City of Lewistown City Council met Feb. 28.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Lewistown City Council met in regular session in the council chambers. Mayor Douglas Lafary called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation: Mayor Lafary
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Alderperson Sally Clark, Jim Long, Brad Ward, Kendall Miller, Kim Pascal, and Mayor Doug Lafary. Also present: City Clerk Cindy Goddard, City Treasurer Debby Brown, Public Works Director Evinn Palmer, and City Attorney Nathan Collins. ABSENT: Alderperson John Spotloe
Alderperson Long made a motion to approve the minutes of February 14, 2023, second by Alderperson Clark, the motion carried all ayes.
Report- Going to look into $30,000.00 matching grants they are USDA Rural Development Grants, we can apply for 2, not sure if can get both, going to try for a truck one and one for a skid steer maybe if that is what Evinn wants.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Debbie Brown. Nothing at this time.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Nathan Collins. Nothing.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Keith Plavec. No Engineer present.
Finance/Insurance/Zoning - Alderperson Clark: Had Finance meeting, got everything in order for budget.
Sewer - Alderperson Spotloe: Absent
Streets & Allies - Alderperson Miller: Nothing to report.
Police/ESDA- Alderperson Ward: Nothing to report.
Water Alderperson Miller: Nothing.
Utilities/Publications - Alderperson Long: Nothing to report.
Public Buildings & Grounds - Alderperson Long: Kitchen floor in Visitors Center will be done in house, maybe get old sealer up and put down new one.
Tourism - Alderman Pascal: Nothing to report.
Tax Increment Financing - Alderperson Spotloe: Absent.
Citizens Committee - Amanda Smith - Regarding the Bustos $600,000.00 Water Grant, having a meeting with Evinn Palmer, Joe Carruthers and Keith Plavec. Before being awarded the money the EPA reviews and assess the project, and the environmental information regarding the project. So have to draft the summary and the details are sent in.
Also, potential for park grant, maybe end of May will know something.
Christmas Committee - Kenny Haacke was not present.
WORKS DIRECTOR'S REPORT - Evinn Palmer Director- Just had finance meeting, and working with Amanda Sutphen on Bustos grant. Jetting and working on ditches at this time.
1. Discuss/Act Upon the Coat Closet and the Food Pantry located outside The Visitors Center - Alderperson Clark commended the parents for handling the situation that occurred with the food and box. Also talked to the young men that were involved, praised them for admitting to doing it. Three of the four were present at the council meeting.
2. Discuss/Act Upon Supplemental Maintenance Resolution of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the purpose of Maintaining Streets and Highway - Tabled for revision.
3. Discuss/Act Upon 2023 Maintenance Estimate of Costs for Motor Fuel Tax - Tabled for revision.
4. Discuss/Act Upon the 2023 Engineering Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax - Tabled for revision.
5. Discuss/Act Upon Resolution to Close Main Street for 2023 Christmas Parade on December 2, 2023 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. - Motion by Alderperson Miller to approve the Resolution to Close Main Street for the 2023 Christmas Parade on December 2, 2023 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. from Avenue C to Milton Avenue, second by Alderperson Pascal, motion carried with all ayes.
Alderperson Long made a motion to approve all bills properly endorsed; Seconded by Alderperson Clark roll call vote, the motion carried with all ayes.
CLOSED SESSION: No closed session.
Alderperson Miller made a motion to adjourn at 6:41 p.m.; Seconded by Alderperson Long motion carried all ayes.