
Peoria Standard

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

City of Peoria City Council met May 14

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Peoria City Council | City of Peoria Website

Peoria City Council | City of Peoria Website

City of Peoria City Council met May 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A Regular Meeting of the Joint City Council and Town Board of Peoria, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 6:00 PM at City Hall, Council Chambers (Room 400), 419 Fulton Street, with Mayor A" presiding, and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call showed the following Council Members were present: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11; Absent: None.


Mayor Ali requested a moment of silent prayer or reflection, and then she led the pledge of allegiance.


Council Member Riggenbach moved to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2024, City Council Meeting, as printed; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: ,Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali— 11;

Nays: None.


(24-128) Communication from Town Officials With a Request to Set a Special Meeting of the Township Electors for June 11, 2024, at 6:00 P.M., at City Hall, Council Chambers, and to Approve the Attached Agenda for a Special Meeting of the Township Electors.

Trustee Grayeb moved to approve a request to set a Special Meeting of the Township Electors for June 11, 2024, at 6:00 P.M., at City Hall, Council Chambers and to approve the attached agenda for a Special Meeting of the Township Electors; seconded by Trustee Riggenbach.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Chairwoman A|i — 11;

Nays: None.

(24-129) Request From Town Officials to Approve a Resolution Certifying the Submission of an Advisory Question of Public Policy to Electors at the November 5, 2024, General Election, Approved by the Town Electors at the April 9, 2024, Annual Town Meeting.

After he said the advisory question for the November general election ballot was regarding ranked choice voting, Trustee Grayeb moved to approve a Resolution certifying the submission of an advisory question of public policy to Electors at the November 5, 2024, General Election, approved by the Town Electors at the April 9, 2024, Annual Town Meeting; seconded by Trustee Jackson.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, ChainNoman Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

(24-130) Request from the Town Officials to Approve the April 2024 Actual Expenditures and to Approve the May 2024 Anticipated Expenditures for the Town of the City of Peoria.

Trustee Grayeb moved to approve the April 2024 actual expenditures and to approve the May 2024 anticipated expenditures for the Town of the City of Peoria; seconded by Trustee Gordon Young.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Chain/voman Ali — 11;

Nays: None.



(24-131) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Approve the Funding Recommendations from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services Commission for the 2024 Non-Profit Capital Program.

(24-132) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Human Resources * with a Request to Approve Existing Liability Insurance Coverages, Cyber Liability Coverage, Crime Coverage and Service Fee, with the City's Existing Broker of Record, Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, in an Amount Not to Exceed $809,370.00.

(24-133) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, in an Amount Not to Exceed $600,000.00, for the Native Planting — Orange Prairie Detention Basin Restoration. (District 4)

(24-134) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve the First Amendment to Master Services Agreement #22- 395-P with Prairie Engineers Authorizing an Extension, Not to Exceed the Amount of $400,000.00, to Continue Engineering Services Throughout the City of Peoria. (All Council Districts)

(24-135) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: (Council District 3)

A. Approve a Local Agency Agreement for the Jurisdictional Transfer of Sterling Avenue, from US Route 150 (War Memorial Drive) to Scenic Drive, from the County Highway System to the Municipal Street System; and,

B. Adopt Ordinance No. 18,168 Approving the Transfer of a Portion of Sterling Avenue, from US Route 150 (War Memorial Drive) to Scenic Drive, from the County Highway System to the Municipal Street System.

(24-117) Communication from the City Manager and Assistant City Manager with a Request for the Following: (District 1)

A. Adopt Ordinance No. 18,169 to Approve the Redevelopment Plan and Project for the Proposed Distillery Tax Increment Financing District (TIF); and,

B. Adopt Ordinance No. 18,170 to Designate the Redevelopment Project Area for the Proposed Distillery Tax Increment Financing District (TlF); and,

C. Adopt Ordinance No. 18,171 to Approve Tax Increment Allocation Financing for the Proposed Distillery Tax Increment Financing District (TIF).

(24-118) Communication from the City Manager and Assistant City Manager with a Request for the Following: (District 5)

A. Adopt Ordinance No. 18,172 to Approve the Redevelopment Plan and Project for the Proposed Galena Road Industrial Park Tax Increment Financing District (TIF); and,

B. Adopt Ordinance No. 18,173 to Designate the Redevelopment Project Area for the Proposed Galena Road Industrial Park Tax Increment Financing District (TlF); and,

C. Adopt Ordinance No. 18,174 to Approve Tax Increment Allocation Financing for the Proposed Galena Road Industrial Park Tax Increment Financing District (TIF).

(24-136) Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Peoria and the Board of Education of Peoria Public Schools District 150, an Illinois School District, Regarding the Distillery Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. (Council District 1)

(24-137) Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Peoria and the Board of Education of Peoria Heights Community Unit School District No. 325, an Illinois School District, Regarding the Galena Road Industrial Park Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. (Council District 5)

(24-138) Re-Appointment by Mayor Ali to the Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees with a Request to Concur: Norman Burdick (Voting) - Term Expires 05/12/2026

(24-139) Reappointment by Mayor Ali to the Downtown Development Corporation with a Request to Concur: Representative Ryan Spain (Voting) - Term Expires 04/30/2027 Zachary Oyler (Voting) - Term Expires 04/30/2025

Mayor Aliquestioned ifthe Council wished to have any of the Consent Agenda items removed for further discussion.

Council Member Kelly requested Item No. 24-132 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.

Council Member Cyr moved to approve the Consent Agenda items as outlined in the Council Communications; seconded by Council Member Velpula.

Item Nos. 24-117, 24-118, and Item Nos. 24-131 through 24-139 (excluding Item No 24- 132, which was removed for further discussion) were approved by roll call vote under the Omnibus Vote Designation.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

(24-132) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Human Resources * with a Request to Approve Existing Liability Insurance Coverages, Cyber Liability Coverage, Crime Coverage and Service Fee, with the City's Existing Broker of Record, Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, in an Amount Not to Exceed $809,370.00.

Council Member Kelly questioned why the premiums were significantly higher than previous years and asked ifit was accounted for in the 2024-2025 Biennial Budget. Interim Assistant Human Resources Director Ed Hopkins explained how Finance Director Cratty anticipated the rising cost of insurance coverages and allocated an additional 20% in the budget to cover the increase in cost.

Council Member Kelly moved to approve existing liabilityinsurance coverages, cyber liability coverage, crime coverage and service fee, with the City’s existing broker of record, Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services, in an amount not to exceed $809,370.00; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali 11,

Nays: None.


(24-013) Communication from the City Manager, Corporation Counsel, and Director of Public Works with a Request to Receive and File a First Reading of an Ordinance Establishing the W. Lamont Avenue Special Service Area. (Council District 2)

Corporation Counsel Hayes gave a brief overview of the item, noting that due to an error in the legal description, the process of approving this Special Service Area had started over. He said the project was not delayed by the error, and having received no objections from residents, the process would proceed.

Council Member Grayeb moved to receive and file a first reading of an ordinance establishing the W. Lamont Avenue Special Service Area; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Received and filed by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

CLERK'8 NOTE: Item No. 24-013 will be placed on the 05/28/2024 City Council Meeting Agenda for consideration of adoption.


(24-140) Communication from the City Manager and Chief of Police with a Request to Approve the Sole Source Purchase of One Used Vehicle from a Peoria Based Auto Group for an Amount Not to Exceed $30,000.00. (Requires 2I3 Vote of Council Members Voting — No Less Than 6 Votes)

City Manager Urich explained this purchase was for a vehicle for the Special Investigations Division of the Police Department.

Council Member Oyler moved to approve the sole source purchase of one used vehicle from a Peoria based auto group for an amount not to exceed $30,000.00; seconded by Council Member Cyr.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon—Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11,

Nays: None.

(24-141) Communication from the City Manager and Chief of Police with a Request to Approve the Distribution of Funds to Purchase Cameras and Other Electronic Equipment for Five Camera Trailers, with DCEO Grant Funds in the Amount of $82,500.00. (Requires 2/3 Vote of Council Members Voting — No Less Than 6 Votes)

Police Chief Eric Echevarria said the Council approved the purchase of the trailers in 2023, and he said this was a request to purchase the electronic equipment required to equip the trailers for their intended use. He said the trailers were replacing the two obsolete Armadillo vehicles, noting the trailers were a cost-effective solution compared to two used armored trucks. He explained how the trailers worked well for surveillance and he commented on their high visibility look. Chief Echevarria thanked the Information Systems Department Staff, Lieutenant Esser, and Captain Briggs for their efforts making a successful prototype to be replicated on the remaining 5 trailers.

Council Member Oyler moved to approve the distribution of funds to purchase cameras and other electronic equipment for five camera trailers, with DCEO grant funds, in the amount of $82,500.00; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Council Member Jackson inquired about the effectiveness of the trailers and how the Police Department planned to use them. After he stated the camera trailers were very effective at surveillance, Chief Echevarria said the Police Department received numerous requests from the community for the Armadillo vehicles, and that they planned to use these new surveillance trailers as much as possible.

After she mentioned she saw one of the new trailers at a recent Boys and Girls Club event, Council Member Gordon—Young asked what the trailers would achieve in Peoria. Lt. Esser explained how trailers were placed in areas requested by citizens or areas identified with problems, and he described factors that might lead to the trailer placed to deter and record criminal activity. Lt. Esser said the trailers had solar panel powered batteries so they could be parked for a long time, noting that without the solar panels, the batteries lasted 2-3 days. He said on average the Armadillos were placed in one area for approximately one week.

In response to Council Member Kelly regarding charging the trailers, Chief Echevarria said the Police Department had the means to recharge the trailers and make sure they were able to be replaced in the community.

Motion to approve the distribution of funds to purchase cameras and other electronic equipment for five camera trailers, with DCEO grant funds, in the amount of $82,500.00, was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11,

Nays: None.

(24-142) Communication from the City Manager and Fire Chief with a Request for the Following:

A. Accept the Small Equipment Grant from the Office of the State Fire Marshal in the Amount of $23,430.00; and,

B. Adopt an Ordinance Amending the City of Peoria 2024-2025 Biennial Budget Relating to the General Fund to Recognize the Receipt of a Grant for Small Equipment from the Office of the State Fire Marshall for $23,430.00. (Requires 2I3 Vote of Council Members Voting - No Less than 6 Votes)

Fire Chief Sollberger explained the State Fire Marshal offered this grant every year and the funds would be utilized to purchase more protective equipment for the Fire Department.

Council Member Allen moved to accept the Small Equipment Grant from the Office of the State Fire Marshall in the Amount of $23,430.00; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali— 11;

Nays: None.

Council Member Allen moved to adopt an ordinance amending the City of Peoria 2024-2025 Biennial Budget relating to the general fund to recognize the receipt of a grant for small equipment from the Office of the State Fire Marshal for $23,430.00; seconded by Council Member Gordon-Young.

Ordinance No. 18,175 was adopted by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali— 11;

Nays: None.

(24-143) Communication from the City Manager, Corporation Counsel, and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following:

A. Approve an Amendment to the Landfill 2 Agreement with Waste Management, Inc., Pending Review and Approval by the States Attorney's Office; and.

B. Adopt an Ordinance Amending the City of Peoria 2024-2025 Biennial Budget Relating to the Solid Waste Fund for Additional Work from Foth for Multiple Added Services in the Amount of $100,000.00. (Requires 213 Vote of Council Members Voting - No Less than 6 Votes)

City Manager Urich explained Staff requested a deferral of this item to the June 11, 2024, Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting. He explained the series of events starting in early April 2024 when the States Attorney’s Office, acting as legal counsel for the Peoria City/County Landfill Committee, served notice to GFL Environmental Inc. (GFL) regarding a breach of the Landfill Agreement. City Manager Urich said the Peoria City/County Lanfill Committee requested this item to be presented to the Council regarding an amendment to the Landfill 2 Agreement with a Budget Amendment. He said on May 9, 2024, City and County officials met with GFL, noting the meeting went positively, and he stated Patrick Dovigi, CEO of GFL, said the company planned to honor the agreement with the City and County regarding Landfill 3. City Manager Urich explained GFL wanted to follow the agreed upon gate rate which would provide financial savings to Peoria citizens, stating a post-closure care plan and fund would be implemented for each landfill, as well as a plan to create a citizen’s convenience center to accept household hazardous waste. City Manager Urich said GFL preferred to start work on Landfill 3 once the Indian Creek Landfill in Tazewell County was full; however, he said that was still in negotiations. He said he felt encouraged by this development, but additional meetings would be needed to work out the details.

After Council Member Kelly praised City Manager Urich and Corporation Counsel Hayes for their progress with GFL, he asked how far behind progress was on the construction of Landfill 3. City Manager Urich said based on the current rate of waste being deposited into Landfill2, it would be at capacity by the end of 2024. He said the construction of Landfill 3 was most likely 2- 3 years into the future, and he explained a few options on what to do with the waste moving forward, depending on what was decided with GFL.

Council Member Kelly moved to defer an amendment to the Landfill2 Agreement with Waste Management, Inc., pending review and approval by the States Attorney's Office 30 days; seconded by Council Member Riggenbach.

Council Member Riggenbach expressed his appreciation to see the progress being made with GFL and said he understood the huge burden on the Peoria City/County Landfill Committee to find a solution.

Council Member Vespa said he was encouraged by this update, but expressed concern regarding the promises made by GFL and said the City should proceed with caution.

Motion to defer an amendment to the Landfill 2 Agreement with Waste Management was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali— 11;

Nays: None.

Council Member Kelly moved to defer an ordinance amending the City of Peoria 2024-2025 Biennial Budget relating to the Solid Waste Fund for additional work from Foth for multiple added services in the amount of $100,000.00 for 30 days; seconded by Council Member Riggenbach.

Motion to defer was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

CLERK'SNOTE: Item No. 24-143 will be placed on the June 11, 2024, Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting Agenda.

(24-144) Communication from the City Manager and Finance Director/Comptroller with a Request for the Following:

A. Accept a Grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) for Public Safety and Economic Development, in the Amount of $250,000.00; and,

B. Approve a Grant to Southside Community United for Change for the Annual Litter Clean Up Program, in the Amount of $50,000.00.

City Manager Urich explained the remaining $200,000.00 from the DCEO grant would be used for Mayor Ali’ssummer internship program.

Mayor Alithanked IllinoisSenator Dave Koehler for his assistance in receiving this grant money.

Council Member Jackson said she would abstain from voting due to her involvement with the Southside Community United for Change.

Council Member Allen moved to accept a grant from the IllinoisDepartment of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) for public safety and economic development, in the amount of $250,000.00; seconded by Council Member Gordon-Young.

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 10;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Jackson 1

Council Member Allen moved to approve a grant to Southside Community United for Change for the annual litter clean up program, in the amount of $50,000.00; seconded by Council Member Gordon-Young.

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Alien, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 10;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Jackson — 1.

(24-145) Communication from the City Manager and Finance Director/Comptroller with a Request to Receive and File the Month-Ended March 31, 2024, Unaudited Financial Report.

Finance Director Cratty gave a brief overview of the unaudited Financial Report, explaining the numbers through March only account for 9% of City revenues for the year and the upcoming reports should provide a clearer picture of what to expect from yearly revenues. Director Cratty said expenditures showed accelerated spending due to approaching deadlines to spend American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Discussions were held regarding Personal Property Replacement Taxes (PPRT) estimated payments, including how much the City would receive and how this affected Public Safety Pension payments. Director Cratty explained the volatility of PPRT with further reductions expected in the coming years. He said Public Safety Pensions were funded by property taxes, with PPRT and any remaining amount of the required contribution allocated from general fund. He said with less PPRT money coming in, the shortfall would come from property taxes or the general fund.

In response to Council Member Cyr regarding interest earnings for 2024, Director Cratty said to expect less earnings in the range of $4,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00.

Discussions were held regarding the debt issued on behalf of the Civic Center. Director Cratty explained how the Hotel, Restaurant and Amusement taxes were used and the bonds for the Civic Center from 2008 would be paid off in 2028, creating a savings in 2029 due to debt restructuring.

Council Member Cyr requested a Report Back on the potential Grocery Tax shortfall, specifically requesting creative ideas on how to address the shortfall without raising taxes on citizens.

After Council Member Cyr inquired about the large account balance in the Stormwater Utility Fund, City Manager Urich said the funding was spent on many projects in the City to fix drainage issues, road maintenance, and replacing sidewalks.

Mayor Ali said the City had worked closely with the Illinois Municipal League on the potential elimination of the grocery tax and said several strategies were being considered.

Council Member Cyr moved to receive and file the month-ended March 31, 2024, unaudited financial report; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Received and filed by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen,Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

UNFINISHEDBUSINESS Including but Not Limited to Motions to Reconsider Items if An from the Previous Regular Meeting

Crime-Free Housin Ordinance Prohibition Lg islation

Council Member Grayeb asked Corporation Counsel Hayes to provide a Report Back regarding the proposed Crime-Free Housing Ordinance under Senate Bill3680 and House Bill and 5432 which would limit Home Rule Authority.

Corporation Counsel Hayes said the bills remained active in Springfield with the deadline extended until the end of the week in the Senate Committee and on the floor of the Senate. He explained City Staff met with a local realtor’s group who said another amendment would be filed, which was not yet available. Counsel Hayes said additional sponsors were now supporting the bills, and he explained how the Illinois Municipal League was taking an active role in opposing the proposed legislation and lobbying on behalf of Illinois municipalities. He said provisions of the bills extended beyond the protection of the Illinois Human Rights Act, noting the City’s ordinance was in full compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act. Counsel Hayes stated he would remain engaged in the process, and he said local State Representatives were aware of the City’s position.

Council Member Riggenbach said he was a member of the Housing Commission and there were discussions regarding the Crime-Free Housing Ordinance proposed legislation at a recent meeting. He explained there was confusion expressed regarding the City’s position on the legislation and some support was voiced in favor of the legislation. Council Member Riggenbach asked Corporation Counsel to provide information to the Housing Commission for clarity


Safe Zones Block Part at Morton Square Park

Council Member Riggenbach said the Peoria Police Department and Peoria Friendship House were hosting a Safe Zones Block Party at Morton Square Park on Friday May 17, 2024, from 4:00-7:00 PM. He invited everyone to attend, noting it provided a great outreach opportunity for Police and non-profit organizations working together to build relationships in the community.

Thanks to the Public Works Department

Council Member Riggenbach thanked the Public Works Department for the spring plantings in Fulton Plaza, and he said he enjoyed spending time there.

Building Code Standards

Council Member Kelly stated he wanted to inform citizens that the building code standards the City utilized were also used by all the neighboring communities.

Senate Bill 2936 Pro e Tax Abatement

Council Member Kelly said he recently met with Illinois Representative Ryan Spain who sponsored Senate Bill2936. He explained the bill had passed the Illinois Senate and was scheduled to be voted on in the Illinois House of Representatives that week. Council Member Kelly said Representative Jehan Gordon-Booth and Representative Travis Weaver co sponsored the bill, noting he was glad for the local support.

Graduation 2024

Council Member Allen congratulated the local graduates from the Peoria area high schools, Illinois Central College, and Bradley University on their accomplishments.

Pendind Resignation of Treasurer Ste hen Morris

Mayor Aliread an email she received on Wednesday May 8, 2024, from City Treasurer Stephen Morris about his intent to resign his position as Treasurer. She said he cited professional and personal reasons for his resignation, and he felt the Treasurer’s Office was in capable hands with Deputy Treasurer Kayla Casey and Staff. She said the advice from Corporation Counsel Hayes on how to choose someone to fulfill the unexpired term due to the exemption of Deputy Treasurer Kayla Casey from appointment eligibility due to her residency outside of City boundaries. Mayor Ali said she wanted to appoint a qualified person to the role and asked the Council for their assistance.


Mayor Ali granted privilege of the floor to citizens wishing to address the Peoria City Council or Town Board.

Joyce Blumenshine, a concerned citizen, reminded the Council of the concerns from community members regarding the Distillery TIF and the potential for the construction of a 002 pipeline. She provided a warning of the dangers when a 002 pipeline ruptured.

Tara Wood, a concerned citizen, said it was the 76thanniversary of the Nakba, which marked the first violent diaspora of Palestinians. She said 15,000 Palestinians were killed during that time while others were violently ripped from their homes. Ms. Wood explained it was important to remember this event, noting the relevance during the ongoing conflict.

Hassan Naroo a concerned citizen, said he was encouraged by the Council’s approach to City finances, but he said he was disappointed his tax dollars supported Israel during the conflict with Palestine. He explained the history regarding the creation of Israel by the United Nations, and he said he wished tax dollars would not be used to fund Israel’s apartheid state, urging the City Council to consider a ceasefire resolution.

Adam Kattom, a concerned citizen, said he was a member of Peoria for Palestine and stated the continued plan to attend City Council Meetings to speak regarding the Israel and Palestine conflict. He stated he did not want his tax dollars sent to foreign governments like Israel and would prefer the money stayed local.

Tiffan Williams a concerned citizen, said she recently acquired a home and was asked to make improvements by a judge. She explained interactions with City Staff regarding a potential demolition of the property and she said she was appealing to the Council for assistance in resolving the issue.

Wesley Henry, a concerned citizen, said he owned property in the City of Peoria and he said he was in conflict with Code Enforcement regarding a fence height. He said he felt he was unfairly targeted and asked the Council to help resolve the problem.


Consideration of a Motion for the City Council to enter into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act to discuss 2 (c)(5) the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired; and 2(c)(21) discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for the purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.

Council Member Gordon-Young moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act to discuss 2 (c)(5) the purchase of real property for the use of the public body, including discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired; and 2(c)(21) discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for the purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.


Council Member Gordon-Young moved to adjourn the May 14, 2024, Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

The May 14, 2024, Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.




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