea was noted as having one of the higher percentages related to PD/FD pension funding compared with neighboring communities. One exception noted was the pension funds pursued in Collinsville, which currently has a significant revenue stream available for PD/FD pension funding. 

2. Discussion Item of IEPA Loan Refinancing – The approximate $10 million loan remaining on the Sewer Plant was reviewed. Potential interest rates associated with refinancing through a loan or bond issuance were reviewed. It was noted that should the Village issue a bond there would be additional costs that could range from $30K to $55K to complete the bond issuance and there would be a requirement for an ordinance to be drafted and approved, with a public hearing to be held in advance of approval. There would also be no capability to pay off early should a bond be issued, and that this constraint was not present with a loan, which could be paid off early should the funds become available to Swansea in the future. The loan scenario provides lower origination costs and early repayment flexibility. A loan would be supported by resolution and there is not a requirement for a public hearing to be held. The potential of having monthly loan payments of two payments a year and that the payment schedule selected might result in about $557K of interest savings over the life of the loan. It was touched on that the November IEPA loan payment was due in about 10 days. There were no objections to the loan refinancing being pursued with a resolution prepared and the associated costs appropriately annotated with the applicable bank. The potential offerings for a loan with the Bank of Springfield and the Bank of Belleville were also reviewed, with the expectation that the Bank of Springfield rates and terms were competitive offerings to be reviewed for Swansea's IEPA loan refinancing needs. The resolution and other items were not yet prepared and would expect to be on a future agenda to allow for committee/board motions and votes. 

3. Draft Resolution / A Resolution Accepting The Proposal Of The Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association, 500 East Capital Drive, PO Box 5180, Springfield, Illinois, 62705 For Workers Comp, Auto Liability & Comprehensive General Liability, Portable Equipment, Auto Physical Damage, And Property Insurance Coverage For The Village Of Swansea, Illinois, Effective January 1, 2021 – One option involved paying the cost upfront and with a 1 percent early payment discount and IML dues the net cost to the Village would be about $174,766. Another option, referred to as the 2021 Min/Max Contribution, has an expected cost to the Village of about $157,721 with the same IML dues. This $157,721 cost would provide a savings to the Village of about $17,045, as long as the Village did not exceed the payout reserves/threshold. It was noted that over the last three years, even with medical issues experienced by Village staff, the Village would have remained under the threshold number of the Min/Max threshold for realizing savings. It was noted that there were still prompt payment 1% discount savings too. The risk to the Village would involve paying about $36K more under the Min/Max option, should the Village exceed the Min/Max threshold related to claims. It was again reviewed that this was not expected to occur. Motion to forward the 2021 Min/Max with prompt payment to the Board – Lanter, Parker

4. Non-Agenda item Tax Levy - It was noted that over the next couple of meetings the committee and board would need to address the tax levy. Wells requested the reports from the various departments on their staffing and overtime usage be provided to the committee/trustees. Schloesser indicated that he would provide the requested information. The Swansea tax levy involves a request for a specific dollar amount. 

5. Motion to adjourn - Lanter, McDonald

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE- Held from 6:27 to 6:32 

Chairperson: Trustee Wells 

Members: Trustees Lanter, McDonald, McGuire, Neumeyer, Parker 

1. September Fire Reports - Wells asked about the FD Report related to Trash/Rubbish burning incidents annotated on the report. Two addresses were noted related to FD actions responding to trash/rubbish burning in violation of Swansea ordinance and EPA laws and regulations. One address was found to be burning a mattress, box springs, and other furniture items. The FD typically requests PD dispatch support in determining the history of the violators' actions and obtaining PD response to write tickets to violators. It was noted that there was discretion related to ticketing/response. The burn pile/contents, violation history, and other items may be taken into account when writing tickets. It was noted that for some FD/PD responses the only action taken by the FD might be to put the fire out and provide a warning. In some situations when the FD arrives the fire may be fully extinguished and the trash/rubbish remnants of the burning less evident than in the situations noted with the FD response to residents burning included on this FD report. The burning of rubbish/trash, such as the burning of a mattress, box springs, and other furniture items carries with it significant health, safety, and environmental concerns. 

2. Board support for the Deputy Clerk Appointment of Stefanie Proffitt / Motion to forward the item to the Board – Wells, McDonald. Wells requested that O'Neill confirm the motion/request. This confirmation was provided. It was noted that the 10-19-20 minutes reflect that Stephanie Proffit will serve as the Deputy Clerk, that there were no objections by the Trustees in this assignment/appointment, acceptance motion/vote could not occur due to the item not being on the agenda for that meeting. O'Neill requested the item be on the agenda, confirming the request that Stephanie Proffitt serve as Deputy Clerk. The Clerk does not manage the duties of the administrative staff and appreciates the management of staff provided by Schloesser, including assignment of staff (Stephanie Proffitt) to serve as the Deputy Clerk and O'Neill appreciates staff such as Stephanie Proffitt serving as the Deputy Clerk. 

3. Motion to adjourn - Lanter, McGuire


Chairperson: Trustee McDonald 

Members: Trustees Lanter, McGuire, Neumeyer, Parker, Wells 

1. Draft Resolution / A Resolution Approving A TIF District #1 Redevelopment Agreement Between Mueller Gass Enterprises, LLC And The Village Of Swansea, Illinois For Site Improvements At 14 North Belt East - McDonald noted that he would be recusing himself from this item due to ownership interests in the property. It was noted that special efforts should be taken to make sure all aspects of review were addressed, especially since McDonald has an ownership interest in the property that would benefit from TIF funds improving the parking, signage, water service, and other upgrades to the property. It was reviewed that the Planning and Zoning Board had no authority over TIF fund applications and therefore there is not a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Board for this request. The TIF fund balance was also reviewed. It was noted that it is general policy that applicants provide documentation of three competitive bids having been obtained and this information was not provided for the present application. It was noted that it would be foolish for the Village to consider the application without three competitive bids, which should be readily available to address asphalt, plumbing, signage, and other work associated with the request. Alley reviewed the rectangle on the drawing that annotated the location for video gaming. While McDonald recused himself from the discussion, he asked whether Aaron Gass, might provide some comments. Aaron Gass noted that he would seek competitive bids and provide the results to the Village of Swansea for the application, and he added that in some cases due to the current COVID environment some companies are not as responsive to bid requests, site visits, and site work. It was noted that no bid responses could be provided to the Village, as well as competitive bid information to support the application. The item will be added to a future agenda. It was noted that there might be potential that a special meeting would be called to address this request when and if a special meeting is called the required 48 hours advance agenda posting/notices would be provided. 

2. Motion to adjourn - Lanter, Wells

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE- Held from 6:43 to 7:07 

Chairperson: Trustee Parker 

Members: Trustees Lanter, McDonald, McGuire, Neumeyer, Wells 

1. Discussion New Hire PD Officer - It was noted that a need for a PD School Resource Officer (SRO) replacement was identified as PD SRO Cheryl Venorsky submitted a retirement letter. It was noted that the retirement letter that was not included on this evening's agenda would be placed on a future agenda. There were no objections to the retirement letter being on a future agenda so that the Committee/Board might formally recognize the retirement letter to be placed on file. It was noted that accepting the resignation letter and placing it on file was relevant to avoid issues that might occur should a resignation letter be rescinded before being recognized and placed on file by Committee and Board actions. The Mayor and other Trustees noted that they supported PD presence in the schools, including in the form of an SRO that can be called to support other PD needs as required. It was reviewed that concerns relate to paying for a PD SRO. It was noted that there have been some recent payments related to having an SRO that may continue into the future from High Mount School and that Wolf Branch School has not been able to provide monetary support for SRO presence due to funds being required to address the school rebuilding and mine-subsidence remediation work. It was noted that PD SRO presence and involvement at the schools is still needed even if schools are not providing direct payments to offset some of the PD officer costs. It was suggested that the while both schools need access to the SRO, High Mount School should receive more SRO access/presence. It was touched upon that there were some COVID salary reimbursements that may be provided to the Village that could in the short term be used to pay for some PD SRO costs. It was noted that the PD office salary costs could be expected to be possibly $40K lower with hiring a new officer as compared to the salary of the currently retiring SRO salary costs. It was also reviewed that in the past there were concerns related to the SRO having an office located near the location where school counselor staff were located. This situation has changed. It was reviewed that the SRO used to have an office and the office/location was near the school counselor, intimidating some people going to see the counselor, and this situation/concern should be avoided in the future. It was reviewed that there are students that attend Whiteside School that live in Swansea. Johnson noted that he would not send PD SRO officers outside the jurisdiction of Swansea and that Whiteside School is located outside the jurisdiction of Swansea. The PD Chief reviewed that the SRO can be pulled from the school as needed to attend to other PD needs. SRO presence at the schools have not been as consistent as in past years due to COVID (school closing and virtual learning). Parker asked for a straw poll to ascertain the support for hiring a new officer to serve as an SRO. All Trustees responded affirmatively that they supported PD officer hiring to serve as a PD SRO. 

2. Motion to adjourn - Wells, McGuire

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE- Meeting not held Chairperson: 

Trustee McGuire 

Members: Trustees Lanter, McDonald, Neumeyer, Parker, Wells

CULTURAL COMMITTEE- Held from 7:07 to 7:10 

Chairperson: Trustee Wells 

Members: Trustees Lanter, McDonald, McGuire, Neumeyer, Parker

1. Schranz Park Request Damascus Road Fellowship Picnic – This item has not been presented yet to the Park Board. The items is expected to be presented to the Park Board at their meeting scheduled for this Saturday. 

2. Non-Agenda Item - Schloesser noted that he just received an email this weekend from Boy School Troop 52 requesting 11/14/20 use of Shranz Park and the TWM building access for use of the restrooms. The request involved the campout for approximately 25 people. It was noted that the Troop should be reminded to provide their requests in advance. The item not being on the agenda was reviewed. Without an item on the agenda, the vote by the Committee or Board is not authorized. Tucker reviewed some limitations due to absence of heat supporting the requested restroom use and some alternatives available related to restroom use needs were touched upon. PD drive by would need to be requested to support the camp event. The Mayor noted that he was okay allowing for the event/activity this year, even without Committee/Board vote on the request. McDonald provided a suggestion for an alternative venue for the event. It was reiterated that in the future the Troop would be requested to provide their requests in advance, allowing the request to be included on the agenda. 

3. Motion to adjourn - Lanter, Wells


Chairperson: Trustee Neumeyer 

Members: Trustees Lanter, McDonald, McGuire, Parker, Wells




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