City of Peoria Mayor’s Advisory Committee for Citizens with Disabilities met July 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Staff Liaison Green called the meeting to order at 4:10PM.
Roll Call
Present: Vice Chair Berry; Commissioner English; Commissioner Peterson;Commissioner Muehlbauer; Commissioner Gather; Staff Liaison Green.
Not Present: Commissioner Srivnivas; Commissioner Quarles; Chair Hayes (E) Commissioner Schoup (E).
Quorum Established.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
April14th, 2023 Minutes: Commissioner Peterson moved for approval, seconded by Commissioner English. All in favor, none opposed, the motion carries.
New Business
I. Follow up on QA Discussion
English is concerned with the ethics of the monetary system and how it affects those with disabilities by lowering quality of life. Commissioner English would like to revise standards for the banking industry and insurance industry. Commissioner English submitted a lengthy document regarding crypto currency with a focus on local challenges and building equity. Implementation of an inclusive feedback system is important.
Liaison Green: What would an example of implementation be?
Commissioner English: We can use it to our advantage because it can be backed with whatever type of capital we want. We want to use it to create a quality of life.
Commissioner Peterson: Does this commission have financial holdings? No.
Commissioner English: An independent review board is necessary.Commissioner English will provide a report to the commissioners to review.
II. Premise alert
Premise Alert is about letting first responders know who is in the home. We need to determine if Premise alert flags any health issues. Vice Chair Berry reported that premise alert would be helpful for folks who have hearing difficulties. There are some events that we have done that bring out more people to join the program. The goal is to get the information out there.
Commissioner Berry: Diversity Chief Allen may be interested in Premise Alert as well as the police chief.
Action Item: Commissioners will brainstorm who we would want to help advance premise alert program.
Commissioner Muehlbauer: There are two pathways for the stakeholders as well as a process with the police who may encounter people with mental differences, etc.
Premise Alert: At the last count there was 14 people on premise alert according to Commissioner Berry.
Action Item: Vice Chair Berry will make contact with the police liaison to determine where the program is at.
Commissioner Peterson: Recruitment may be low because people are not comfortable leaving their information with the police.
Action Item: recirculate the OMA Link.
Commissioner English: The system is inherently blind and lacking resources to address disabilities.
Commissioner Muehlbauer: Motion to table the sample commissions conversation until the next meeting. Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed, the motion carries.
Commissioner Peterson: We should push guest speakers to the next month (September) because the QA discussion may take a while at the next meeting.
Commissioner Muehlbauer: One of the goals of the commission from 2018 was to educate people on the commission.
III. Next Meeting Items to Discuss:
QA report
Commissions in Other Cities
Guest Speakers
Pamphlet: Commissioner Berry will bring copies of our flyers Business cards
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Commissioner Peterson and seconded by Commissioner Muehlbauer. All in favor, the motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 5:04 PM.
Unfinished Business
Community Input