City of Peoria Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations Met Nov. 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations met remotely via Zoom with proper notice posted. Chair Allen called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Ali, Allen, Burch, Galvan, Gougis, King, Kramer, Marion, Nguyen, Wilson, and Zagardo. (Guest: Saul Espinal – PPBA representative) Absent: Boone, Burnside, Draper, Greaves, Parks, and Wilson. The chair acknowledged a quorum.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Dr. Ali motioned to approve the October 8, 2020 minutes. Seconded by Member King. The minutes were unanimously approved.
The chair welcomed those in attendance and read the Governor J. B. Pritzker’s Executive Orders 2020- 07 and 2020-39 on the provisions of the Open Meetings Act to allow members of a public body to be physically present during a meeting on the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on social distancing of at least six feet between persons when City Hall is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. However, to fulfill the requirements and recommendations to comply with the Open Meetings Act for the Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations that meets at 5:30 p.m., the notice and agenda were posted on the City’s website and other news media outletswith proper notice that the public may email their comments to by 4:00 p.m., November 11, 2020, to be read at the meeting.
Chair Allen introduced new member Sharon Kramer.
Chair Allen discussed the sub-committee complaint policy draft. He read through the complaint review process, documentation for review, opinion to the Chief of Police, and internal auditing. The floor was opened for discussion. Member Wilson asked about the availability. Chair Allen said that physical copies would be available at the police station as well as online. Dr. Ali recommended using the terminology process/guidelines versus policy and review versus investigation. She also asked about a timeline for theChief’s response for the committee’s recommendation; Chief said that it would be within 14 days. Chair Allen reiterated per the city ordinance the committee would not be involved in the original investigation. Dr. Ali also provided context on how they were formed to recommend not as a citizen review board. Member Gougis asked about the types of documentation available and the timeline for receiving those. Chair Allen said that it would be situational what types of documentation would be available. Chief Marion said that there would be a quicker turnaround for information. Chief Marion suggested that bullet point 2 under documentation for review be changed. The information would be marked (not watermarked) with the members names. Member King recommended changing the word decision to recommendation. Member Gougis also suggested including conflict of interest in the bullet point regarding bias.
Chair Allen updated the committee on the virtual zip code meetings via Zoom. He said that it would have to follow the Open Meetings Act. Overtime was approved by Patrick Urich for 2 city employees to attend the meeting. Chair Allen asked members to have their open meetings act training completed by the December meeting. Members agreed to start with monthly meetings starting January 7, 2021 from 6-7 p.m.
Chief Marion discussed the impound statistics in reference to a citizen comment from the September meeting.
Chief Marion discussed the task force that was formed in response to the roving street parties from July 22 – Aug 22. There were 22 shootings in July, 3 shootings in August and 17 shootings in September. Impounds went up during this time. Chief Marion discussed that there must be probable cause for the stop and the type of situations that would lead up to that. The analyst couldn’t pull by area due to theway the computer system is set up. Chair Allen asked the citizen for more background regarding the incident but hasn’t heard back. Vice Chair Zagardo asked about getting raw data; Chief Marion would have to follow up with city legal.
Chair Allen talked about the police department’s citizen police academy. Members Gougis and Wilson provided their positive feedback.
Chair Allen discussed publicizing the meetings and how they are uploaded to YouTube. He also discussed citizen comments. He recommended emailing the Chair and Vice Chair if a citizen approaches you in the public so their comments can be logged in a spreadsheet.
ADJOURNMENT – Member King moved to adjourn; seconded by Member Wilson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.