
Peoria Standard

Sunday, March 16, 2025

City of Peoria JCRJE - Quality Housing Sub-Committee met Dec. 1

City of Peoria JCRJE - Quality Housing Sub-Committee met Dec. 1

Here is the agenda provided by the subcommittee:

1. Call to Order

● Identification of a quorum (6 people)

● Introduction of any guests or visitors

2. Approval of Minutes

● Review and approval of minutes from May 12, 2022 meeting.

3. Informational Items and Reports

● Check-In about OMA certificates

● Information from Co-Chairs meeting

● What is needed to deepen work on previous assignments

4. Discussion/Work Time

● Review data request made to City Manager, Patrick Urich and County Administrator, Scott Sorrell on 9/29/2022 (To date, 11/28/2022, no response)

● Assignments emerging from Co-Chairs Meeting:

o Determine 3-5 key areas of focus for the next year

o Identify what community groups we need to meet with

o Identify what leaders/specialists/outside advisors we need to connect with

o Identify intersections between other subcommittees and set meetings for discussion.

▪ NOTE: We need to connect with Economic Development group to see about their strategy.

▪ NOTE: Check in with Community Health subcommittee to learn about whether there is something in the Community health Assessment that relates to housing?

5. Recommendations to the Steering Committee

6. New Business

● Open to commissioners with new information not included in the above agenda

7. Adjournment
