City of Peoria JCRJE - Justice Subcommittee met May 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the subcommittee:
1. Call To Order
2. Approve minutes
3. Introduce new members
Debra Davis, Mike Jongerius and Shari Rutherford.
4. Brief review of information obtained since our last meeting
5. Determine future work plan strategy and timeline –
a. Have we now gathered info on all youth violence programs in the county – how to ensure this?
b. How much money is being spent on youth violence prevention in the county?
c. Is there an underlying community strategy on youth violence prevention? How do we find that out? Is that strategy based on valid factors that lead to youth violence?
d. How do we identify gaps and surpluses in youth violence programming in this community – whether this is defined by type of activity or geography?
e. How do we address this with a racial disparity lens?
f. What are other communities doing in this space?
g. Does it make sense to have forums on this issue with high school students? If so, what high schools and when?
6. New Business
7. Adjournment