City of El Paso Mayor JW Price | City of El Paso
City of El Paso Mayor JW Price | City of El Paso
City of El Paso Zoning Board of Appeals met Oct. 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call:
Mary Wilkey
Chris Gentes
Renee Donaldson
Maureen Drake
Ken Faulk
John Landrus
4. Agenda:
A. Area variance request and possible recommendation for Steve and Marylin Unger who are requesting for 698 E. 6th Street. The application is requesting that eight-foot variance on the north side of their principal building (resident) to build a porch. Under Residential A-1 District 315-31 yards for principle building the distance required is 30 feet to the nearest right-away, or 63 feet from the center of the road. The variance request of eight feet would reduce the distance to 55 feet from the center of the road.
The request application is for property at 698 E. 6th Street, El Paso, IL 61738. Legal Description: T26N-R2E-S05 PT of BLK 1 Gibson Addition in the City of El Paso, Woodford County, Illinois 61738. Tax Parcel ID 16-05- 408-031.
5. Public Comments
6. Adjourn