Woodford County Conservation, Planning, and Zoning Committee Met Aug. 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order:
2. Roll Call: Blake Parsons, Don Tolan, Jason Spence, Ansel Burditt, Dave Meinhold
3. Approval of Monthly claims:
4. Approval of June 7, 2021, minutes:
5. Review of Executive Session
6. Public Input:
7. Unfinished Business:
8. New Business:
a) Adopt-a-lot for 1267 Millpoint Rd
b) Resolution 2020/21#058 Zoning Administrator longevity step.
9. Planning and Zoning Issues:
10. Executive session (if necessary)
11. Any action coming out of Executive Session:
12. Adjournment