Peoria County Land Use Committee met June 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
MEMBERS PRESENT: James Dillon - Chairperson; Eden Blair – Vice Chairperson, William Watkins, Sharon Williams, Jennifer Groves Allison, Brian Elsasser via telephone
OTHERS PRESENT: Jennie Cordis Boswell – State’s Attorney's Office; Scott Sorrel – County Administration, Andrew Braun, Sarah Cox – Planning & Zoning
Call to Order:
Mr. Dillon called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
A motion to allow Member Elsasser to participate via telephone was made by Dr. Blair and seconded by Mr. Watkins. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (5-0)
Approval of Minutes:
A motion to approve the Land Use Committee minutes from May 24, 2 021 was made by Mr. Watkins and seconded by Ms. Allison. A vote was taken, and the motion carried. (6-0).
Reports/Other Minutes/Updates:
Tri-County Regional Planning Commission Minutes: No questions or comments.
Unsafe Structures: No questions or comments.
Development Summary: No questions or comments.
Mr. Dillon moved to receive and file the reports.
Zoning Cases:
012-21-Z Petition of Refugio L. Dominguez
Dr. Blair made a motion to approve the rezoning request and was seconded by Ms. Williams.
Mr. Braun summarized the case. A Rezoning request from “A-2” Agriculture and “C-2” General Commercial to “I-2” Heavy Industrial. The petitioner proposes to rezone the property in order to bring a truck storage yard into compliance. The case is in district 14, Mr. Elsasser’s district. The subject parcel is located at 19227 Mendenhall Rd., which is section 24 of Princeville Township. There were no consents or objections on file. The petitioner stated that his business has been in operation for more than 17 years. According to the Peoria County imagery, it showed that there were trucks and trailers on the property since at least 2008. Imagery also showed trucks on adjacent parcels and planning and zoning worked with Mr. Dominguez to make sure all trucks are on his property. The subject parcel consists of two machine sheds and acreage used for truck storage. All surrounding properties are zoned “A-2” and the Village of Princeville is approximately 30 feet to the north. Several industrial properties are located in the Village of Princeville, including a truck storage yard, as well as the Princeville Canning Company. This request is consistent with the industrial uses in the surrounding area. According to the petitioner, there is no well or septic system on the property. The Health Department commented that there were no conditions that would cause them to deny the request, but if water service was added, an onsite wastewater system would be required. No new access points are proposed off North Mendenhall Road. The trucking business is used to haul pumpkin crop during harvest season and the trucks are stored at the property when not in use. The petitioner stated that there are about 15 trucks weighing 14,000-15,000 pounds each. There were no comments from the road commissioner. The future land use form is Village. The petitioner’s request fits with the surrounding industrial uses located within the Village of Princeville, and it is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Staff recommended approval and the Zoning Board of Appeals also recommended approval, 5-0.
Mr. Dillon asked if there were any employees that work at the facility full-time and confirmed that there are no restrooms. Mr. Braun stated that there were not, and the parcel is used only for storage.
A vote was taken, and the motion carried. (6-0)
ZBA-2021-000023 Petition of DGS Properties, LLC
Ms. Williams made a motion to approve the rezoning request and was seconded by Mr. Watkins.
Mr. Braun summarized the case. A Rezoning request from "I-1" Light Industrial to “I-2” Heavy Industrial. The petitioner proposes to rezone 6 parcels in order to operate a construction and demolition debris outdoor recycling facility. The case is in District 13, County Board Member Fennell’s district. The subject 19.91 acre site, consisting of lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7a in the Medina Crossing Subdivision, is located at 1720 E. Carlar Ct. in Section 27 of Medina Township. According to the petitioner, clean construction or demolition debris is uncontaminated broken concrete, with or without protruding metal bars, bricks, rock, stone, reclaimed or other asphalt, pavement, or soil, generated from construction or demolition activities. The petition states that the petitioner is an affiliate of Stark Excavating. Lots 2 and 3 are currently vacant and consist of shrubland, lot 6 consists of a paved lot for outdoor material storage, lots 4 and 5 consist of approximately 3.17 acres of row crop production, and lot 7a consists of a vacant field, timber, and part of the Dickison Run Creek. The subject lots are currently zoned “I-1” Light Industrial, the parcels to the north are zoned “A-2” Agriculture. Parcels to the south, west, and east are zoned “I-1” Light Industrial. Land uses to the north, south, and west are agricultural fields, and land use to the east is light industrial. The Galena Road Industrial Park Subdivision is located approximately one-tenth of a mile to the northeast and includes Midwest Fiber Recycling’s Peoria facility. The petitioner’s request is consistent with the nearby heavy industrial uses and zoning of the surrounding area. No conditions were found to cause The Health Department to deny the request. The petitioner has been issued an air permit, from the Illinois EPA, to operate the crushing plant, and proposes to install silt fencing around the perimeter of lots 4 and 5 for erosion control and debris maintenance. Approximately 7.24 acres of the 9.72 acres of lot 7a are located within a 100 year floodplain, and any development in this floodplain would be required to meet floodplain regulations. Based on site plans, stockpiles would be stored on lots 3 and 5, and lot 4 would contain the crushed material when it is brought to the site. No comments have been received from the Medina Township Road Commissioner. The Future Land Use Plan designates this area as Environmental Corridor, Agriculture, and River Freight. Land uses allowable in the River Freight Land Use Form include industrial and mineral extraction. The request is consistent with the recommendation of the County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Peoria County Economic Strategy of generating economic opportunity and stability, promoting economic wellbeing, and encouraging economic vitality and family wage jobs, while managing growth. The request will allow Stark Excavating, which is a company based in Bloomington, to base its Peoria area operations at this site. According to the revised Peoria County Research Management Plan, dated February 23, 2015, Peoria County does not currently have a construction and demolition recycling program. This type of program could be developed and would help the County reach its recycling goals and divert materials from the landfill. Staff recommended approval and the Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval, (5-0)
A vote was taken, and the motion carried. (6-0)
Committee Action
Review of Executive Session Minutes
Ms. Cordis Boswell stated that this is the six month review of the Executive Session Minutes, and it remains the recommendation of the State’s Attorney’s Office that all previously held minutes continue to be held, because the need for confidentiality still exists. All audio recordings of executive session minutes, that are older than two years, should be destroyed unless they pertain to pending litigation.
Dr. Blair made a motion to follow the State’s Attorney’s recommendations and was seconded by Mr. Watkins. A vote was taken, and the motion carried. (6-0)
Mr. Dillon adjourned the meeting at 3:10 p.m.