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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Swansea Village Committees met Nov. 18

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Swansea Government Center | Village of Swansea Community and Economic Development | Facebook

Village of Swansea Village Committees met Nov. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the committees:

Attendees: Board President Michael Leopold, Village Clerk Tyler Thompson, Treasurer John Walter, Trustee Marilyn Neumeyer, Trustee Jeff Parker, Trustee Matt Lanter, Trustee Brian Thouvenot, Trustee Richard “Rocky” McDonald, Trustee Cary Lewis, Police Department Chief Matt Blomberg, Fire Department Chief Doug Little, Director of Public Works Rick Tucker and Building and Zoning Director Greg Anderson

Absent: Village Administrator Ben Schloesser

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Held 6:00 to 6:34

Chair: Trustee Parker; Vice-Chair: Trustee Parker

Members: Trustees Lanter, Lewis V, McDonald, Thouvenot

1. Executive Session: “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.” 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). Trustee McDonald asked if they are going in for the union contract negotiations. Board President Leopold said no. Motion to Enter: Made by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Neumeyer

Trustee Votes: All ayes

Motion to Exit: Made by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Thouvenot

Trustee Votes: All ayes

2. Discussion Item: Union Contract Negotiations

Trustee McDonald said they spoke about union contract negotiations during the executive session.

Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Lewis

Trustee Votes: All ayes

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Held 6:34 to 7:04

Chair: Trustee Lanter; Vice-Chair: Trustee Thouvenot

Members: Trustees Lewis V, McDonald, Neumeyer, Parker

1. General Fund Analysis

Trustee McDonald wanted a modified sewer revenue analysis to see how much goes to different categories. The Finance Manager said ok. Trustee Thouvenot said he appreciates the answers to his questions about the police revenue. He asked how far over budget they will be about the Loop Trail. The Finance Manager said it will not be over budget because they are transferring from the general fund and she gave an amended capital projects paper. She said it is moved to fund the projects and enough was budgeted.

2. Discussion – 2024 Tax Levy

Trustee Lanter said everyone has had time to look at it. Trustee McDonald asked why the actual increase is -69%. The Treasurer said -0.69%. Trustee Lanter said the top chart says taxes will go up 4.99% and the rest of it is estimates about information the County gave and the County goes through their process about EAV and they have sole control. The County gave what they think the EAV will be. He said the EAV is going up so based on the increased value it will be a very minor decrease, but it can vary by a couple percentage points. Trustee McDonald asked if the median value of houses factors into the assessed value. The Treasurer said individual taxes can go down if the EAV goes up. He said people will see a decrease in their taxes even though the Village is getting more money. Trustee Lanter said that is correct. The Treasurer said there are new developments. Trustee Lewis said overall the Village is worth more. Trustee Lanter said correct. Trustee Lewis said individually each house might not be worth more. The Treasurer said yes. Trustee McDonald asked if the Village will have the funds it needs for next year. Trustee Thouvenot asked if it will be enough with the pay increases in mind. Trustee Lanter said that is a good question and they are trying to set up a budget that doesn’t take effect until May. Trustee Thouvenot said if they go above 4.99% they have to have a public meeting and it sounds like they need to go above 5%. Trustee Thouvenot said if they need more they need to reassess. Trustee McDonald said some legal fees were not calculated into the previous budget. Board President Leopold said he doesn’t think it can be done at 4.99% and asked the Finance Manager if they can estimate future costs for the police union and staff pay increases. The Finance Manager said she can run some scenarios. Board President Leopold asked the Finance Manager to give estimations and get a better understanding. Trustee McDonald said the public will have the chance to give their input. A member of the public said these expenses are already in the works so the Village isn’t asking the public. Board President Leopold said if they go over 5% they have to have a public hearing. Trustee McDonald said there are some expenses that might not go forward. The member of the public said it is not time for raises. A member of the public asked if the Village receives the money levied. Board President Leopold said yes. The member of the public asked about veteran’s property tax relief reimbursement. Board President Leopold said yes the Village gets that. Trustee Lanter said they have projections for that and the last budget was approved before that program was approved. The member of the public asked where that money went. Trustee Lanter said it went into the general fund and gets divvied up. He said some went into the pensions. The member of the public said they should have more money than they budgeted. Trustee Lanter said this year it is built into the budget. The member of the public asked where the money will go. Trustee Lanter said the majority went to pensions. The member of the public said they already budget for pensions. Trustee Lanter said it is divided into percentages and they can’t just use it for anything. The member of the public said the budgeted money was paid for. Trustee Lanter said it is not a lump sum. Trustee McDonald said he asked where the money went and these are restricted funds. He asked if it had to go into those accounts. The Finance Manager said yes. The Treasurer said the amount levied is not all the revenue so the Village might be short in other categories so it is not exactly an extra amount of money. The member of the public said they should move the extra money to funds where it needs it. A member of the public said that money should go to other things, not what was already budgeted for. Trustee Thouvenot said the Board heard from an analyst that the pension funds need more funding and it can keep property taxes lower in the future. He said they can’t keep kicking the can down the road. He said the discussion is whether they can cover the costs coming in the future. The member of the public said they are getting extra money in the future. Board President Leopold said that is factored in the budget. Trustee McDonald said they need to see the other projected incomes. A member of the public asked how they decide where the money goes to. Trustee Lanter said it is pre allocated. The member of the public asked who decides that. Trustee Thouvenot said it is automatic. A member of the public asked if the police get bonuses. Board President Leopold said in the past when there was ARPA funds all employees got bonuses. He said there are no bonuses in the contract and there will be a negotiation that will take likely months. Trustee McDonald said bonuses have been paid in the past but it was not unanimous. A member of the public asked when the budget will be done. Trustee Lanter said the fiscal year starts May 1. The member of the public said they have to guess how much money they need for the budget. Board President Leopold said yes. Trustee McDonald said the budget doesn’t change much and numbers need to be plugged in. Trustee Parker said there are many variables such as sales tax which can go down, or things can happen at the sewer plant so it is hard to plan ahead. Board President Leopold said the Finance Manager will give them information and there will be increased expenses for next year. Trustee Lanter said he will meet with the Finance Manager for some scenarios and give the information. Trustee McDonald asked when it has to be approved by. The Finance Manager said New Years Eve but if they are going over 5% they would need to make the decision no later than the ninth of December. Trustee Lanter said it is an ordinance so it needs two meetings.

Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Lanter, seconded by Trustee Neumeyer

Trustee Votes: All ayes


Chair: Trustee Lewis V.; Vice-Chair: Trustee McDonald

Members: Trustees Lanter, Neumeyer, Parker, Thouvenot

Meeting Not Held


Chair: Trustee Thouvenot; Vice-Chair: Trustee Lanter

Members: Trustees Lewis V, McDonald, Neumeyer, Parker

1. Res. No. _____ A Resolution Approving The Planned Business Submittal For 1341 N. Illinois Street In Accordance With The Zoning Regulations Of The Village Of Swansea

The Building and Zoning Administrator said he has a presentation that was material from the planning and zoning meeting. The zoning is PB and the proposed use is a used auto dealer. He said PB requires some submissions which the applications did submit. He said the north east portion of the lot will likely not have enough clearance and that was an issue with the software so clearance for all vehicles will be there. There will be 18 parking spaces and 12 used vehicles. The business plan will be a buy here pay here model but might have financing options. They will have new paint, security cameras, and new signs. He said the planning and zoning board voted 4 to 2 in favor with no extra stipulations. Trustee Thouvenot asked if the applicants had anything to say. The applicants said they will keep it nice and they won’t be junky cars. They figured it would be a good location and the lot has been vacant for a while. Trustee Thouvenot asked if this was their first place. One of the applicants said he has worked in selling cars but this is their first lot. The other applicant said he has worked in online sales before. Trustee Neumeyer said she read the papers and there was a possibility of three entrances and exits. She asked how they would handle multiple people. The applicants said there are three customer parking spots and it will mostly be walk ins, but they will figure it out. They said one of them will always be there so they can direct traffic if needed. Trustee Lewis said it isn’t good to say they will figure it out if needed. Trustee McDonald said the statement said it will not be a buy here location because it can cause a hassle. The applicants said that was the first statement, but they revised it. Trustee McDonald said their own statement says it will be a hassle. The applicants said this is their first business and people tried to scare them away from the buy here pay here model. Board President Leopold asked if it attracts the wrong crowd. The applicants said some people can’t afford to pay cash for cars so there wouldn’t be much business in that case. A member of the public asked how they will prove they will have a quality product. She said most buy here pay here places are junk. The applicants said they give a warranty and anything can go wrong at any time. Trustee Lewis asked why the Village should trust them. One of the applicants said he has two kids and he needs to feed his family. He said his mom is going to retire soon and he wanted to follow in her footsteps of being a business owner. Trustee Thouvenot said he appreciates the consideration of beautifying the lot. The applicants said they will clean it up. A member of the public asked if they approved it being a buy here pay here. The Building and Zoning Administrator said they approved it after they changed to buy here pay here. Trustee McDonald asked if they are insuring the vehicle. The applicants said yes. Trustee McDonald said some places give collateral not liability insurance and he has seen people be taken advantage of. Trustee Thouvenot said it is admirable goals but there is a lot more to it than that and there was a previous applicant that was denied. Trustee Lewis said he hopes Swansea will invest in them.

Motion to Forward: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Lewis

Trustee Votes: Trustee McDonald no the others ayes

2. An Ord. _____ An Ordinance Granting A Special Use Permit For A Duplex At 204 Castellano Drive The Building and Zoning Administrator said the applicant is present. The zoning is MR2 and it is a single family home. They want a special use permit for a duplex. Duplexes are a special use for MR2 and the planning and zoning board was in favor of the change, but they wanted a second means of egress on the back patio and said off street parking might be an issue. He said the code states if a building’s use is going to change then off street parking facilities would need to be provided. Board President Leopold asked if there is enough space. The Building and Zoning Administrator said space is limited so it is a valid concern. Trustee Thouvenot asked if the applicant has owned it long and if it is an investment property. The applicant said both and she plans to keep the bottom unit. She said there are around 4 parking spaces. Trustee Thouvenot said there is already some multifamily there. The Building and Zoning Administrator said the duplexes there were built as. Trustee Thouvenot said she wants to build the second floor into a unit. Trustee Thouvenot asked if parking needs to be spread out or if they can stack it in the driveway. The Building and Zoning Administrator said that is allowed. Trustee Thouvenot asked if there will be exterior renovation. The applicant said the back deck is being renovated but they won’t have a fence like she hoped. She said a lot of work is needed inside because it was a drug house. Board President Leopold asked how many bedrooms. The applicant said 3 bedrooms. Trustee Lanter said that neighborhood has been in decline for years and adding more rentals does not help since the owner can sell her unit so it would be both rentals. He doesn’t think adding more rentals would be good. Trustee Thouvenot said it is right next to the biggest vacant property where there are a lot of break ins so he thinks it should be looked at differently. Trustee McDonald is afraid of precedent being set because it might cause others to split their houses in half, and he is afraid of the parking issue. He said 6 bedrooms with possibly two people in each bedroom would be a lot of cars. Trustee McDonald said if they approved this they couldn’t deny others in the future and he recommends against approving it. He said there are duplexes set up for that. The applicant said that many cars would be allowed if it was styled as a single family house. Trustee McDonald said there are only 3 bedrooms right now not 6. Trustee Lanter said they have to forward it then take action to deny it.

Motion to Forward: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee McDonald

Trustee Votes: All ayes

3. An Ord. _____ An Ordinance Amending 154.080: PB – Planned Business District Regarding Special Uses The Building and Zoning Administrator said it crosses out one item that was incorrect.

Motion to Forward: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee Lanter

Trustee Votes: All ayes

4. Res. No. _____ A Resolution Approving The Variance Request For 1705 Kinsella Avenue In Accordance With The Zoning Regulations Of The Village Of Swansea

The Building and Zoning Administrator said the applicant is present and it is SR3 zoning. The applicant wants a variance for a front yard setback and he is on a corner so he has two front yards. His fence would meet all requirements except for one side so he would need a variance. He said fences in front yards are allowed if it is under 3ft, but this is a unique circumstance because it is a corner lot. The applicant said he wants to put up a decorative fence and they put room to not block the stop sign. It will be wood and stained to match the house. The applicant has been there since July and it is their fifth house in Swansea, but they want to stay in this one. A member of the public said if they approve this then many people will ask the same thing. Trustee Lewis said that could be an HOA problem in his neighborhood. Trustee Lewis said he has been to many HOA meetings and they often don’t care what the trustees say. The Building and Zoning Administrator said for these applicants it is quite the opposite because these applicants are going through the right process while there are places in Old Swansea that already have fences up to the property line. Trustee Thouvenot said there is consideration and they have to protect things as best they can. He said reclassifying homes compared to variances are different.

Motion to Forward: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee McDonald

Trustee Votes: All ayes

Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee McDonald

Trustee Votes: All ayes


Chair: Trustee Parker; Vice-Chair: Trustee Lewis V.

Members: Trustees Lanter, McDonald, Neumeyer, Thouvenot

Meeting Not Held


Chair: Trustee McDonald; Vice-Chair: Trustee Parker

Members: Trustees Lanter, Lewis V. Neumeyer, Thouvenot

1. Discussion Item: Capital Item Recommendations FY26

Trustee McDonald said he will discuss this with the Director of Public Works and the Village Administrator. Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee McDonald, seconded by Trustee Thouvenot

Trustee Votes: All ayes

CULTURAL COMMITTEE: Held 7:36 to 7:38

Chair: Trustee Lewis V.; Vice-Chair: Trustee McDonald

Members: Trustees Lanter, Neumeyer, Parker, Thouvenot

1. Trustee Lewis wanted to give the Building and Zoning Administrator a shout out for the work he has done. Trustee Lewis said they care about the Village employees and the work they are doing. Board President Leopold said there is a certificate for Eric Heinzl as well. Board President Leopold thanked them.


Chair: Trustee Neumeyer; Vice-Chair: Trustee Lanter

Members: Trustees Lewis V, McDonald, Parker, Thouvenot

Meeting Not Held




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