Woodford County Offices Committee met Dec. 8
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call - Jason Spence, Chuck Nagel, Nathan Schertz, Al Durst, Richard Hill all present.
3. Approval of Minutes
a. Approval of November 17, 2020 regular meeting minutes.
Motion to approve November 17, 2020 minutes made by Nagel, seconded by Schertz.
Motion passed.
4. Public Input
5. Appointments
a. Reappointment of Matt Smith to the 911 Emergency Telephone System Board for a 2 year term expiring the 1st Monday in December 2022.
b. Reappointment of Craig Neal to the 911. Emergency Telephone System Board for a 2 year term expiring the 1st Monday in December 2022.
c. Reappointment of Jess Erkman to the 911 Emergency Telephone System Board for a 2 year term expiring the 1st Monday in December 2022,
d. Reappointment of Kent MoCamless to the 911 Emergency Telephone System Board for a 2 year term expiring the 1st Monday in December 2022.
Motion to approve the reappointments of a-b-e-d made by Hill, seconded by Schertz. Motion passed.
6. Approval of Claims
a. Approval of December claims
Motion to approve the December claims made by Nagel, seconded by Hill. Motion passed.
b. County Board Per Diem Roll Call Vote Per Diems were submitted for Chuck Nägel for $750 and Jerry Smith for $775.
Motion by Schertz to pay the per diems, seconded by Durst, Motion passed.
An explanation was given to the new board members regarding per diem. Each member can be paid $50 for each committee meeting they are assigned to that they attend, and $75 for each board meeting they attend. They can also collect per diem for any outside committee they are assigned to and attend. And they may receive mileage for attending those meetings. Those requests are brought to the committee for approval. It is up to the committee member if they choose to be paid the per diem and how often they wish to turn the claim in. The Treasurer pays the meeting per diems, and the County Clerk pays the mileage. All claims have to be turned in by the first Tuesday of the month in order to make that month's board meeting. It is helpful to turn the year's claims in by October to be paid in the correct fiscal year. As long as the pandemic is with us, members can be paid for attending by zoom also. However, this is only allowed during the pandemic.
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
a. Set meeting schedule for upcoming year
A proposed scheduled meeting calendar was presented. This committee has been meeting at 4:30, but the chairman is a prosecutor in Pekin and often is in court making it hard to get to the meeting at 4:30. He has discussed this with the Finance Committee chairman who meet right after County Offices, and they have agreed to switch times, if this committee agrees. During the budget process we may need to address the time schedule as the Finance meeting tend to go long at that time. The committee is in agreement that they will start meeting at 5:30. Motion to accept the proposed meeting schedule and change the meeting time to 5:30 was made by Schertz, and seconded by Durst.
Motion passed
b. Approval of Resolution 2020/2021-003 approving the Continued Operation of the Office of the State's Attorney Appellate Prosecutor.
This is done every year. The cost is $18,0008 The Appellate Prosecutor lielps if there is a conflict with the State's Attorney office handling a case, with expertise, and any criminal or civil appeal. Motion to approve resolution 2020/21 003 made by Hill, seconded by Schertz.
Motion passed.
9. Budget
10. Other
11. Executive Session (if necessary)
12. Any action coming out of Executive Session
13. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Hill, seconded by Nagel, Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM