
Peoria Standard

Saturday, March 15, 2025

City of Peoria Housing Commission met April 13

City of Peoria Housing Commission met April 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


The meeting was called to order at 11:00 upon a quorum arriving by Chair Vaibhav Shah. The meeting was held in hybrid format via GoToMeeting.


Present: Becky Peterson, Shawn Hayes, Regina Morgan, Debbi La Rue, Brian Uhlenhopp, Cheryll Boswell, Jane Genzel

Present via GoToMeeting: Vaibhav Shah, Bree Muehlbauer

Staff Present: Nicole Morrow, Masum Perkins


A motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of the month of March was made by Commissioner La Rue. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Hayes. This motion passed unanimously.


Nicole Morrow initiated an introduction session to acquaint the commission members with the new commission member Bree Muehlbauer.

A representative from the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Gabriel Guevara, introduced themselves to the commission. Gabriel remarked upon their work in the TCRPC as well as the numerous federal grants available that fund projects in the region.


A. Fair Housing Month

a. Proclamation at City Council (3/28/23 Meeting) – Thanks to Cheryll for receiving the proclamation at the meeting.

b. Additional Events being cross-promoted

i. HUD

ii. Human Rights Department

iii. Prairie State Legal Services

B. Housing Presentation from March Council Meeting (2/28/23)- There were no additional comments from the Commission on this council presentation.


A. Summary of Hope Fair Housing Lawsuit Presentation and Annual Nuisance Abatement Report

a. In 2017, HOPE Fair Housing filed complaint against the City, alleging housing discrimination on the basis of race and sex in violation of the Fair Housing Act and the Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003. The City denies any wrongdoing in this matter.

b. This lawsuit centered around the Lexington Hills complex. HOPE Fair Housing alleges that City of Peoria police were selectively enforcing the nuisance ordinance against tenants of the complex. The City negotiated alongside outside council to achieve an agreement/settlement which eliminated additional expenses for the City. The City, as part of the settle, would amend its chronic nuisance ordinance.

c. Summary of Changes: Clarified that domestic violence, sexual assault cannot be a basis for an enforcement of the chronic nuisance ordinance. Tenants are protected from retaliation from landlord. Letters provided during meeting.

d. Officer Hodges and Assistant City Attorney Masum Perkins answered questions regarding police training, resources necessary, letter timeline, and responsibilities of landlords in handling nuisance or potential nuisance issues on their properties.

e. Role of the commission in reviewing the chronic nuisance ordinance letters and whether the letters comply with the ordinance as mandated by the HOPE Fair Housing Lawsuit. The commission will discuss this during the May regular business meeting and provide a report back to staff at the June 2023 meeting.

B. Annual Action Plan and CAPER - Public Comment Period Open through Saturday, April 15th. Commission members were encouraged to review this and follow the instructions for providing public comment should they have any.

C. Affordable Housing Plan - Recap and Continuation

Due to time constraints in the agenda following the presentation, Staff Liaison Morrow moved to table this item to the top of the agenda for the May 2023 meeting.


A. City Council Update

B. May Meeting Topic – Affordable Housing Plan

The Commission concurred to move the meeting time to a regular start time of 11:00 AM.


Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, May 11th, 2023 at 11:30AM

Jane Genzel, Debbie La Rue, motion and second to adjourn the meeting
