
Peoria Standard

Sunday, March 16, 2025

City of El Paso Judiciary Committee met July 1

Webp 4

City of El Paso Mayor JW Price | City of El Paso

City of El Paso Mayor JW Price | City of El Paso

City of El Paso Judiciary Committee met July 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Judiciary Committee Meeting was called to order by Chairman Mary Ellen Kilpatrick at 6:00 pm.

Roll call was taken with Council Members Mary Ellen Kilpatrick and Brandon Barker present. Absent was Thad Mool.

Others present were Director of Public Service, Barry Kauther and Administrative Assistant, Sandee Kessinger managing the Zoom meeting.

Discussion was on §315-107 "Exemptions from permit requirements" from the Municipal Code Book. The Committee recommended to delete the last portion of the sentence so it will now read: No building permit is required for routine maintenance or repairs of buildings, structures or equipment, such as painting, reroofing or replacing broken or deteriorated parts.

A motion was made by Barker and seconded by Kilpatrick to recommend the change to the City Council.

A motion was made by Kilpatrick and seconded by Barker to adjourn the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm.
