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Swansea Government Center | Village of Swansea Community and Economic Development | Facebook
Village of Swansea Board of Trustees met March 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Attendees: Board President Michael Leopold, Treasurer John Walter, Village Clerk Tyler Thompson, Village Administrator Ben Schloesser, Trustee Jeff Parker, Trustee Matt Lanter, Trustee Richard “Rocky” McDonald, Trustee Brian Thouvenot, Trustee Cary Lewis, Police Department Chief Matt Blomberg, Fire Department Chief Chris Tell, Director of Public Works Rick Tucker, and Building and Zoning Director Joseph Iliff
Absent: Trustee Marilyn Neumeyer
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Held 6:00 to 6:30
Chair: Trustee Neumeyer; Vice-Chair: Trustee Parker Members: Trustees Lanter, Lewis V, McDonald, Thouvenot
1. Executive Session: Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.” 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). Motion to Enter: Made by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Thouvenot
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Exit: Made by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Thouvenot
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Lewis
Trustee Votes: All ayes
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Held 6:31 to 6:37
Chair: Trustee Lanter; Vice-Chair: Trustee Thouvenot Members: Trustees Lewis V, McDonald, Neumeyer, Parker
1. General Fund Analysis
Trustee Lanter said the revenue was $7.7 million and expenses were $8.1 million so there was a deficit. Sewer revenues were $3.2 million and expenses were $3.6 million so there is a deficit. Trustee Lanter said he has to talk to Michelle about it. Trustee McDonald wanted last year’s January analysis to compare. Trustee McDonald said comparing to last year would give a better feel. The Village Administrator said he could do that. Trustee Lewis asked if the claw back money won’t affect the Village until the next fiscal year. The Village Administrator said that is correct but they don’t have any guidance or raw numbers yet. Trustee McDonald wanted a breakdown on police costs. Trustee McDonald asked if there was overtime. The Village Administrator said Pritzker wants the elimination of the grocery sales tax which is good for the state but will leave a $300,000 to $500,000 hole in the Village’s budget. IML set up a website about the issue and is fighting against it. Board President Leopold said IML suggests people contact their local representatives so Board President Leopold will write letters. The Village Administrator said reducing that tax will hit the Village a minimum of $300,000. The Village Administrator said there was a moratorium during covid on the tax, but the state replaced some of the money to help municipalities and this time there is no replacement.
Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Lanter, seconded by Trustee Lewis
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Chair: Trustee Lewis V.; Vice-Chair: Trustee McDonald Members: Trustees Lanter, Neumeyer, Parker, Thouvenot Meeting Not Held
Chair: Trustee Thouvenot; Vice-Chair: Trustee Lanter Members: Trustees Lewis V, McDonald, Neumeyer, Parker
1. Res. No. _____ A Resolution Accepting The Low Bid Of $39,100 from S. Shafer Excavating, 4212 Sam’s Road, Pontoon Beach, Illinois 62040, for the Demolition of Structures and Clearing of the Properties at 1820 N. Illinois Street, 1900 N. Illinois Street, And 4 Gebhardt Street
Trustee McDonald asked if there were any processing liens. The Village Administrator said he will look into it.
Motion to Forward: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee McDonald
Trustee Votes: All ayes
2. Discussion Item- Auction of Surplus Properties
The Village Administrator said there are some slam dunk properties that they would like to take to sell, and they could go straight to auction, engage in a real estate agent, or advertise. Trustee Thouvenot said for the lot on Arbor Drive the neighbor might like to purchase. For one along 159 he said the Village could put signs out and put it in the Swansea Report. Trustee McDonald asked for the appraised values. The Village Administrator said they can’t sell it for less than 80% of the appraised value unless it goes to auction. Trustee McDonald agreed with Trustee Thouvenot. The Village Administrator asked for a timeline. Trustee Thouvenot said they would know straight away if there is any interest. Trustee Thouvenot asked about the empty lot on North Illinois. The Building and Zoning Director said there was a hair salon there and it is across from a car lot. He said at one point the neighbor next door was interested but he is no longer. The Building and Zoning Director said he could check with the property owners. Trustee Lewis asked about the status of properties that would be torn down. Trustee Thouvenot wanted to finish the scheduled items first. Trustee McDonald asked if anything needs to move to the Board. The Village Administrator said he could bring potential action to the Board. Board President Leopold said to have the signs say to call the Village Administrator.
3. Res. No. _____ A Resolution Approving TIF Funds for High Mount School Freestanding Sign
Trustee Thouvenot said High Mount’s current sign is outdated and in need of replacement. He said usually it is not allowed in a TIF district, but since it is a school district there is leniency. Board President Leopold said that’s not exactly what TIF funds are for but they have tried to support the schools any way they can. The Village Administrator consulted the TIF person and he said schools receive special consideration so it is green lit.
Motion to Forward: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Parker
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee McDonald
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Chair: Trustee Parker; Vice-Chair: Trustee Lewis V. Members: Trustees Lanter, McDonald, Neumeyer, Thouvenot
1. Discussion Item: Vehicle Procurement Plan and Supply/Cost Concerns
Chief Blomberg said they are having issues with cars. One hybrid has been out of service for over 200 days. They have a vehicle replacement plan in action and the three cars for this year are sitting at the dealership so he hopes to have them this month. He said Ford stopped 2024 productions and the base cost of 2025 will be more. He gave the Board some options. One option was to get the 2024 cars at the current pricing and the Village could get them in the fleet by the end of this fiscal year, or they could push it to the next fiscal year. Board President Leopold asked if the ecoboost can handle everything. Chief Blomberg said it can handle it but he would like to go with regular engines. He said if they wait they might lose out on them. It would require a resolution in 2024 to have it in the budget for next year. Trustee McDonald asked how many vehicles they have. Chief Blomberg said 12. He said the department tries to get them replaced every three years and auction them to get some money back. Trustee Thouvenot asked if they would’ve budgeted for the vehicles anyways. Chief Blomberg said yes for more money, but they can lock in the pricing now. Trustee McDonald asked if they need a resolution. The Village Administrator said he can have a resolution at the next meeting.
Motion to Forward to Have a Resolution at the Next Meeting: Made by Trustee McDonald, seconded by Trustee Lewis Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Chair: Trustee McDonald; Vice-Chair: Trustee Parker Members: Trustees Lanter, Lewis V. Neumeyer, Thouvenot
1. Res. No. _____ Resolution of Support for 2024 Community Development Block Grant
The Director of Public Works said this is the grants they have been getting annually to line the sewer lines and it is the same program as last year. They are rehabbing 34 manholes and lining 2200 feet of sewer line. The Director of Public Works said it is part of the capital plan. The Village Administrator said this is a larger programming year than budgeted. Motion to Forward: Made by Trustee McDonald, seconded by Trustee Thouvenot
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee McDonald, seconded by Trustee Thouvenot
Trustee Votes: All ayes
CULTURAL COMMITTEE: Held 6:55 to 7:08
Chair: Trustee Lewis V.; Vice-Chair: Trustee McDonald Members: Trustees Lanter, Neumeyer, Parker, Thouvenot 1. Citizens Helping Citizens – President Joseph Williams
Joseph was present. He came tonight because his program is for summer jobs for those aged 16 to 24 and he saw a Village advertisement for seasonal jobs. He would like to combine his program with these jobs for the summer and subsidize the labor. He also wants to create a community based alarm system to help solve crime in hot spot police areas. He worked with state police in East Saint Louis in placing cameras. Board President Leopold asked if has a card. He did not so Board President Leopold asked him to get in touch with the Director of Public Works and the Police Chief. The Village Administrator gave him a card. Chief Blomberg gave him a card as well. Trustee Lewis said Joseph is a Swansea resident. Trustee Lewis said some residents present wanted to speak. There were some residents from Castle Hills and they said there is a maintenance issue with a bridge and erosion. They said the drainage pipe that goes under a road is sinking and lake water is draining out more than it should. They want the Village to address the issue of the pipe and road sinking down. A member of the public said when it rains it washes out and the road is sinking with holes under the street. Another member of the public said the lake catches water runoff and they have been trying to keep it clean, but the chemicals runoff in the rain. Trustee Lewis said he thinks keeping Swansea looking nice is important and they should bring back an estimate. Board President Leopold asked if TWM looked at it. The Director of Public Works said this is the first time he’s heard of this. Trustee McDonald said one of the residents came through his committee last time and if the Village pays for maintenance of every lake, then it would have to do that for everyone and then the Village would have to raise taxes. A member of the public said it’s the Village’s property. Another member of the public said they are addressing it as a maintenance issue. Board President Leopold asked TWM to take a look at it before they go further so they know what they are dealing with. Another member of the public said they understand and they are willing to use chemicals, but it would be helpful for the Village to look. Board President Leopold said the engineer will go out.
Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Lewis, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Chair: Trustee Neumeyer; Vice-Chair: Trustee Lanter Members: Trustees Lewis V, McDonald, Parker, Thouvenot Meeting Not Held
Attendees: Board President Michael Leopold, Treasurer John Walter, Village Clerk Tyler Thompson, Village Administrator Ben Schloesser, Trustee Jeff Parker, Trustee Matt Lanter, Trustee Richard “Rocky” McDonald, Trustee Brian Thouvenot, Trustee Cary Lewis, Police Department Chief Matt Blomberg, Fire Department Chief Chris Tell, Director of Public Works Rick Tucker, and Building and Zoning Director Joseph Iliff
Absent: Trustee Marilyn Neumeyer
I) Call to Order
II) Pledge Allegiance to The Flag
III) Roll Call
IV) Approval of Minutes
1. Board Minutes- February 20, 2024
2. Committee Minutes- February 20, 2024
Motion to Approve: Made by Trustee Lanter, seconded by Trustee Parker
Trustee Votes: All ayes
V) Acceptance of Minutes
VI) Mayor’s Announcements/Correspondence
He got an email from the Village Attorney that on May 7th there is a hearing about the Llewellyn issue. Nothing is decided it is just a hearing. They will decide how fast they want to rule. The Village Attorney said the ruling could come in the summer or fall. He told the Village Administrator to call the members of the public that are usually present.
VII) Village Attorney/Village Administrator-Announcements/Comments
The Village Administrator said he met with the County Engineer and Swansea’s engineer about Jennings Station to coordinate egress about a stop light. More calculations need to be done then they will reconvene. He did not receive a pre annexation draft from the Triple Lakes development but he anticipates getting it this week. He was not able to attend the Ameren meeting about the new gas pipeline but he got some literature from them. No other community representatives were there. There will be more opportunities for input in the coming months. Trustee Thouvenot attended the public part of the meeting. He said the proposal has it coming down Thouvenot Lane by Hartman Lakes it would be cutting through HSHS properties which would make it undevelopable. He said it is a fifty foot easement and there couldn’t be housing put there if it happened. Trustee Thouvenot wanted feedback to go to Ameren about it. The Village Administrator said it is planned for 2028. Trustee Thouvenot said property acquisition starts next year. The Village Administrator said he will be taking a vacation next week but they can reach out.
VIII) Treasurer’s Report
The report is still in progress. They have preliminary numbers and the Treasurer met with Michelle. They hope to have it by next meeting. Board President Leopold said he tried to get Emily to come back and help but she wouldn’t.
IX) Public Comment
A member of the public asked permission to stay where he lives in the woods by a road. He said Eric had been out there. The Building and Zoning Director said it’s by the bike trail. Chief Blomberg said it’s a homeless camp and they were served a notice to vacate. Board President Leopold asked if anyone has a list of places where a homeless person can go. Trustee Lewis said Saint Vincent de Paul. Board President Leopold said he can’t stay where he currently is but they can give him suggestions on where to go. Trustee Thouvenot asked if he had military background and the member of the public said no. Chief Blomberg said there are some churches. The member of the public said Eric was very nice when he spoke to him. Board President Leopold said they will find him a spot and told him to stop by the police department so Chief Blomberg can help.
X) Report of Committees
A) Personnel Committee – Nothing Requested
A. Finance Committee Report – Comments
1. Approval of Bills
Motion to Approve: Made by Trustee Lanter, seconded by Trustee Thouvenot
Trustee Votes: All ayes
2. General Fund Analysis
Done during committee.
B. Judiciary Committee – Nothing Requested
C. Community & Economic Development- Comments
1. Ord. No. 1954 An Ordinance Granting A Special Use Permit For Day Care Center At 1 Corporate Drive
Motion to Read: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Accept: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Parker
Trustee Votes: All ayes
2. Res. No. 1-2607 A Resolution Accepting The Low Bid Of $39,100 from S. Shafer Excavating, 4212 Sam’s Road, Pontoon Beach, Illinois 62040, for the Demolition of Structures and Clearing of the Properties at 1820 N. Illinois Street, 1900 N. Illinois Street, And 4 Gebhardt Street
Trustee McDonald asked if they checked the status. The Village Administrator said they are not in arears. Trustee McDonald wanted to tag trees that need to be taken out. The Village Administrator said they have done so for these.
Motion to Read: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Parker
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Approve: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
3. Res. No. 1-2608 A Resolution Approving TIF Funds for High Mount School Freestanding Sign
It was changed to not to exceed $31,480. The Village Administrator said in the code of ordinances it does not allow off site advertising and there are some exceptions. He said staff thinks it’s a little restrictive and there’s a person that wants to do some. He said having it be too restrictive would be problematic and the court often finds in favor of applicants because of freedom of speech. He thinks it could help local businesses and there could be an ordinance at the next meeting. Board President Leopold asked how Swansea stacks up to other communities. Trustee Lanter said most don’t allow it and Swansea could end up with signs everywhere. He said a proposed ordinance failed that would’ve had signs showing businesses on Service Street. He said it’s a good idea but they have to be careful so there aren’t signs everywhere. Board President Leopold said to check with other communities then come back to the Board with a suggestion. Trustee McDonald asked if a special use permit could be done. The Director of Public Works said it could be. Board President Leopold said to come back with suggestions.
Motion to Read: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Approve With Changes: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Lewis
Trustee Votes: All ayes
D. Public Safety Committee – Nothing Requested
E. Public Works Committee – Comments
1. Res. No. 1-2609 Resolution of Support for 2024 Community Development Block Grant
Motion to Read: Made by Trustee McDonald, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Accept: Made by Trustee McDonald, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
F. Cultural Committee – Nothing Requested
G. Swansea Report Committee – Nothing Requested
XI) Old Business
Trustee Parker said there were gas problems on 16th Street and he, the Director of Public Works, the Village Administrator, and the Deputy Chief went out there. He commended those who helped. He said the Deputy Chief did good with his first incident. Chief Tell said it did not come from BP and the state fire marshal and an EPA representative came out to do checks. He said someone might’ve poured stale gas or flammable liquid into the sewer system and he doesn’t think anyone would admit to it. He said some there were fumes from the lift station on Western and they got the lid off it so the vapors dissipated. The water test did not show flammable liquid. The Village Administrator said Friday morning there was a meeting about what could be done differently but things went well. Trustee Parker said there was a four block evacuation and a resident said she had a headache for the last few days so Ben Sullins checked her house and found a significant gas leak by the furnace, which hadn’t turned on yet. He said Ben stopped a major problem. Board President Leopold thanked everyone. Trustee Lewis asked about 23 Gilbert and another house. The Building and Zoning Director said there is asbestos abatement then they can begin demolition. They will have it done in a few days. Trustee McDonald said a house on Brackett has cars and a truck in the yard. The Building and Zoning Director said that’s already a code case and he could check the day. Trustee McDonald said an LLC rents it and said to notify the actual property owner. He asked about a house on Clair Street and said a car hasn’t moved in months. The Building and Zoning Director said he has the addresses. Trustee McDonald said there are blocks stacked up that kids are playing on. The Village Administrator said currently demolition permits are open for six months and asked if the Board would like to shorten the window. Board President Leopold said yes. The Village Administrator said he will bring an ordinance at the next meeting. Trustee McDonald asked about two mobile home parks and said they have cleaned up a lot. He said one lot has mold and asked about Pleasant Valley. The Building and Zoning Director said Swansea and the state have told them to clean up to get their license. Trustee McDonald asked if the Village did anything about the place across from leisure pool because the garage was open and there was an encampment. The Director of Public Works said he and Trustee McDonald spoke about it and he sent someone out, but they didn’t find anything. Trustee McDonald said sometimes the door is open and sometimes it is not. The Building and Zoning Director said Eric checked it out and contacted the owner, but he doesn’t know if the owner has secured the door. Trustee Parker asked the Village Administrator and Fire Chief if they came up with something to give the Village teeth about tearing down burnt down buildings. Chief Tell said he and the Building and Zoning Director have been working on an ordinance to adopt the 2020 fire code and building code to give the fire department some more regulations. Chief Tell said it would have to go through zoning. He has reached out to other communities about what they have redacted from the code. Trustee Parker asked the Building and Zoning Director to call Madison and ask for the Mayor and said they are very aggressive about getting homes down.
XII) New Business
XIII) Announcements
XIV) Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Lanter, seconded by Trustee Parker Trustee Votes: All ayes