
Peoria Standard

Monday, January 27, 2025

Peoria County Board - Land Use Committee met March 25

Webp 10

Camille Coates, Board Member - District 2 | Peoria County Website

Camille Coates, Board Member - District 2 | Peoria County Website

Peoria County Board - Land Use Committee met March 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Rosenbohm – Chairperson, Linda Daley – Vice Chairperson, James Dillon, Terry Ruhland, Sharon Williams, Matt Windish

MEMBERS ABSENT: Eden Blair, Daniel Kelch

OTHERS PRESENT: Jennie Cordis Boswell - State's Attorney's Office; Scott Sorrel, Shauna Musselman - County Administration; Heather McCord – Finance; Andrew Braun - Planning & Zoning

Call to Order:

Mr. Rosenbohm called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:

A motion to approve the Land Use Committee minutes from February 26, 2024, was made by Ms. Daley and seconded by Ms. Williams. A vote was taken on the motion and carried. (6-0)

Reports/ Other Minutes/Updates:

Tri-County Regional Planning Commission Minutes: No questions or comments. Unsafe Structures: No questions or comments.

Development Summary: No questions or comments.

Mr. Rosenbohm motioned to receive and file the reports.

Zoning Cases:

ZBA-2024-005, Petition of John Parshall

Ms. Williams made a motion to approve the special use request and was seconded by Ms. Daley.

Mr. Braun summarized the case. A rezoning request from “R-2” Medium Density Residential to “C 2” General Commercial. The petitioner proposes to rezone 0.31 acres in order to bring an existing automobile repair business parking lot into compliance. The petitioner owns and operates Trivoli Sales, Trailer, and Auto Repair on the adjacent parcel to the east. This particular parcel is used as a parking area to stage and store automobiles awaiting repair. He has operated from this location for the last nine years. It came to the department's attention that he was not in compliance. The goal with this rezoning case is to bring that parcel into compliance. There were 18 consents from citizens in the area. The parcel is located on West Farmington Road in Trivoli Township. The petitioner is not proposing any new access points along West Farmington Road, so there should be minimal impact on local traffic patterns. Staff recommended approval. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval 7-0.

Mr. Rosenbohm asked if there were any questions, and there were none.

A vote was taken on the motion and carried (6-0)

ZBA-2024-009, Petition of Four Creeks, LLC

Ms. Daley made a motion to approve the special use request and was seconded by Mr. Windish.

Mr. Braun summarized the case. This is a request for special use to install a temporary meteorological tower to record and measure wind data for up to 3 years. MET towers collect data, measuring wind speed, wind direction, ground level, relative, humidity, and air temperature. The data is then transmitted by cellular link, requiring no on-site personnel. The tower is located in the southwest corner of the property on West Lorance Road in Millbrook Township. Surrounding parcels are all zoned Ag. The nearest single-family dwelling is about 870 feet to the southwest. There was a LESA conducted on this parcel which scored a low rating for agricultural protection. 1.6 acres will be taken out of production for this use; however, it could still be used for other crops that do not require machinery for harvesting, such as pumpkins. According to the petitioner, installation will only take one day, and is completed with a pickup truck and trailer. Staff recommended approval. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval 7-0.

Mr. Rosenbohm asked if there were any questions, and there were none.

Mr. Dillon asked if the petitioner was present. Mr. Braun stated that he was not. Mr. Dillon found it unusual that the developer was not present. Mr. Braun stated that the petitioner was encouraged to attend but did not know why they weren’t present.

Ms. Daley asked if this tower was disassembled, would the developer be responsible for the costs. Mr. Braun stated that the developer would be responsible but likened the tower to an antenna and there was no decommissioning plan required.

A vote was taken on the motion and carried (6-0)

ZBA-2024-013, Petition of Michael P. Cochran

Ms. Williams made a motion to approve the special use request and was seconded by Ms. Daley.

Mr. Braun summarized the case. This is a rezoning request from “A-2” Agriculture to “R-R” Rural Residential. The petitioner proposes to rezone 31.947 acres in order to subdivide the property into seven lots intended for single residences. Those lots would range from 1.972 acres to 11.095 acres. The subject property is located off West Lamplighter Lane in Kickapoo Township. To the southeast and west, the land use is residential consisting of approximately 65 residential lots including the Cobblestone Estate Subdivision and four other subdivisions. Within those subdivisions, lots range from 1.01 to 14.97 acres. So, the resulting request is consistent with the surrounding area. A LESA was conducted on this parcel which scored a low rating for ag protection. The owner testified that he would continue farming the two northern lots which are 11 and 10 acres. The subject parcel has access to public water; however, septic systems would be required for each lot if developed. Each of the proposed lots would have individual frontage along Lamplighter Lane which is a township road. There were no comments from the Township Road Commissioner. Staff recommended approval. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval 7-0.

Mr. Braun noted there were two consents and three objections from adjacent property owners. One of which had concerns about stormwater runoff to her property to the east. Another individual had concerns about traffic impacts, drainage into the Cobblestone Estates lake, impact on public water supply, and setting a precedence for further development in this area. Another objection was in regard to decreased property values as a result of the development. Mr. Braun stated the petitioner was present.

Mr. Rosenbohm asked if there were any questions.

Ms. Daley asked if there would be further permits required if the lots were developed. Mr. Braun stated that this case just approves the split of the land and additional permits would be required at the time of development.

A vote was taken on the motion and carried (6-0)

Public Comment;




Adjournment: Mr. Rosenbohm adjourned the meeting at 4:11 p.m.
